ThaVos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn’t say no opinions said no “just” opinions.

ThaVos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Happy to have opinions but when talking to people who have an alternative view I need some data to discuss with them.

ThaVos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jesus is based and awesome not an expression of frustration.

ThaVos 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're way off base. AI is no joke; it's advancing fast and fooling people everywhere. Social media manipulation is real, and AI-generated content is deceiving millions. Don't be so naive; the threat is real and far from over.

ThaVos 4 points ago +4 / -0

He is nice guy just starting to break free of echo chamber.

ThaVos 6 points ago +6 / -0

In the name Jesus I ask you father for healing for this man wife. Intercede and stand in the gap of all that afflicts her.

ThaVos 3 points ago +3 / -0

At some point those troops in 1940s Germany had a responsibility before God to stop following bad orders. When that was is the question and it might be different for each soldier.

ThaVos 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks heaps some great stuff I’ll spend some time looking into it. As others have mentioned its most ok. I just to the best him. Also the last few year have solidified a lot of suspicions I had and now a little lost for where to get good advice from. For the last two year well meaning doctor were trying to convince me to take poison.

ThaVos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can you load it now. I watched it yesterday but couldn’t reload it today or it would stop Loading at the 46min mark.

ThaVos 9 points ago +9 / -0

Those jokes are so corny.

ThaVos 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think this post was well intentioned but I never rule out the possibility of this as a divisive tactic to.

We at the start of a public awakening and many lies will become exposed. They have had free reign on media, Pharma, education, food, music, medicine, science.

Everyone here needs to accept there are so many lies they don’t know they believe. As I have gotten older the only truth that hasn’t got exposed to be a lie is my faith in God in fact it has had things being shown to be true I didn’t expect. For example pray and fasting to r meditation and fasting turn out to put your body in a stage of repair and apparently release a chemical DMT into the brain and give you a more spiritual experience. What if the food industry is used to keep you fat and unhealthy and cut you off from a spiritual connection. Just be open minded. ( I do see that some may Find it funny I am saying question everything and that I believe in God but believing in God is hard road the whole system is there to beat it out of you)

Evolution is so flawed in so many ways but essentially it replaced God for time. They think base elements created life by time it’s stupid at that point. It flawed even before that point the say nothing exploded and created everything and from that came reason, logic mathematics ect into being.

I believe God did make this world and it was perfect flawless no sickness no genetic deformities we were whole. We now mere shadows of what we were just as you could not breed Chihuahuas up to what it devolved into you can not breed us up to what the OG Adam and Eve were.

With regards to earth being flat I engage with most people on the topic as there are normally people how have woken up and now can’t trust anything anymore they sort of lose there mind for a while. Lucky this is easy to prove to someone this is wrong really simple to do.

The moon landing is hard because they are partly right I think from my genuine look at the evidence. I think that we landed on the moon but I also think there was a backup plan in case they couldn’t do it they were going to fake it. So there is weird photos and setup ups to make sure the world saw the USA beat Russia. I think the cover up is how far they were willing to go to lie if they failed.

ThaVos 3 points ago +4 / -1

Where was the spoiler warning! some of us haven’t finished watching all the new movies.

ThaVos 6 points ago +6 / -0

I understand that, my message was mainly to those that think they are living free regardless of having no guns. Many people can’t see the cage around them. They think because they have lived there whole life with no guns that there is way to live gun free and free. It’s a carefully crafted illusion. People who have lived their lives thinking guns are not needed to be free, borrow the protection provided by the American individual and then mock them for wanting guns. It’s make me so mad.

ThaVos 3 points ago +3 / -0

We should fund raise for antifa to get tickets to Poland to join the fight. That way we don’t have to wait for the military here we can just send them there.

ThaVos 3 points ago +3 / -0


ThaVos 3 points ago +3 / -0

Alway liked living on the island continent till now.

ThaVos 5 points ago +6 / -1

I also believe this to be the most likely scenario because the only alternative would be Trump is DS there is no other option.

That being said we should demand and continue to demand accountability. Part of being awake is never allowing people to lie and gaslight you again. Demand action not just words.

ThaVos 1 point ago +1 / -0

This woke me up after 9/11 it answered the question for this to be true it would have to be way bigger than just Bush. This connected a lot of dots. I also managed to have a convo with him on Skype a few years later and ask questions.

ThaVos 5 points ago +5 / -0

I love my kids more than any thing but this is a statement from someone who doesn't have young kids lol.

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