Thothbagiamnot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Golems is a new term im hearing what does it mean in context?

Thothbagiamnot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, add a bullet to your brain you disrespectful piece of shit. Would be what I'd suggest to this soyboy little faggot that doesn't even have the balls to do something while his stroked out dad is awake... how weak and feeble you must be, no wonder his siblings go after him because he's wrong it isn't the silent generation its the whining pussy generation. What a little bitch

Thothbagiamnot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, take everything out and put it into doge. To the moooooooon

Jk for the love of God I'm jk

Thothbagiamnot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Perfect bill to send the message. "Oh its pride month? I dont give a fuck, men are men and women are women, stfu lgbtq" Such good

Thothbagiamnot 1 point ago +1 / -0

The rules differ from state to state, but they are similar. There are different categories giving you access to different types of firearms. Each category is basically 'needs' based. You can have a machine gun if you are a historic weapons collector (firing pin removed), but not for hunting. For normal hunting it's mainly bolt action firearms with limited capacity. If you were in pest control then there is a category for that and you can have semi automatic weapons with a larger capacity. There isn't a self defence category. You also need to prove the "need", you can't just say you are in pest control, you need to prove it. They tried to implement a common sense based rules system, I know governments and common sense don't mix so well but it's basically what we have.

You MUST register with a hunting club and store your guns with the club if you don't meet certain requirements allowing you to keep it on your property which includes again the 'need' part as well as the size of the property, can't generally keep gun/s if you are in the city but in rural areas its more likely, self defence doesn't count nor to protect your liberties.

Not to mention that fact you need a licence for airsoft and gel guns

Our freedom of speech is limited and controllable similar to Canada or the u.k so that is also incorrect.

As one of the fuckheads who has had to look into how to get a gun in Australia as well as live in it I think I have a clue and they have given so many hoops to jump through it would make an American laugh... you dont know.

Thothbagiamnot 1 point ago +1 / -0

So why did the revolution happen if they are God given? You can wax philosophical all you want but it doesn't translate to the reality of the situation Nor did I claim the constitution was what we want/need but a bill of rights. We have a constitution but it isn't like yours and we haven't fought for one which seems to be the only avenue available at this point even though we have no guns or the ability to get guns without becoming criminals.

All this is easy to say while in america or otherwise outside of Australia. If its so easy, come here and become a legend

Thothbagiamnot 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you have nothing to show but belittling me by assuming I worship the u.s... blow it out your ass

Thothbagiamnot 2 points ago +2 / -0

This may be why it hasn't happened, the path is congested with politicians that don't want to give up the power. While technically possibly it could be a Sisyphusian venture

Thothbagiamnot 2 points ago +2 / -0

So the utopia theory? (Based on the show with the name 'utopia') You arent alone in thinking that I imagine

Thothbagiamnot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Could you link me to where it says that so I have a starting place? I'm jumping in well past my abilities on this one

Thothbagiamnot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I suppose the main hurdle to cross is authority "Who gave you the authority to just will into existence a bill.of rights for a country"

I may have to look further into it but I dont even know what I dont know in terms of vocabulary to search for to find the information to create a bill of rights without violence or violent revolution... down the rabbit hole I go

Thothbagiamnot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Unfortunately we've already been defanged when they took our guns and the rights to bare arms, it is a steep uphill battle to get power back from politicians and we weren't even able to put our 2 cents in because the people its affecting now just weren't born by the time this happened

Thothbagiamnot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would signing it with a pen name not discredit it as viable since technically no one actually signed it?

I wonder if it is so simple as to draft one and sign it and have people make it law

Thothbagiamnot 6 points ago +7 / -1

Have you read Australia's? No we don't actually have freedom of speech the same way you do, its closer to the Canadian or u.k. I have looked and unless you can show the direct applicable parts to my yourself I don't think you're correct

Thothbagiamnot 23 points ago +23 / -0

Its fucking annoying but we dont have a bill of rights in Australia so we essentially don't have freedoms, atleast not like America.

Would be great to get one though

Thothbagiamnot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Anyone can become controlled opposition for the right price would be my guess. Otherwise he's just flapping his gums

Thothbagiamnot 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ok... so now we're grouping any people that aren't Christian with luciferianism? Jeez

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