Treadmenotsoyboy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good to hear successful personal experience stories.

I know of two, a close relative and a friend of a friend, who after starting a Fenbendazole + Ivermectin protocol, were then determined to be in remission within six weeks. And have been since then. Both have been on chemo for the past few years, too.

My relative’s oncologist just took them off chemo for 90 days not because they’re in remission but to allow the cancer to regrow so he can do some exploratory surgery to root out suspected tumors trapped in the lymph nodes. Although the PET Scans have been clear and the CEA test results normal, he’s been pretty adamant that the cancer is still lurking thereabouts. Hopefully the next set of test results will deter him!

God bless y’all! God is good, even we are not.

Treadmenotsoyboy 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you’re asking about fenbendazole in a liquid firm, I use Safeguard For Goats, purchased on Amazon. I’ve only used it topically, mostly because I have fenbendazole in the pill form, also purchased on Amazon. The pills are supposedly 99% pure, and are obviously intended for human consumption. I’ve had no noticeably adverse effects from either the pills or the liquid.

As for the horse paste, I use the ivermectin sold by Durvet (1.87%). I remember reading at the start of COVID several posters warning users to not buy the horse paste labeled as “bivermectin” as there was an ingredient or two in it that was more suitable for animals than for humans. (Unsure if that was accurate or not.)

Ivermectin in the tablet form can be purchased online through a few outlets based in India. I’ve never had any problems with these companies, although buying from them via PayPal or something similar will make you feel a bit leery at first.

Hope this helps.

Treadmenotsoyboy 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is not medical advice but rather anecdotal - a close relative of mine diagnosed with colon cancer and after a few years of chemo - surgery - chemo - remission - cancer again - back on chemo - finally agreed to try something else. I suggested they try fenbendazole + ivermectin (222 mg/day and 24 mg/day, respectively, four days a week), and within 6 weeks their PET scans were “clear” and their cancer antigen test results were back to normal (~2 ng/mL). This protocol was based on Joe Tippens’ experiences and after reading a few research papers on ivermectin vs. cancer. This relative has been in remission again for over a year now.

A friend of a friend, suffering from liver cancer for the past three years, and on chemo since the diagnosis with no change in status, agreed to try the same therapy (fenbendazole + ivermectin), and four weeks after starting the new protocol, their next PET scan was also clear and he’s been that way now for several months.

Lastly, my personal story. I’ve had this weird looking mole on my back since my teen years. I’ve had it scraped and tested a number of times over the years and although declared “non-cancerous”, it’s always eventually grown back to its irregular nickel-sized shape. About a year ago, though, its outer surface really started to roughen up and I was getting resigned to the fact that I’d need another scraping and have it sent to the lab. And then a couple of months ago… on this board I ran across a post discussing fenbendazole and/or ivermectin and a few comments on skin cancer that suggested a dermal application of either fenbendazole (liquid) or ivermectin (horse paste) as a possible therapy. Well, since I had both products on hand I decided to give it a try (prior to this I’d been taking fenbendazole + ivermectin off and on for several months prior as a prophylactic). It’s been about four weeks since I started and that mole has reduced in size by about 70%, with about 80% of that reduction occurring in the first two weeks. I’ve also applied the same treatment to a few other moles and with those, there has been no change in their shape or size.

From my evolving understanding of cancer, I’ve come to a conclusion (not exclusive) that chemo combined with fenbendazole + ivermectin can be a very effective treatment approach. Time-tested chemo does work, but in a lot of cases, it might only kill 80-90% of the cancer with the remainder becoming resistant to it. I think that’s where the fenbendazole + ivermectin comes in to eradicate the rest of the cancer. I also think that fenbendazole + ivermectin can be used solely against the cancer, but it might take higher dosages of the two to become fully effective.

Like I said - anecdotal, and hopefully you might find some of this helpful. Good luck!

