Suicidal-cali-ped 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gotcha. Thank you. I forget about the audio file option but I do think that will help if I can not read text.

Suicidal-cali-ped 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gotcha alright I've actually planned on reading at least 1 chapter a night. I want to spiritually heal myself because currently spiritually I feel broken. Even though I have a great job and can take care of myself I still feel empty.

Suicidal-cali-ped 5 points ago +5 / -0

Gonna start reading the Bible soon. Quick question to anyone should I read the King James version? Or the Geneva version? I've been trying to find out since I've noticed there may be some concerns with the King James version.

Suicidal-cali-ped 6 points ago +6 / -0

What will our financial system be after the current one including the Fed are done? Will everyone's debt still be active with this new financial system? Will the IRS finally be removed?

Suicidal-cali-ped 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do not believe she is the best you'll get. You, my brother, can better yourself and you'll get better. That being said establish boundaries with her. She'll tell you she wants a man with traditional values and all that, but is she willing to be a traditional woman in the relationship? When you establish your boundaries for the relationship see how she reacts. From there you'll know if she'll respect your boundaries or not. From there the decision moving forward should be clear.

Suicidal-cali-ped 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didn't know about the 1800s thanks for the info on that one. As for Cali yeah I hope this whole Q plan completely removes destroys and outright obliterate single mother benefits so the tax burden can finally lighten on those actually working. Single fathers are not praised, single fathers are ignored, and single fathers get out right rejected from government benefits iirc because it's not the main narrative. Most of those guys have no choice but to survive without government health. Yet you don't hear about how strong these fathers are.

Suicidal-cali-ped 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep and that's what the cabal wants. No more strong father's protecting their children, no more mothers at home nurturing their children, and no more strong nuclear families. With the cost of living requiring both mother and father to work the state will now raise the kids at the indoctrination camp that's called "public school"

Suicidal-cali-ped 2 points ago +2 / -0

More and more the deep state wants to destroy the nuclear family. The first step was to go after the wives and promise everything under the sun as long as the father was out of the house. Then came the "free love" movement of the 70s that turned what was supposed to be only for the honeymoon into something that's given away to the first tom dick and harry that wants it. Single motherhood is at an all time high. Unfortunately with the single motherhood comes the fact that we are now paying for those mistakes out of our hard earned dime. California is the worst when it comes to that due to the fact that they offer free government money to single moms. Though I do notice this. You rarely ever hear about single fathers. Single fathers are never praised for raising their kids alone. Only single moms.

Suicidal-cali-ped 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's what's more sinister about social media. You can find many a story of a woman who followed a woman on (for example) Tik Tok that pushes the "open marriage" idea. Practically praising infidelity in a marriage as a good thing. That cheating on her husband is empowering to their marriage. From there a marriage immediately is over because now the current "thing" is constant infidelity. That being "free and allowed to find herself" is empowering. That's the current push to destroy the nuclear family and lonely unmarried/divorced feminists lie to married women that this is what they should have as part of a marriage. That they should be free to sleep with someone that isn't their husband. From there we have another bitter angry old cat lady that regrets divorcing/cheating on her husband and because she can't have a happy marriage she'll do the same with social media to try and convince someone else to make the same mistakes she made. Misery loves company. Angry 40 yr old cat ladies want nothing more than for every other woman to be as miserable as she is.

Suicidal-cali-ped 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's why I stopped watching x22 report... Outside of the high number of ads he has in the videos I've just slowly realized that until the shoe drops and the "white hats", "patriots" or whatever they're called actually do something then it's best to just try to survive during this dying economy. I'd rather avoid being homeless even though that's what the DS wants.

Suicidal-cali-ped 1 point ago +1 / -0

Starting to make more sense now.

Suicidal-cali-ped 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well definitely the people in 2015 that were all, "feel the bern!." Those that wanted him but higher up democrats were desperate to have Clinton.

Suicidal-cali-ped 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fact that Bernie sanders is on that list... Wow... The guy everyone worshipped around 2015-2016. Interesting how he's no longer even an after thought anymore. Just another politician asking for free money from the populace. Now that he's on the list he really is what he's wanted to be. A DC politician.

Suicidal-cali-ped 2 points ago +2 / -0

Glad I'm not the only one. Been wondering about it for a while. If BOA crashing is true we'll see what happens to all the debt accumulated.

Suicidal-cali-ped 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm curious if the bank collapse will nuke all bank debt? Bank goes. Does the debt go too?

Suicidal-cali-ped 1 point ago +1 / -0

Until society respects the family structure and most of all respects the role of a father then this ain't worth fixing. Unfortunately we live in a society where single motherhood and fatherless homes is celebrated. As it stands the father of a household, from what I've seen, is viewed as a 2nd class citizen by the courts and by the populace.

Suicidal-cali-ped 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's missing one. The DMV hates you and your cars.

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