Truth_seeker_84 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yup, and any criticism of the CCP is conflated with criticisms of the Chinease - meanwhile the Chinese buy up the West Coast & Australia & laugh at the limp fiat leftists.

Truth_seeker_84 6 points ago +7 / -1

Black people descended from Ham & Cush. God has cursed the black people & it’s obvious & was explicitly said according to the Bible. They are redeemable people but devil knows what ticks us off & I see them using PRIDE to elevate the blacks. I don’t know how they don’t see it...

by BQnita
Truth_seeker_84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Barking up the wrong tree, honey.

I was addressing a shill.

Truth_seeker_84 1 point ago +1 / -0

SD bullion is a reliable site. I would also recommend mend establishing a relationship with your local coin dealer.

Visit www.Reddit.com/r/wallstreetsilver

Truth_seeker_84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Silver oz bullion in small demonizations. Try a modest goal of 40 oz

by BQnita
Truth_seeker_84 8 points ago +8 / -0

Your in the wrong sub, sucka. Go make your lil candy ass over to hang with low T soy athiests subs?

Truth_seeker_84 1 point ago +4 / -3

Can’t believe people listen to that balding dot boy with no conviction.... I hate fence sitting faggots like Yom Pool; his ethics are as swishy as his stomach.

Truth_seeker_84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. The Demi-god “Hero’s” of old.

Truth_seeker_84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Buried Nephalim. Gilgamesh’s (Nimrod) body was discovered in Iraq back in 2003. State dept. e-mails Confirm that Gilgamesh’s body was discovered - page Page 470.

“N” is not for “new” - Q


Truth_seeker_84 11 points ago +12 / -1

Buried Nephalim tombs.

Truth_seeker_84 9 points ago +9 / -0

If you are here, it can be assumed that we are on the same team. What’s your sexual apitite is between you & God & I respect your free will.

Looking at things from a META - level, the gay agenda has been used to subvert western civiliation & attack the Christian Natural order. Read the link below.

Truth_seeker_84 9 points ago +9 / -0

Drag Queen story hour directed at children? Adoption rights for guys that put their baby juice in the Wrong hole? Tran kids? Gay history month @school for a degenerate population that represents less than 4% of the general population?

What two sodomites do is their problem & will inevitably lead to their downfall but don’t play coy & pretend that the sodomites arent going after the children.

Truth_seeker_84 10 points ago +10 / -0

Unhygienic Gay butt sex, STD’s, drugs, hard partying was already doing a good job killing off the gays in the 80’s; AIDS just pushed most off the cliff they were already heading down. Now sodomites are simply being used to make us accept Pedophilia.... gross.

Truth_seeker_84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can you expand on that? I never heard that. I’ve thought that Philistines= Palastinienes. One of many tribes that claim the holy land.

Ammonites, Moabites, Canaanites, & Philistines all claimed rights to the Holy land.

by BQnita
Truth_seeker_84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, according to Jewish Mysticism, Lilith (a demon) was Adams first wife. Could Cain have come from that marriage?

Also, according to the Bible, Cain was marked. Mid-evil Catholic Witch hunters claimed to discover a witch by a mark; so what I am saying, is , I believe there is a seed war. During Noah’s time, God flooded earth because the fallen angels corrupted the seed of Adam; I believe that is happening now, with this MRNA “vaccine”. People have claimed to have lost their connection to God after the jab.

by BQnita
Truth_seeker_84 4 points ago +4 / -0

The demon above them is Tanit; Tanit[1] was a Punic and Phoenician goddess, she was the chief deity of Carthage alongside her consort Baal-Hamon.

At the highest levels, I believe we are dealing with the Royal family blood lines of the Ba’al worshipping Canaanite - Phoenicians blood line that go back to the seed of Cane. They are trying to kill the Adam seed & replace it with their bloodline.

Truth_seeker_84 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you really want to hit at the core of the issue, it’s the Canaanites Ba’al worshipper (Rothchilds & co) who highjacked Juduesm & infused it with black magik Bablonyian Kabbalah. Remember, Molach worshipping Israelites, Canaanites & Philistines were also Semitic; If being against child sacrifice makes me “Anti-Semitic” than so be it.

We really need to start a movement of a instead of saying JEW, we say “Canaanite” - it’s a more accurate description of our enemy & circumvents the whole “anti-Semitic” mental trap they have set for us.

Truth_seeker_84 1 point ago +1 / -0

I got two downvotes for calling BLM’rs savage pagans. The BLM founder is a Marxist Witch, she even says in her own words, that she communes with the spirits of the dead black guys.

Truth_seeker_84 1 point ago +2 / -1

Ever see that clip from a French scientist, mentioning Rhwanda?

I think we are in for a big “purge” style event.

Truth_seeker_84 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I live in the Bay Area; a place founded & named by Catholics. They’ve been tearing down Catholic statues & burning down churches in the west coast.

Don’t be fooled, this is a battle for our Christian civilization against savage pagans.


Truth_seeker_84 2 points ago +3 / -1

I don’t know... it would be cool to to encourage everyone to take the personality test & take a poll. We must represent present a small fraction of society that can, for the first time since the time Babel, INJF types can collaborate & counter-act this multi-generational

Truth_seeker_84 4 points ago +5 / -1

I wonder how many of us are INFJ personalities? We are hard-wired for truth and authenticity.

Truth_seeker_84 0 points ago +1 / -1

What authority do you in telling others what to believe? You don’t even enquire why I hold a position. I paid little mind to the rest of the word salad.

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