Treadmenotsoyboy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I actually think it’s from being around the vaccinated who are shedding and passing the spike proteins around to anyone within reach. Wife and I are surrounded in the workplace with the multiple vaxxed. Last year we were both struggling with a month-long series of low-grade ~fevers and sinus and ear infections. We were both taking ivermectin (in hindsight, probably not a large enough daily dose) and our symptoms were only being held “in check” but not resolving. Finally resorted to nicotine patches (7mg patches worn every day for a week) and voila - my “illness” disappeared and my wife saw about a 90% reduction in symptoms. As a lark I put on another 7mg patch a few weeks later and I got sicker than a dog (massive headache and severe nausea). I pulled the patch off and a few hours later was back to “normal.” Didn’t experience that at all during the week I was wearing the patch. Read that nicotine can block the ACE2 receptor upon which the “virus” locks onto in order to infect your cells.

I’d say that about 10% of my vaxxed coworkers are now experiencing cardiac issues, and about another 20% have had one nasty “cold” after another. Feel bad for some as they definitely have buyer’s remorse. No need to tell them “I told you so” because that horse left that barn over a year ago.

Treadmenotsoyboy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Had a similar experience with my estranged Dad in the 2007 time frame (he bolted from the family in the early 80s). I remember waking up in the middle of the night and vaguely thinking that he had just passed away; a few years later my sister went looking for him online and found his death notice posted with the same date in 2007.

My wife’s father was in Hospice for terminal cancer about ten years ago. One night just before he passed one of the nurses pulled my wife to the side and told her that the “Angels” were gathered around her Dad’s bedside waiting to escort him to Heaven (he was a Believer and yes, the nurse always knew when someone was close to death because she said that’s when she could see the Angels in the building).

Lastly, a friend was telling me about one of her distant relatives who had suffered a sudden relapse from his cancer and literally within a few days after he started vomiting blood he was close to death. (She tried to get him on the Joe Tippens’ protocol earlier but he apparently kept postponing it, saying that he was going to start it as soon as he was done with chemo.). Anyway, within a couple of days in the hospital he fell into a coma and she said just before he took his last breath, he suddenly woke up, bolted upright in his bed, looked upward and said, “Wow… It’s so beautiful.” Immediately afterwards he laid back down and breathed his last.

Treadmenotsoyboy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tell me about it! I think it took about a year to convince my relative to try something “different” other than chemo and surgery. I think what forced the decision was the return of the cancer after a short period of remission and an absolute determination to not go through the same chemo treatment that just about killed them. Plus reading the Joe Tippens’ story also helped. And this relative of mine is pretty open-minded and non-jabbed and yet still needed to be convinced.

A friend’s sister was just diagnosed with cancer but since she’s multi-boosted she scoffs at her brother’s attempt to try anything other than what the Oncologist is recommending. After all, they’re following the “science” while we’re just conspiracy nut jobs. We… the conspiracy theorists… somehow knew better than to get vaxxed and just that rabbit hole alone has led us another rabbit hole - a reasonable certainty that there’s a relatively simple cancer cure out there without the downsides of chemo and/or surgery. And yet for most it’s too hard to accept or believe.

Best wishes and good luck. Hope things turn in your favor on this.

Treadmenotsoyboy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great post. Thanks for taking the time to list all of those links.

Also - FWIW - I personally know of two people (one a close relative and the other a friend of a friend) who’ve tried the Fenbendazole + Ivermectin approach and both appear to be “cancer-free.” The relative started the protocol about a year ago and within about ~six weeks after starting it the PET scans were clean and the CEA (cancer antigen) results were normal. The other started the protocol about two months ago and within a month his PET Scan also came back as “clean”. Both had been dealing with cancer for the past three years with surgery and chemo keeping things at “bay” but also not getting rid of it (only slowing its progression).

To Saltyarmyanon - God bless and I hope the Lord grants you the means and the time to come to the aid of your Grandmother.

Treadmenotsoyboy 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s my suspicion as well.

Close relative living in a large liberal city came down with the weirdest symptoms back in December. Developed thrush, rash, lymph nodes swelled up like a baseball (neck), high WBC, low RBC and platelets. Spent a week in the Hospital as the doctors ran every test imaginable (weird thing is that within a first few hours at the Hospital they told her that she had cancer without running any tests - like WTF?). All of her test results were negative, to include cancer. One of the first things they asked her is if she had been recently traveling to any tropical countries or been exposed to people from there - it was a “no” to the first and an “unknown” to the second question. The doctors then suspected she had TB, but after running multiple tests that also came back as a negative. A week after her discharge she had another consult with a different doctor who was shocked to discover that during the whole time she was being hospitalized they never prescribed any antibiotics to her; within a few days of taking the antibiotics a lot of her lingering symptoms finally subsided. The other week I remember reading an article (sorry, no sauce) that mentioned that doctors were encountering a never-been-seen-before strain of TB in the US that was known to exist only in Central or South America.

