These should help. This is where some think the 6 million came from and this is how many instances someone has found of usage between 1900 and 1945.
Yes, I seem to recall that it all got very complicated with the Tudors. Henry VIII wanted a divorce. He married his dead brother's wife who was from a powerful Spanish family and Catholics were not in favour of divorce so he invented his own religion. He then married the woman who became Elizabeth's mother. Henry had another daughter as well. Before that time there were no queens so Henry also changed those rules.
After Henry's death we had Mary who was brought up as a Catholic. She was known as Bloody Mary because she "eliminated" many of the new religion. Her brother, Edward VI did not last long and then we had Elizabeth for whom, one could argue, the new religion was created.
Elizabeth always thought he cousin, another Mary and a Scottish queen in her own right, was plotting against her. She was married to the French heir to the throne at one time as well but he died. Eventually, she was executed but the irony is that James I was her son so the Scots won anyway?
In fairness to King James I of England, who was also King James VI of Scotland, he ascended to the English throne in 1603 and the Catholics tried to blow him up in 1605. I can see why he might be a bit anti.
I remember that movie!
Actually, it could be one of quite a few movies.
I came across this video by Eva Bartlett today. She has been in both Gaza and Ukraine/Donbas and she is telling us about the war crimes she has seen.
I believe she is the same reporter that we see first at the 0:17 second mark of the posted video.
The figure is generally bigger than $48000. It may have been $48,000 for a mention of COVID on the death certificate but hospitals also got paid for accepting COVID patients and were paid again for putting them on a ventilator.
That was why every new patient, even ones from car accidents, were tested for COVID because if they were positive they received a lump sum.
EDIT: I just found a man who knows.
And here is an article.
And here is another one with even bigger numbers.
The first point is that just because Trump is threatening everyone with tariffs it does not necessarily mean that he will be imposing tariffs!
Remember, Trump is a negotiator. We won't actually know what is going to happen until the deal is struck.
My ex-wife had all the characteristics defined above. I don't know how I never saw it. You would think the name would have been a clue!
The TV show "The View" has been in the news a lot recently!
Remember Hillary's thesis on Alinsky?
It could be true, of course!
"Intellectuals" live in their own little world. They are big on book learning but they use it as a crutch. They may be able to tell you all about Marcus Licinius Crassus and his relationship to Caesar, Sulla and the Roman Empire but they are seldom able to work anything out for themselves. They know what was in the books but they are often not able to join any dots for themselves.
Many just read a pile of stuff and then regurgitate it when they feel it is appropriate. On the other hand, some people can think their own way through new problems and have no need to speak Latin or Greek to help them do that. Musk falls into this latter category.
Glad you liked it!
I keep all kinds of links from GAW but, occasionally, I group them together in a site that can be used for red-pilling. I have one for masks and the 2020 election as well.
People should make their own decisions but I use Firefox!
The same people also make an email client called Thunderbird. When I tried to install MS Outlook on a new computer I caught MS "helping" me by copying all my emails to their server! I aborted that upgrade and now use Thunderbird, too.
So now, I have both browser and email that will run on Linux when MS goes that step too far with Windows.
I just added the RFK Jr video to my jottings website:
The first video by Jeffrey Sachs is good for the background to events. Second is RFK and the rest are random videos I found interesting and did not want to lose.
(Note to self: I must get the size thing sorted out!)
I hope those 100 or so UK Labour Party workers who went to the swing states in the US to provide support for the Harris campaign did not spread any disinformation.
I think there may have been two reasons for using PCR. Yes, one was to gather DNA and the other was to regulate the amount of positive cases it identified.
If you perform more replication cycles you get more positive results so they have a way to choose what size of pandemic they want and they can end it when they want.
Brave is based on Chromium just like Chrome.
He means that he hasn't been told what to do yet.
The "pussy quote" is merely asserting that it is easier to gain consent for sex if you are rich and famous.
Note to self: It may be easier to just read the comments instead of searching for the original paper myself!
I found your link and also what Google Scholar discovered about previous attempts to publish. The Science Direct journal says the paper was withdrawn by the editors. Censorship in action.
Why is there no cure for the common cold? Well, it is a corona virus and it mutates too quickly so a vaccine cannot be used to counter it.
Isn't COVID-19 a corona virus that mutates ... ?
I watched a UK YT channel the other day that regurgitated the "unqualified" idea. I applied some recalibration in the comments!
Click the link to this video to see how an expert does it!
And just like that the availability of abortions is no longer a problem.
It makes you wonder why they didn't think of that before.
If these people had any imagination they would be dangerous!