According to John Kerry. We only have 9 years left to save the planet.


Global warming is so bad the ground has broken out in a cold sweat. You’d think it was ice.


Piglosi love to chase her ripple with peach mints.


Just saw that Jeep pulled Bruce ads after the leftist got a DUI/DWI charge according to Gateway Pundit.

Anyone else hear about that? Don’t get me wrong I don’t listen to NPR. Heard someone else make the comment.

Anyone seen anything about Biden peeing off Canada?


Dave sure gives some hopium.




Will he arrive everywhere in a clown car? Our country will become the ship,of fools with the king idiot in charge.

I was wondering what some examples are. I’m late to the game.


Anyone hearing about a two week shut down coming in the next few days? National Guard being called up and a total shutdown coming?

I saw a post by Don Jr a while ago and it’s very disheartening. Sounds like to me there will be no crackdown or draining the swamp. I don’t think there will be a chance to win 2024 if the democrats are rinos allowed to get away with the obvious theft on 11-3. I’m hoping for a miracle from God to save our country.

Is X-22 just a pipe dream?