ToxicLibertyism 6 points ago +6 / -0

Let's watch how fast the "republican" party gets moving to enforce justice. Worse-than-useless, cocksucking traitors- the whole miserable lot of those weaklings.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +3 / -2

Maybe a few close calls with bullets was all Trump needed to start to see what the American public has already known for a long time.
Govt. institutions need to be razed. Traitors need to be removed from power.

If Trump wants to keep on playing Mr. Nice Guy by making frens with establishment chumps such as speaker Mike Johnson, chicken-shit MIC cocksucker Lindsey Graham, and about 3/4 of the rest of the worse-than-useless, traitorous "republican" party, then nothing will change.

Washington DC needs an iron-clad boot shoved up its collective ass. Trump needs be kicking and stomping the establishment weaklings in his inner circle first, and foremost. This nation needs serious change, and it hasn't happened for 8 fucking years under Trump's leadership. We need an ass kicker, not a big talker who shakes hands with traitors.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wearing an LSU shirt. Interesting. The school Stormy Daniels went to. Also, a school who's mascot is named after democrat party [civil war] insurrectionists- The Fighting Tigers.

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

Name any govt. entity that does not have communist, and/or nazi insurgents infesting, and controlling it.

For that matter, name any political party that does not suffer the same fate. Do the same for MSM.

Senator Joseph McCarthy was right about the communist infestation that took place in America during the 1950's. But, he only saw the tip of the iceberg.

Today, we live with the consequences from the failures of our political establishment, and our military- the failure to combat totalitarian ideologies in all of its forms. The USA has been a captured nation for decades. We are all living a lie.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fact that the Crooks family has not been arrested. If someone living in your home had been making and storing bombs in it, had over a dozen guns in it, and used your home as a base of operation prior to a terrorist act, your ass (and anyone else's) would be in jail.

Yet, they are free and, zero scrutiny has been directed towards them. Why? Because their punk, greaseball kid was operating with the approval of state sponsored terrorists within the US govt.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Crooks family needs to be charged, and arrested for domestic terrorism. Their home was the headquarters for a confirmed terrorist.

The simple fact that nobody in a position of authority is calling for their heads tells us all we need to know- this is a conspiracy.

ToxicLibertyism 8 points ago +8 / -0

Immigrants from 3rd world nations have been eating American domestic pets for decades. If you research it, you can find hundreds of arrests for that crime, and in every state in the nation. It's not uncommon at all.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

That was quick. Now, do the same for those domestic terrorists whose home was found to have over a dozen guns, and a bomb in it, and was used by their son to plot an assassination attempt against DJT. Where are the FBI charges against them?

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

Filing bankruptcy is often times a part of doing business. Taking advantage of laws, rules, and regulations governing financial actions in the business sector is no different from your fren writing off union expenses, or other tax exemptions when filing their taxes.

How does that warrant "hatred" for someone he has never even met? It doesn't. That's just an example of normal, indoctrinated libshit programming, parroting DNC propaganda talking points.

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

"We ['republican politicians'] won't just give her the chance, we'll support her radical left agenda, while lying to the public about what we really do!"

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

From my personal anecdotal experience with the China virus, I believe that there is a neurological component to the man-made disease. I also believe that it is being hidden from the public, because it would likely reveal damning evidence that the China Virus was indeed a botched (and illegal) multifaceted bioweapon experiment.

ToxicLibertyism 5 points ago +5 / -0

Meme worthy double facepalm, with perfectly symmetrical hand placement to hide as much of his face as possible. Even has the CNN logo already in the background.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, if it's such a big emergency, then the govt. had better make the vaxx patents public domain. Gotta save lives! "We are all in this together." Publish all the vaxx ingredients, so that everyone can manufacture the stuff- for the emergency, of course.

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

It would allow for the immediate enforcement of US law, under the Communist Control Act.

ToxicLibertyism 6 points ago +6 / -0

Bernie spent his honeymoon in Moscow, USSR during the height of the cold war. Pure, America hating communist trash. Helicopter ride for that one is 50 years overdue.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

Compton's In Tha' House! (NSFW) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KZOk0Ld2IfI

Yea, that bitch is straight outta' da hood! You ain't black if you don't vote for that!

..:.Speakin' of Compton, it's makin' me sick (why?)
Everybody'z talkin' that crazy shit
Sayin' they were raised in the CPT (aha) Just as I was, they try to be like me Poppin' that shit, get the fuck out my face Knowin' that they never even seen the place Claimin' my city is my city they claim Mothafuckaz we're about to put some salt in your game .. Yeah I'm tired of these mothafuckerz runnin' around town, talkin' about they're from Compton and shit, tryin' to get on the bandwagon .. Yeah Dre, I know what you're sayin' man, but let's tell 'em who we're talkin' about ..

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