I wonder how it got here?

I told her to ask them to screen for these exotic strains of TB as well. Not sure if that’s happened yet.

Treadmenotsoyboy 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was an excellent, thoughtful, and well-reasoned response. Thanks for posting it.

Treadmenotsoyboy 22 points ago +22 / -0

FWIW - per the various cancers that might’ve been caused by the vax and for those still alive - have you tried telling them about the Joe Tippens story? (https://mycancerstory.rocks/).

In my personal experience, a close relative who had been struggling with cancer for the past few years finally started a fenbendazole + ivermectin protocol (while on chemo) and since then all of their PET Scans have been clear and their CEA (cancer antigen) scores have been normal (~2 ng/mL). About six weeks ago a friend of a friend, also struggling with cancer for the past couple of years, started the same protocol. Pre-Fenben+Ivermectin, his PET scan showed that his numerous tumors were still present in spite of the ongoing chemo treatments; his PET Scan from last week came back as clear (no tumors detected). (Note: Both of these cancer stories are before the Vax rollout and neither are vaccinated.)

Of course this is not medical advice but just more anecdotal stories that appear to confirm the efficacy of the Fenbendazole and Ivermectin protocols.

Treadmenotsoyboy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Weirdly providential that this should come up - just the other day a coworker told me about his wife’s health situation, wherein doctors were trying to figure out a mysterious medical episode she was going through and they wanted to run a battery of different tests that were extremely expensive. Their health insurance balked at the costs and told my coworker that they wouldn’t cover any of it. Fretting about the price (>$15K I think) and trying to negotiate with the Hospital to reduce their costs, a staffer mentioned to him that since their Hospital was a nonprofit, he could request a billing amnesty if their financial condition warranted it. Although my coworker and his wife are quite financially secure, they also have a huge family (think Catholic) with kids in college and others about ready to go and thus are on a very tight budget. They applied for the amnesty and to their surprise it was approved.

Your situation sounds much worse. The key here is whether your friend’s Hospital is non-profit, although for-profit Hospitals have similar forgiveness programs.

Here’s a link that might help explain things: https://dollarfor.org/charity-care/

Good luck, God Bless, and hope this helps.

by PepeSee
Treadmenotsoyboy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Unfortunately this case was not about challenging a State’s authority to issue professional licenses.

Instead this case was about whether the State Board that oversees the licensing of professional engineers (P.E.) can prohibit the testimony and evidence of an unlicensed (though very experienced) engineer who was providing calculations and an engineering analysis in support of a lawsuit filed by a group of homeowners suing the State over an inadequately designed storm water management system that I assume had failed during a Hurricane.

Shocking but not shocking is that it appears the State never challenged his calculations or analysis (which were supported by a PE), but instead focused on their position that his lack of a PE license gave the State the authority to silence him. Plaintiff Nutt’s assertion is that his testimony and analysis were protected speech under the First Amendment.

In a Summary Judgment the Judge ruled in Nutt’s favor, affirming his First Amendment rights in this particular court case (as he should have), and denying the State’s motions in toto.

Treadmenotsoyboy 4 points ago +4 / -0

This: https://www.snootspray.com/

You mix a small batch at a time and spray it up your nose. Can burn like crazy at times!

Started using it in place of a saline solution nasal rinse. Have had good results with it. I alternate with the saline rinse and snoot, depending on what I think is more appropriate.

Treadmenotsoyboy 10 points ago +10 / -0

For informational purposes only - the recognized standard daily dose for Fenbendazole for humans as an anti-cancer treatment is considered to be 222 mg/day. This, I believe, came from the Joe Tippens’ account of his successful fight against his cancer (https://mycancerstory.rocks/the-blog/). He originally recommended that it be taken for four days in a row, with three days off and then restarted with the advent of each new week. I believe he now recommends that it be taken daily both as a prophylactic and for treatment. (He also took supplements along with the Fenbendazole.).

