UpdootVeteran 3 points ago +3 / -0

You should check out Maine - the disabled are not exempt - no exception nor accommodations allowed - the disabled are not allowed in public. There is a lawsuit currently on file but as someone else mentioned - it’s slow and expensive. Meanwhile I’ve been stuck at home not allowed to be public - yay USA

UpdootVeteran 23 points ago +23 / -0

Same - we decided fuck it - and came to Florida for the week. I haven’t felt free in over a year. The sun combined with not wearing masks in most places has truly been a blessing for my entire families mental health. We have two days left and I plan on enjoying every minute of it.

UpdootVeteran 1 point ago +1 / -0

Florida went out for about an hour near Orlando this afternoon

UpdootVeteran 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don lemon is a faggot - and I mean that if the 90s way - he’s a punk ass bitch.

UpdootVeteran 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m surprised that came out so fast - usually they try to milk racial divide for at least a week before they memory hole it.

UpdootVeteran 3 points ago +3 / -0

True story - when going for my top secret clearance I nearly was denied because coworkers had suggested I was not patriotic

Why was I deemed not patriotic? Well I had stated that if I were given orders that were illegal, unethical, or immoral I would not act on them.

I had to explain - after 18 months and many interviews - that in fact this thought process is what made me a patriot. After all, our forefathers did what was right not what Britain demanded as law.

This was nearly 20 years ago - wonder why the military, fbi, and cia are full of a bunch of blind followers who never question rightness? They only do what they’re told and they never think for themselves.

UpdootVeteran 6 points ago +6 / -0

Good come back wow you really proved me wrong with your awesome analysis here LOL I mean the way you explain how his hands just glide on top and through the mics like they don’t exist is just so fantastic - you should get like a prize or something - you’re just so smart - and coming here to educate us all with this brilliant come back WOW who are we kidding we should just pack it all up now ????

UpdootVeteran 8 points ago +8 / -0

Lol dude in the video Biden’s hand goes through the mic as if it doesn’t exist ??

UpdootVeteran 7 points ago +7 / -0

I’ve never really bought into the entire shemale celebrity conspiracy- but this video is pretty fucking hard to explain ??

UpdootVeteran 1 point ago +1 / -0

We all need to just start suing the news

UpdootVeteran 10 points ago +10 / -0

I hope someone sues the shit out of them

UpdootVeteran 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe there were Air Force officers also caught in a child sexual abuse scandal in the 80s that fueled satanic panic

UpdootVeteran 0 points ago +1 / -1

Personally I hate early all officers and think the leadership has been trash for a bit ?‍♀️

UpdootVeteran 2 points ago +2 / -0

I never said pregnant women should deploy - pregnant women don’t deploy they stay behind in garrison and push papers on rear d until the unit comes back

The fatty test is based on BMI - not physical standards. Thanks for proving once again you don’t know what you’re talking about

UpdootVeteran 1 point ago +15 / -14

What are you in about? I’m pointing out that liberals aren’t the only ones falling for the psyop - conservatives have been in here crying all day about women who serve. So no it’s not a straw man - I expect better from conservatives

UpdootVeteran 27 points ago +29 / -2

IMO it’s a honey trap - these liberal military ass holes not only outed themselves they opened themselves up to UCMJ - what they’ve all done is against military regulations - sounds like a bunch of people are about to get kicked out lol this is a massive set up

UpdootVeteran 0 points ago +2 / -2

So you never served and have no idea what you’re taking about? Digital soldier? You couldn’t even google pregnant women in the military and how that works.

FYI I grew up serving in those wars

UpdootVeteran -12 points ago +26 / -38

Well I’m trying to figure out how tucker made the leap from flightsuits to pregnant women in combat ?

I don’t know, much of the conservative base here and at patriots.win ate this shit up. I’ve been trying to explain how ridiculous this is but some conservatives still want to jump on the muh women shouldnt serve bus. Ironic though because 9 times outta 10 those conservatives never served and are too fat and physical incapable of serving even if they wanted to - but yeah it’s liberals eating it up. I expect more from conservatives - people need to start using their brain

UpdootVeteran 141 points ago +148 / -7

Seriously this is a psyop if I ever saw one

Signed a female combat veteran who did psyop work

UpdootVeteran 1 point ago +3 / -2

You’ve never served have you?

The military is dependent on service positions. We can’t get enough people to join so we even hire 3rd country nationals to do some jobs (laundry, cook, even security) why? Because the average American male is too fat and lazy to join. We had to let felons with neck tattoos in during the surg but muh pregnant women in garrison? You know that pregnant women have served since the 50s? You know women have to have a family plan in order that signs away their kids so that can attend future deployments once they’ve given birth? You know it cost the military anywhere from 30,000 to 150,000 just to train a Soldier? Do you see it’s about money? It’s worthwhile for them to put her in garrison, pop the kid out and get back to it because they can’t find a male to take her place and even if they could it would cost more money and time to get that person up to par to replace her

The real issue is that the office core has been infiltrated with liberal pussies. Yes officers. Don’t ever trust an officer right off that back. They are upper middle class who couldn’t cut it in the real world. You want to fix the military - you have to root out these officers who are totally fucking everything up. Ps - most decisions are made for an OER bullet not because it’s an actual good idea.

Us enlisted are just trying to get out of poverty.

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