With the Ever Given and Ukraine in the news I haven't heard much about the Dumbs. I hope that's a good sign.




There was no sign requesting or requiring a mask and being Sunday the store was packed but yet I was the only person in the store without a mask!

"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ---- Voltaire


The 250,00 sq. ft. Federal Reserve Bank Building located at 2200 N. Pearl St is closed. The doors are locked and there are barricades on the steps leading to all entrances. There is a guard shack on the North parking lot but only eight cars in the lot and a couple of trucks with signage for an HVAC company. No guards with shotguns at the loading docks, no nothing.


Gov. Wheelchair finally opened Texas from the Covid restrictions, but retailers like Kroger, WalMart, Walgreens and others see fit to continue on with this stupidity. Needless to say I will not be darkening their doors again.


Some people here act like the press did at General Schwarzkopf's briefings, angry because he wouldn't reveal operational details to them. We have been invited into the theater, quit complaining because they won't let you look behind the curtain.


The AF 757 that left D.C. went to Florida and turned around and is returning to DC without landing has an ID of 09-0017.


AF1 went dark over the Atlantic.

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