Tippens took the actual dog dewormer called Panacur-C, which comes in dosages of 1 gram packets that are 22.2% available, meaning that the active ingredient (Fenbendazole) is 222 mg per every 1 gram of product. The Panacur-C dosage for dog deworming is 1 gram per every 10 pounds of canine weight, and the recommended treatment period is 3 days in a row. The primary side effects of excessive or sensitivity to Fenbendazole in dogs appear to be drooling, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Please do your own research, weigh your options, carefully consider the recommendations made by other commenters here, and make the best decisions for your dog. If you decide to follow the traditional surgery and/or chemotherapy route, it will most likely be very expensive and the best prognosis might only mean an extension of life expectancy of six months to a year or more, depending on which treatment protocol you choose.

As a side note - a close friend of mine with cancer finally agreed to follow the Fenbendazole + Ivermectin route earlier this year after a cancer recurrence, and all of their subsequent PET scans have been “clean” and CEA results have been well within the normal range.

Best of luck and God Bless!

Treadmenotsoyboy 6 points ago +6 / -0

Same thing happened to a friend - was given a colon cancer diagnosis just as the COVID scamdemic hit - got jerked around by overly toxic chemo, surgeries that were scheduled, then cancelled then re-scheduled because of COVID restrictions, was thought to be in remission until the cancer returned a few months later, restarted a new chemo treatment (with a 15% cure rate), and that’s when I managed to persuade them to try something different (re the Joe Tippens’ story), which included both Fenbendazole and Ivermectin.

Fast forward about nine months since then - all subsequent PET scans results have so far been negative for cancer and their CEA (cancer antigen) results have been 2.0 ng/mL (which is normal).

You can purchase Fenbendazole on Amazon (222 mg capsules) and the Ivermectin and HCQ can be purchased online on any of the several websites that are listed in the other posts. Takes about three weeks for those items to arrive. As a temporary substitute for Ivermectin, you can try the horse paste until the online order arrives.

Good luck and best wishes!

Treadmenotsoyboy 5 points ago +5 / -0

FWIW - A friend of mine was diagnosed with colon cancer right at the beginning of COVID. The treatment (chemo and then eventually surgery) was almost farcical if things weren’t so serious, and provided all of us a great perspective of how screwed up our medical system is. Anyway… after the first round of treatment had concluded, there was a brief period of time when the doctors were optimistic that the cancer had been successfully treated. That optimism, however, only lasted a few months when the cancer had returned. During all of this I had suggested several times to my friend that they should read Joe Tippens’ cancer story and consider an “alternative” to the chemo treatment that had just been restarted.

Finally… my friend relented and started on a course of Fenbendazole and Ivermectin (against doctor’s wishes), settling on taking it four times a week. Since starting the “additional” treatment my friend’s PET scans have all come back “clean” and their CEA results have averaged 2 ng/mL (IOW, normal).

Was this all due to the Fenbendazole and Ivermectin, the new round of chemo, or both? I guess one can never really say for sure, but I do know the new chemo treatment only has a 15% success rate… so you be the judge of what’s worked and what hasn’t. Of course I’m sure the doctor’s probably thinking he’s a miracle worker, and well… I guess we’ll let him keep thinking that.

Best wishes and luck for you and your sister.

Treadmenotsoyboy 5 points ago +5 / -0

As far as I’m can tell, he’s still kicking around and beating cancer.

Treadmenotsoyboy 2 points ago +2 / -0

FWIW, I believe many months ago one of the EFF-BEE-EYE whistleblowers said on a Bongino podcast that he personally worked this case and said they electronically tracked this guy (by cellphone) from DC to Virginia and got him using his rail pass as he went home that night. At the VA rail station they then pulled CCTV footage of him getting into his car (with license plate) to drive home. The Whistleblower said that he sat on the guy’s house for a couple-few days and then asked leadership if he could have a “talk” with the suspect. Once word about the suspect filtered upwards within the Bureau, that Agent was pulled off the case and that investigation was closed.

The Whistleblower says the suspect is a retired USAF E-9 and is/was a government contractor.

