Truthseeker84 0 points ago +1 / -1

I wasn’t sold on him. He felt… plantish.

Truthseeker84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didn’t she kill someone in a car accident & get away with it like that Tranny, Bruce Jenner?

Ehh… I hope God sorts it all out.

Truthseeker84 5 points ago +5 / -0

This Clandestine fool has insta-lost credibility for me.

Truthseeker84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, seeing that there were Jewish & Greek Gnostics, seeing that they didn’t want to submit to Rome but continue to Idol worship their animal dieties (Ophites worshipped snakes, Templars worshipped the black Madonna (Isis) & Baphomet, the transgender god), as a Christian, I’m happy that Rome refused to infuse Christianity with the Gnostic’s pagan world view. I suspect that the war between Christianity & Paganism has been going on for two millennia.

I’d say that Rome & the seat of Peter is currently occupied by a Gnostic sect. Have you seen that snake auditorium? It’s reminds me of the Ophites snake worshippers.

I hope President Trump makes America great again. I hope Arch Bishop Vigano makes the Vatican Catholic again.

Truthseeker84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Walt Disney was a Demolay Freemason & later, a 33rd degree Freemason. Disney produced “the Davinchi Code” and portrayed Demolay & Freemasons as “misunderstood good guys, evil Catholics”. Tom hanks, Satanism, movie that excuses away acts of child pedophilia & Satanism. It’s history they would rather you forget. Don’t let them.


Truthseeker84 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bella Dodd Testimony to Congress really cleared things up. Much like American Govt, there is a powerful fifth collumn that’s taken over.

I get why people are turned off by the RCC… I GET IT, trust me. The answer isn’t to destroy our institutions, it’s to highlight the infiltration. That’s my objective.

Truthseeker84 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would disagree. The Templars eventually became the Gnostic Freemasons, who in turn ran BLM style cultural revolutions across Catholic Europe, beginning with the French Revolution.

In Arch Bishop Vigano’s letter to Trump (Q drop), the good Arch Bishop mentions “Solve Coagula” that is famously tattoo’d on the Baphomet’s arm.

This battle between Christian society vs. Pagan society goes centuries back.

Truthseeker84 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s the mainstream story. Perhaps they got their ill gotten gains by mere usuary but I believe there is more to the story.

I’m more interested in the “black Madonna” they worshipped in secret (ISIS) or the Baphomet transgender goat they were accused of worshipping.

Or the accusations of ritual sodomy.

Isn’t it interesting that the things they were accused of, 7 centuries later, has become widely accepted & even enforced? The parallels are interesting to say the least.

Truthseeker84 3 points ago +3 / -0

Possibly… I don’t have any way of verifying the going ons of the day. It’s worth noting that Satanism & child sacrifice was a legitimate threat to Christian society, even that far back!


I bring this up, to highlight the fact that this war between Christians & Pagans is centuries old. This is but a blip in a millennia’s long war between civilizations.

Truthseeker84 4 points ago +4 / -0

Gnostics worshipped a snake (research Ophites). Perhaps Catholics wanted to keep Europe Christian & didn’t want to blend it with Paganism.

In hindsight, the Freemason Gnostic Templars worshipped a idol called Baphomet, they peed on the crucifix & performed ritual sodomy.

I don’t think the Catholics did anything wrong…

Truthseeker84 3 points ago +3 / -0

China is a Godless Communistic state. I don’t see them as my Allie; I’m setting the record straight, their subjugation came at the hands of the Masons & English Royal family. Fact.

If you haven’t noticed, the English Royal crown was also involved in the Steele Dossier, 2020 election fraud, Jeff Epstein & Jimmy Savile & WEF.

History matters. Patterns matter.

Truthseeker84 3 points ago +3 / -0

The distinction is very relevant. There is nuance to this war; American,British & Italian Freemason we’re all in concert with each other, running revolutions in Catholic societies as well, during the 19th century. Masons seek to destroy all religions, said there’s.

It’s not Anglo vs. chinaman, it’s Pagan Freemason societies vs. all other religious societies.

Truthseeker84 3 points ago +3 / -0

But it was the Caananite Brits that ruled them, not WASP American Mason’s, but perhaps America was already a proxy state at that point.

Truthseeker84 3 points ago +3 / -0

Caananite pagan worship of the female false goddess, Ishtar.

Truthseeker84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tucker used to frequent comet ping pong pizzeria. He also bashes 9/11 truthers. ‘Nough said.

Truthseeker84 2 points ago +2 / -0


They trace their bloodline to Cane. Nimrod was the first Anti-Christ. Canaanites seduced Israelites with Babylonian Kabbalah black magick. David & Solomon sacrificed to these false gods. High level Freemasons are wizzards that utilize this Kabbalah black magick.

The Catholic Church has been at war with this Gnostic secret society since the Knights Templars were infiltrated in the 13th century.

Albert Pikes 3 letters to Mazzini outlined the plan to use Masonry to infiltrate the Abrahamic religions & manipulate them to mutually destroy each other.

Truthseeker84 1 point ago +1 / -0

It would be poetic if Christian Nationalist leaders crush these Satanists 99 years later.

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