Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think it’s less predictive programming and more making fun of us for not getting a joke that has yet to be told. Also, supposedly, these high order satanist believe that if they tell you the bad things their going to do before they do them then they can escape eternal judgement or Karma snapping back at them. They just do it in a language and with methods we don’t fully understand. Supposedly we have been dumbed down so much to how things really work that we can’t see them when they are written in front of us on a whiteboard for millions to see.

Either ways dna tracking, PCR, and a Batman all together is way to coincidental to not be something.

Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well he seems to have changed his tune and on fox. I wonder who got to him.

by PepeSee
Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m wondering if when the oil executives come part of the year the human traffickers and drug cartels clear out for them or if they are just customers on their own land or if they are just looking the other way or….. idk something seems off.

Thatnikcufguy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I seen a post the other day he made in 2020 selling shirts saying something along the lines of “Vaxxed to the max”. At the least he is a useful idiot.

Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly I think some is fake and some is real but it is hard to figure these things out now days. Post like this are a great example. It’s a statement with no actually factual backing aside from a video we can’t understand that is attached. This video could be or have been a training video, training session, film set for a tv series or movie, it could be a high school film project or exactly what the implication in the post is but nothing here can confirm that for me at least.

Thatnikcufguy 3 points ago +3 / -0

When trump said maybe we should drop a Nuke on the hurricanes he was speaking of the machine they have out their that create them?

Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can somebody explain to me what this has to do with the Clinton’s? I seem to be missing a piece of the puzzle.

Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a theory the players are payed so much to rig the games.

Thatnikcufguy 3 points ago +3 / -0

In then sense that metal last longer than paper I can say yes. Idk to much about the value of coins that are not silver. I would imagine if some had errors they would have value.

Honestly though any of the modern coinage is made from commonly used cheap base metals and it is just currency, like the paper. Silver and gold are money. I am certainly not saying there are no circumstances that could lead to modern coinage having value. I guess at some point even base metals could be rare.

Like OP was saying cash/currency/ modern coins will be king for some weeks or months when the banks shut their doors.

Thatnikcufguy 4 points ago +4 / -0

There will be people who have allot of something you want/need really bad and they may not want anything you have allot of. This is where your going to want silver.

Now if silver did go to say $500oz then your not going to be wanting to trade in oz everywhere you go so this is where the fractional silver comes into play. Specifically American because everybody and their grandmother recognizes it.

Thing is if the situation gets so bad that even the suburbs get raided then there will be no military coming to save you. These people will be saving their own. At least what hasn’t been sent to defend Israel or the Ukraine.

There are allot of people who are prepared for these situations and they have allot food, ammunition, medicine, alcohols, energy, all stored up and defended. I am guessing if you don’t understand the value of silver you are not one of those people. You will likely be one of those people running from the tranny dictator controlled city’s into the suburbs looking for somewhere to go with food and safety.

People will be there willing to help you and this is where silver will really start to make sense for you.

Seriously buy some. It’s dirt cheap imo and has always been valuable, like forever. The dollar will die all currency does but real money grows in value.

A 110 years ago silver quarter used to cost 25 cents now it cost about $5. That tells you allot. Shoot if war breaks out here and the dollar is no good that same quarter may save your life.

Thatnikcufguy 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you click on the links provided under the paragraph you will be able to see that this is an artificially generated answer that is confusing 3 or so stories. Maybe I’m wrong but check it out.

Thatnikcufguy 3 points ago +3 / -0

The CCP owns the cartel through fentanyl. They are the ones who provide the precursor chemicals to produce it.

Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Idk I heard something about them burning cash an restricting the actually amount of physical cash out there back in late ‘22.

Thatnikcufguy 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can’t remember how many years ago but a decade plus, I watched a video online that showed a 3yo~ girl hit by small care in a Chinese market ally. Nobody helped her. People walked around her, tried to drive around her some. One dude in a moped just ran her over like a speed bump. Like I said in a market alley way which was busy. From then on I knew for sure what it meant to be Chinese.

Thatnikcufguy 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is good but honestly I would believe this rule would come from the church of satans book.

Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Copy paste, huh? If you copy pasting who is vetting your material? You post allot. Are you really just copy pasting ashlanddog?

I always wondered where all your time to post comes from. I see now.

Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you saying your not in control of the headlines of your post or am I misunderstanding? Sry just clarifying.

Thatnikcufguy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks! This is the first time I have seen it.

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