Stephanie1 1 point ago +1 / -0

ok. On another thought, I think all women should be taught to carry, slash/shoot if they are subject to a violent assault. Most offenders walk because its always a he said she said. She almost always loses. They should be conditioned to strike as soon as possible on location following a violation and following standard protocols studied to secure a judicial pass and then he will be forced to explain why he is the victim if he can still carry on. It's time to end all this nonsense

Stephanie1 6 points ago +6 / -0

They better be right when they convict and not have some lying child being coached by an evil mother.

Stephanie1 9 points ago +9 / -0

When Attorney David Schoen was defending Trump in his impeachment trial, the succeeding days of argument were beautifully crafted and majestic looking. However, online I only saw clips where the majestic chambers were missing. Anyone know where the televised and beauful video of Attorney Schoens work can be revewed?

BTW I never understood that Bannon was following his attorney's direction. Great statement. Scary that the court is controlled and railroading us.

Stephanie1 2 points ago +2 / -0

And I'm gonna remind my local city council to say no to their deviant behavior. My ignorant city council participated in the local city action plan. They sucked up the language of walkable cities. But really the greed of the businessmen on the council were just trying to increase outdoor sidewalks for dining for their own restaurant businesses. Cabal planning plus self interest by city council members and what we have us a bunch of monkeys fashioning their own spot in the global zoo

Stephanie1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Go to the climate action plan by Obama where he crippled our energy independence. Then go to the climate action plan for the air where they touted clean fuels for planes while enabling geogineering thru the united nation definition of cirrus cloud. This geoenginerring opened the path for weather warfare and destroying our biosphere...the earth to the sky. Then go to the climate action plan over the ocean where the solution to climate action emergencies is to turn over our land and waters to unlimited international control. And where they want to control everything on land and sea that impacts the climate....which they claim us everything. So by default everything we do will be controlled by the new world order.......... they wish......over my dead body. The whole plan began decades ago and it was a hoax to persuade us we had to turn control of our country over to these globalist. They are betting on no one studying to progression of the climate action plan farce. Kek

Stephanie1 7 points ago +7 / -0

Lol. I once saw a Craigslist ad for a muscular man who wanted to do my housework in the buff. I was so tempted to contact him because I needed some places cleaned.

Stephanie1 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is a human being related to one of us being tortured by being fused with pig body. People tell your senators to stop this. There are other likely humans kept in this tortured state. Don't let the evil ones convince you of a subclass of humans and the need for a new constitution. They want to equatr us to animals.

Stephanie1 4 points ago +4 / -0

So did they all give sworn and recorded testimony before coming out?

Stephanie1 2 points ago +2 / -0

After a car accident I was unable to comprehend read or speak much. But with exercise that raises the heart rate. Brain healthy supplements. Heart healthy diet, and removing as many toxins as possible from my environment I experienced great strides within a year. I didn't get it all back. 85 percent. So there is hope. Each person just needs to go for it.

Stephanie1 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's bored. Everything came too easy and he never had to pay for much. He's looking to fight for something worthwhile but was too lazy to find a worthwhile cause. So something worthless found him.

Stephanie1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree, it didn't seem like he was going to finish drawing out Any weapon. It was as If his hand stalled in his jacket and the police could have taken him in without killing him. I think the reason for his visit and his military experiwnce affected the quick shoot decision too.

Stephanie1 3 points ago +3 / -0

How would ff training by fbi put trainees in danger since it won't happen during training session. At least you will be able to report what they say. Or is it that fbi would train them to do something that enabled a false flag?

Stephanie1 9 points ago +9 / -0

Sometimes God sends an angel to save your life. May that rapist burn in hell

Stephanie1 6 points ago +6 / -0

How can he be 100 percent protected if he is locked in a cell where they can kill him thru the air vents or what not? They'd have to change all the staff and kick everyone else out and establish a perimeter around the building

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