lots of nazis approved of medical experimentation on jews... so thus it was approved? fucking clown world logic
u/#q1 posted the DAY AFTER WAKEFROMYOURSLEEP.COM was registered.... check the whois on any whois site.... many pay-triots are going to be salty... but the boards told us not to trust those doing it for money.... told us disinfo was necessary and no external comms thus we learned to think for self... and never trust anyone... especially anyone taking money https://whois.whoisxmlapi.com/lookup-report/d95pm610kp
Maybe I'm dumb but why do we have 96-year-olds who are still judges?
Reddit.com/conspiracymemes ? Of construction totally wish I could say I made it but happy to share honestly where it came from just don't take all my fake karma points for future recycling LOL
God bless fren and patriot.. someday you will tell your children about how you helped save the world and even in your relinquishing of duties you can still feel proud to say that.
To the rest of the frens reading this comment can we crowdfund this man a retirement cake or something?
And I fully agree everyone gets to think local recognize that they themselves get to be the change they want to see in the world and recognize that your voice matters. At the end of the day our biggest opportunity is to figure out how to unite the left and the right universal freedom love and abundance.... And it all starts at the community level...
God bless!
I've been thinking this for a while I've been thinking that black rock exists under white hat control to make sure that if there is any financial collapse that the average American has a protected retirement since that's supposedly black rocks main interest is retirement accounts. I also think that Trump may have been diversifying risk when he planned to take over the Federal reserve by setting up BlackRock as a mini Federal reserve entity
honestly I am suuuper curious who all the fake black hats are... those who have been acting evil but have been gathering data for white hats or ready like spring loaded traps for their big switch/reveal
Got the link to that video clip? It's important to remember that there is also the original sect of the Freemasons that were not the dark side they coordinated to better humanity although the majority of Freemasons today are not of this sect .. Guess who was... George Washington
He's not... He's their unwilling informant
have an upboat fren! great summary!
They are just making it easy to autopsy themselves!
What does Timothy Holsmseth of the pedophile task force know? Why does he have this song in EVERY video? why did Linn Wood plug him for his work? How many redpills has he dropped on his videos? Better check his bitchcute... I do! https://www.bitchute.com/profile/G9s6d30cpFlZ/
maybe he will buy a new home next to the hague or symbolically in Nurnberg... Warcrimes past and present... Crimes against humanity... No other way to frame it
rage typing... pure shift... my b
most men release when they come.... fucking amateurs... tantra shows one how to come without release... every time you release you kill your testosterone... dont be a cuck... keep your seed... your woman will notice you become a savage in the bedroom and wont miss your release... you can still on occasion... but ALWAYS do so with intent and purpose... people have no idea how much their reality is shifted by their orgasms... literally magic
I only watch hopium porn these days... I highly suggest it... you will come so hard from rewatching hillary getting thrown into that van on repeat.... Im talking drenched... ;) love ya patriots...
Who's gonna do it to Pfizer and moderna?
I am.... But I'm trying to show them that they could be using a zapper (hulda clark invented) to maybe not die this year... Is it wrong of me to not want my parents to die in the next 2 years does that make me selfish I know they can't undo it but what they can do is help their system project the deleterious effects and there are numerous ways to do so from nutrition two different Tesla healing technologies how I wear a negative ion rechargeable necklace that keeps me safe from the shedding of these people
just ask the NAZI NURSES... there is no "following orders" excuse... I say they knew... they lose everything...
I like your thinking! and how about shitbag fauci for illegally funding the actual creation against our laws in wuhan?
Not only was the moonlanding fake... Fucking all of the outer space ? hoax is nonsense... They try to tell us that we lost the tapes of the Moon and we lost the technology to go back up there and that we can't go outside the firmament according to some so-called astronauts who are supposedly on the ISS supposedly outside of the firmament and then we see the wikileaks case proving the entire moon landing was filmed in the Kubrick studio and then we have verner von Braun on his gravestone the Bible verse is about being under the firmament as in space the hoax and well I think there is something out there it's nothing that we will be accessing from our traditional third dimensional construct
Everyone get in a comment about how we should support the audit to prove Biden won... Pretend when we prove Biden won by a landslide it will bring the country together by disproving the fraud. Then watch them agree or the ones who know about the cheating you can watch their heads explode
Yeah agreed... But we cannot expect everyone to spend the time ripping other people's content and reuploading just to post here... Could get taken down for copyright anyway..... Just trying to find the easy solution. But yeah odyssee.com is my fav... Bongino is a fraud imho... Look at the honeypot that parker.was
Or choose one of many chrome extensions...
Or pro mode is install jdownloader 2... Save nearly anything just by copying the link Or right click link with the browser extension added to chrome/brave/opera... It auto grabs links from clipboard and then you can choose to save whatever... You can also choose resolution or rip music vids to mp3... Or save 100 mp3s off soundcloud with a few clicks...
This unthinkable was going to be what is happening in Myanmar right now doesn't seem so unthinkable these days eh 🥰