Treadmenotsoyboy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have a friend who had an older, sick cat and was getting one of those recurring prescription refills from Chewy. When his cat was finally beyond treatment he put her to sleep. A few days later a Chewy rep called him and asked him if he had forgotten to confirm another prescription refill and he told them about his cat. (To put things into context, my friend had just gone through a lengthy period of in-home care for his mother before she passed from dementia, and this cat was the last remaining connection to his mom.)

The next day a flower arrangement arrived at his door with a sympathy card signed by a number of Chewy staffers.

From that day forward Chewy is always my first choice when I need to make an online order for our cat.

Treadmenotsoyboy 4 points ago +4 / -0

I remember listening to a different interview with Kennedy about a month or so ago and he said he believes his Dysphonia was caused by a flu vaccine.

He came to the conclusion after finding out about that side effect (during discovery, I assume) while engaged in a lawsuit against a flu vaccine manufacturer.


Treadmenotsoyboy 1 point ago +1 / -0

From time to time I’ve had the same question - exactly how many people in the US (adults) did get “vaccinated?” (IMO the “vax” is actually gene therapy, which means it isn’t a true vaccine per se.).

I recall reading a poll about a year ago (sorry, no sauce) that showed that in Red Counties the percentage of conservative voters who got the “vax” was around 28% and the number of “vaxxed” liberals in said counties was around 70-80%. The same poll for Blue Counties showed that the number of vaxxed conservatives was around 32% and for vaxxed liberals, it was again in the 70-80% range.

Now… in this poll I just found from August 2021 (NBC News, so of course it’s skewed) - https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/meet-the-press/nbc-news-poll-shows-demographic-breakdown-vaccinated-u-s-n1277514 - they claim that 50% of Trump supporters were vaxxed, whereas 88% of Democrats were vaxxed. What’s not mentioned in the report is how they defined “vaxxed” and that’s somewhat statistically important because a lot of people who got the first shot didn’t return for the second one (I assume mostly due to an adverse reaction).

FWIW, this poll is claiming that 67% of US adults got the “vax.” (I don’t believe that. I think the actual number is much lower.)

Anecdotally the vast majority of conservatives/Trump supporters I know DID NOT get the “vax” (I’d guess around 80%). And for those who did, the primary factors that drove them to do it were:

  • Age and comorbidities (thanks to MSM fearmongering and Doctor’s advice)
  • Job coercion
  • Family and social pressure

And for that 20%, I’d have to say that save for one or two, they’ve all regretted getting “vaxxed.”

The irony in all of this, from a political perspective, is how quickly the liberal opinion on the “vax” flipped while Trump was still in office versus when Biden became President. The vast majority of the leftist liberals were staunchly anti-vax during Trump, and then suddenly became tyrannically pro-vax under Biden. During both phases the “science,” the proponents, the programs, and the Big Pharma firms involved did not change; the only thing that did change was THE POLITICS.

IOW, so much for “Follow The Science.”

Treadmenotsoyboy 2 points ago +2 / -0


In January ‘22 the wife and I (we’re both unvaxxed) came down with “COVID”; I had it really bad, finally went to the ER and we beat feet once the Doctor basically told me that he wasn’t going to do anything until I came down with “COVID Lung” (his term, not mine). I recovered, thanks especially to our PA who told me to double my Ivermectin dosage, which did the trick.

During that same time, at the same Hospital, a colleague of my wife’s was admitted for COVID and died. A former coworker of mine was similarly admitted with “COVID Lung” and miraculously survived their treatment protocol (ventilator and Remdesivir), although he was stuck in the hospital for about a month+ to recover. He lost around 50 pounds (my guess) and ended up with sticks for legs. When I saw him about six months ago he still looked like hell. Another friend, in that same January, told me that his neighbor, fully vaxxed at the time, died of “COVID” in the same hospital.

Needless to say… my wife and I will NEVER EVER be going to that hospital again!

Treadmenotsoyboy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just out of curiosity… anyone have thoughts on this?


If I can remember correctly… I either ran across a substack article or a post on one of the .win boards on this issue a couple of months ago (EMF/5G tech and its potential health risks, especially for cancer) and there were a couple of comments recommending the SPIRO products.

Any comments from someone this kind of a tech background would be appreciated.

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