Hilarious move
Discover? They already know.
Didn’t this happen months ago?
“After hearing”? Something tells me this is not news to President Trump.
Is that Ivanka?
Clean up crew coming in.
Don’t just cut their spending. Eliminate them.
What party will she run with? Independent?
Date is no coincidence, I’m sure.
Gotcha. You know, I bet they would rather pay off politicians than kill babies, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it does cut down a little on the abortions, just so they can keep the money flowing into the DNC, but I do see your point.
So what’s the “however” in your statement for. It sounds like they should be totally defunded of tax funds. Unfortunately, demonic satanic pedophile billionaires will still dump money into and thorough them, but if I’m not paying for it, then I’ll take it as a start.
Her governor race was suspect. I hope they have some evidence to look at there as well
No deals! Please, no deals.
Not enough.
No quarter
The big pandemic lie was to get Trump out of office to save the liberal world order.
Didn’t she do a live town hall on CNN the day this post was made.
Fair enough.
Ukraine had nuclear weapons for a long time. They supposedly gave them up.
I’m noticing something here.
Border? They’re busy busing illegals and processing their voter registrations.
Ooooh, now we’re talking.
No, he’s a crazy liberal.