USN7480 1 point ago +1 / -0

Overkill?? You would need to know what will happen to determine the adequacy of the defense required to offset it, right?

USN7480 1 point ago +1 / -0

soooo.... You want to welcome newcomers to this free speech website by censoring them for 30 days? And there always seems to be some excuse to violate 1A; "...hidden among them, the shills, tards, griefers, and other assholes..." You have become what you despise.

USN7480 0 points ago +1 / -1

You quote "AMENDMENT XII :

..." -- the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;"..." and ignore the part that says "in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives" but claim that Pence counted the votes while everyone was busy fleeing the chambers.

USN7480 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not uncharted. The laws and articles to the Constitution are in place and are on Trump's side. This potential scenario was considered and covered decades ago. Maybe, as of yet unexplored, but not uncharted.

USN7480 1 point ago +1 / -0

"like a lion playing with his food." I like that! It appears that Trump is not considering martial law, which gives me comfort. Optics of that would not be good. I've seen a few opinions regarding which move Trump will make next. A couple seem possible and even likely, the rest are fantasy. What I do know is that Trump has always been a great strategist. He thinks things through from every different angle. He is very closed mouth about his plans of attack. He is most effective when he blind sides an opponent, and he is very good at that. So, to figure out the next move of a person that is very effective at lulling his opponent into a state of false security will not be easy. You could be right. He may have already made his move. Time will tell.

USN7480 1 point ago +1 / -0

The sole purpose of GITMO is to detain the most dangerous foreign terrorists and enemy combatants in an offshore detention facility so they are not protected by the US Constitution, bill of rights, and Habeas Corpus. US citizens have these protections as a birthright. If foreign enemy combatants were detained and tried here, they would have these protections and guarantees also. Over the years, several US citizens have been detained at GITMO briefly (one or two days) but info is sketchy but they appear to have been in transit. Either way, the specific purpose of GITMO was to detain extremely dangerous foreign nationals without affording them OUR rights. To detain and try US citizens there would be hotly contested by any defense lawyer.

USN7480 3 points ago +3 / -0

Actually, any flight the VP is on would be known as AF2. Same with POTUS.

USN7480 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's (rightly) anticipating ANTIFA and BLM being there to start burning, looting, and potentially even rushing the White House. He knows they are cowards and won't engage in a real head to head conflict. He wants us to outnumber them to avoid all the destruction.

USN7480 1 point ago +1 / -0

West Virginia

USN7480 3 points ago +3 / -0

US citizens are not detained at GITMO. Maxwell was born in France, but claims multiple citizenships in France, England, and the USA. I don't know if an adopted citizenship exempts her from detention at GITMO. The lawsuits against her are filed in SDNY, so I believe she is still in Brooklyn detention.

USN7480 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not a terrorist in the usual sense of the word. Terrorists want the most shock value for their actions. Bodies, body parts, etc.. This incident occurred at a time when the least amount of people would be around, not the most. Also, there was a recorded message broadcast just before the bomb went off telling people to evacuate. As for it being a false flag, if it was, it wasn't a very well thought out plan. Damage was relatively light for what the opportunity made available. The bombing promotes feelings of disgust and anger. Not shock, horror, and fear which is the perpetrator's desired reaction. This looks to me like a personal vendetta against a business that has done someone wrong. Time will tell, but not every incident is a politically motivated conspiracy.

USN7480 2 points ago +2 / -0

U.S. citizens are NOT DETAINED AT GITMO. Stop spreading that kind of nonsense.

USN7480 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's an RV. I saw security video from another angle on the hews of it pulling up and parking

USN7480 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know. I just learned tonight that PayPal shut down X22Report's donation account. Dave migrated to his own dot com sight because Youtube censored then banned him, now PayPal shuts off his funding.

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