Survey_girl 7 points ago +7 / -0

Part of FL's problem is the insane insurance rates. We built our house about 20 years ago and the rates have been around 2k per year... this year is was around 6k for the same policy! We upped our deductible to 10k and got our rate down to 3k. I can see how between insurance and the higher interest rates, a normal person trying to buy a house is unobtainable. And around us, a 20 year old double wide trailer on 5 acres is going for 250k and more. That would have been around 100k a few years ago.

On top of all that, because of the ridiculous home prices, the property taxes have gone sky high as well. It is really pricing a lot of normal people out of home ownership.

Survey_girl 24 points ago +24 / -0

Same with the Parkland shooting... teachers were reporting men in military garb in the hallways... while the "shooter" was getting some McD's at the walmart down the street.

Survey_girl 6 points ago +6 / -0

yep, I went to high school with a sailor that got killed on the Cole. Sad how easily they will kill citizens to advance their plans :/

Survey_girl 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is really a change of lifestyle, which was easy for us to do once we realized how "normal" society is fake and ghey. We ditched tv back in 2019, hubby doesn't even watch sports anymore. We still work full time, but have very little debt, and all our free time goes into gardening, preserving, making our home/land more productive.

I am lucky that we are both on the same page and are working together towards a (more) self-relient life.

Survey_girl 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is what the hubby and I are doing. We went from a lousy garden that maybe produced a meal or 2 a few years ago... to several gardens that are producing hundreds of pounds of food. I am canning, dehydrating, freeze drying everything I can. I have been pressure canning or pickling nearly every weekend for months! This year we did a large plot of field corn, we got that dried and in buckets and now we grind our own corn meal and grits. We added laying hens in 2020 and now we are turning some woods into pasture so we can get some cows (and maybe pigs) very soon.

There are tons of videos on youtube to teach you how to do homesteading type things, that is basically were we have learned. It is really rewarding to make meals out of food you have grown yourself, and you are learning (lost) skills that might be needed in the future.

Survey_girl 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was the Adam Walsh killing for us... his body was found in the county I grew up in, when I was very young. We still had a safe neighborhood loaded with kids around my age that hopped from house to house, pool to pool my entire childhood. We always were outside riding our bikes or exploring the woods/trails around us.... but I guess we only had a few channels on the tv back then and my parents did not allow video games. We would spend some time indoors reading or playing board games, but most of my memories are outside as a child. Even as a tween/young teen we would get dropped off at the small local mall or movie theater and picked up many hours later. Childhood was much different back then, much more freedom.

It seems like the nation has lost it's (religious) morals, it's identity. There is no cohesion or feeling of safety anymore. You have to lock your doors everywhere you go. Not sure if it is the "immigrants", the rampant drug use / homelessness, the gun-free zones or what, but this is certainly not the america I grew up in. You really can't trust anyone anymore, even neighbors.

Survey_girl 3 points ago +3 / -0

Much like Waco, they could have gotten Koresh in town, away from the church and none of the carnage would have happened. But those in charge wanted a show of force to send a message to other groups, so they burned up women and children.

This man's life was taken to let others know to simmer down or they will be next.

Survey_girl 18 points ago +18 / -0

talking about adrenochrome = antisemitic....


Survey_girl 8 points ago +8 / -0

Story crowded out Durham testimony on all cable networks, yesterday.

and Hunter getting a slap on the wrist for some crimes most people would serve several years in prison for.

Survey_girl 46 points ago +46 / -0

and I'm supposed to tolerate it?

No, you are supposed to love it, celebrate it, cheer it on. Tolerating it was when it was behind closed doors... now if you oppose it, you are a bigot and will get banished for holding different views. They don't have to "accept" or "tolerate" that you don't like it or don't want to see it, but you are the hateful one in 2023.

Survey_girl 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was cooking breakfast... and thought, wow that is gonna piss a lot of people off. But, I get pissed at the ones that go off after 8pm, lol.

Survey_girl 1 point ago +1 / -0

If anyone is interested, the book "One Second After" gives a fictional but realistic look at what life would be like after an EMP or CME. It was a real eye opener and made me think of some areas I was weak in for preparedness.

Survey_girl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, you can still get fuel delivered. We own a small business and have 4 trucks on the road. We purchase a gasoline tank and a diesel tank, so our guys can fill up here and not waste a bunch of time at gas stations. (And also because I like having a bunch of fuel on hand, just in case... but of course the s will probably hit the fan the day before we are supposed to get re-fueled 🤣)

This is also nice when a hurricane is coming or there is a fuel shortage.

Survey_girl 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Survival Medicine Handbook: The Essential Guide for When Help is NOT on the Way https://a.co/d/2oOdvzC

By a Dr and his nurse wife, they are also preppers.

They have an online store that sells medical supplies too. Like suture kits, etc.

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