Whipping Boy: Someone punished for the errors of others.

Joe Biden flies to Ukraine, and gets a prosecutor fired,

And then Donald Trump got impeached for inquiring about it.


Joe Biden jams his fingers up Tara Reade’s vagina,

And then Donald Trump gets sued for allegedly doing exactly that.



2 minute video clip:


Yes, it is recent. From the Pipeline Podcast. The topic was sustainibility, environmentalism and Washington politicians:




EDIT: first time i watched video, i couldn't get sound to work. now i am watching video with sound, and i just heard someone getting arrested saying they didn't do anything wrong and it kinda reminded me of an old meme.




No, you're just racist and homophobic for comparing drag to blackface and using this issue to attack LGBTQ people.


Womanface is not a thing.


More thoughtless transphobia. The criteria for race are external and the criteria for gender are internal. They are not the same


Yeah skin color is just like wearing makeup or whatever. Great point, genius.


  • The Great Awakening -

We The People, are at a tipping point.

We have been studying vaccines, and vaccine problems, for many years,

and only recently have all of the necessary components come together at the same time and place,

for a mass awakening,

that vaccines are bioweapons,

and vaccines have always been bioweapons.

insert: astronaut pointing a gun at another astronauts back meme

So what has come together ?

  1. the COVID 19 "pandemic" and "vaccine" has grabbed the worlds attention,

and the public has been immersed in vaccine chatter for long enough that they somewhat have a vaccine interest, and/or a vaccine opinion,

and they have probably been coerced and/or forced into taking some action on vaccines.

so COVID / vaccines required everyone to become "active" in one way, shape or form.

  1. The Vaccine Debate Snowball

the anti-vaxxers have long been trying to work out the exact mechanisms by which vaccines cause adverse reactions, and i believe that they have built some very simple, easy to understand models for explaining how vaccines can cause problems.

example: fever of 101F vs fever of 105F

  1. we all have smart phones now!

  2. YOU!

there are only 2 steps to any revolution:

step 1: educate yourself

step 2: educate others

The Vaccine Debate Snowball has been snowballing for many years BEFORE covid,

and in my opinion, part of the purpose of the COVID/vaccine PsyOp,

was to counter the anti-vaccine narrative, that was coalescing online,

memes like "Vaccines Cause SIDS" are kind hard to refute,

without opening up the door to more inquiry into SIDS and vaccines...

the COVID/vaccine narrative successfully did a FORUM SLIDE of all the old vaccine debates, which have now been memory-holed,

BUT, the time is ripe, for YOU, to immerse yourself in the details of the current vaccine debate,

The anti-vaccine arguments have been fleshed out to such a degree,

that it is now possible for even lay-people to watch very complex debates about vaccines,

and the lay people can watch the back-and-forth, of the vaccine debate,

and as the lay people watch, they learn the language, the models,

they are able to get a good sense of the main talking points,

and common refutations.

this is step 1 of the revolution: educate yourself

if you educate yourself, then you are able to educate others.

but HOW is a lay-person to "educate themselves" about vaccines?

in my opinion, the best debates are being held at



just immerse yourself in the debates, and hear-out every side, so you have a good understanding of the points and counter-points,

and by doing this, you will slowly build a new model in your mind, for how vaccines actually work,

and how exactly it is that vaccines can sometimes cause adverse reactions.

and once you have this new working model in your mind, you will be able to ask new questions, and ponder new answers,

and also to proceed to step 2 which is to educate others

the revolution does not happen on the street. the revolution happens in your mind

here is a video that will bring you up to speed on the history of the vaccine debate, up to COVID.

The man speaking is Paul Offit, who is a highly esteemed vaccine researcher, who is credited with saving the lives of millions of people, with his vaccines.

Paul Offit has a very long, solid career in vaccines, and is a BIG celebrity in the vaccine world,

so if you cite Paul Offit as your source, it's usually considered to be rock-solid by the pro-vaccine side.


Paul Offit - Communicating Science to the Public: The Vaccine-Autism Controversy



TLDW: Offit goes thru the history of the various anti-vaccine theories in sequential order, debunking them one-by-one,

BUT at the end of the video, Offit finally gets around to talking about ADJUVANTS,

and you can tell by his body language, and his tone of voice, and his general demeanor, and attitude, that OFFIT KNOWS.

OFFIT KNOWS that ADJUVANTS are a big part of the problem,

and once you establish the simple fact that ADJUVANTS are designed to cause a "strong" immune response to something that would not normally cause a strong immune response,

we open the door to things like autoimmune disorders and "allergies"


Here is another video featuring Paul Offit doing a great job of explaining ADE,

and once you understand Offit's ADE model, you will be able to use that model to understand how COVID "vaccines" are causing "ADE" and "AIDS" and "VAIDS"

and Mercks disease in chickens

43 minutes


So for an investment of about 2 hours of your time, you can "educate yourself" about the current state of the vaccine debate, without having to endure thru years of tedious debates, false leads, disappointments, that hard-core anti-vaxxers have had to go thru.

Event 201

We are coming fresh off of the COVID-19 planned pandemic,

which is currently being framed as an "accidental" bioweapons lab leak,

as opposed to a "deliberate" release of a biological weapon of mass destruction, WMD.

who is responsible?

The UN,

The WHO,

The WEF,

Bill Gates Foundation,

Johns Hopkins,




The DoD

Big Tech

Big Media

Big Pharma

Dr Anthony Fauci

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla

Many other organizations and individuals

What we know now is that this was at least a 2 front war.

Front 1) the COVID bioweapon that was deliberately released, and successfully infecting almost everyone by now,

as part of WEF's Klaus Schwab's "Great Reset" agenda,

and the UN agenda 21 / agenda 2030

Front 2) the COVID "VACCINE" bioweapon, injected into 80% of Americans so far.

Image: The WHO logo side-by-side with Jesus Christ on a crucifix


Ephesians 6:11-15 NIV

11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

They invented "SIDS" as a way to cover-up the fact that vaccines kill a lot of babies.

This revelation was so profound to me, that i decided to make it my username!

because i did not want to lose focus of what my username was made for,

by getting distracted with the current thing.



So how do you "educate others"?

stay abreast in the current vaccine debate,

and read every day, as much as you can stand to read,

and develop a discerning taste, and a good eye for top-qualty content,

and when you find good content, share it with someone, somehow.

one good rule of thumb, for "sharing" verses "over-sharing",

is to post exactly ONE time per day. no less. no more.

So if you could only share the ONE post, what would it be?

please share your best content, in the comments below.


Whenever any vaccine is alleged to cause any problem, some 3rd party pro-vaccine activist quickly inserts themselves into the story, by doing a "study" that nobody asked them to do.

to nobody's surprise, the pro-vaccine activist just can't seem to find any evidence that any vaccine causes any problem.

BUT, the pro-vaccine activist does discover that the problem that the vaccine was alleged to cause, was actually prevented by the vaccine!

1000's of independent claims from parents who vaccinated their kids: vaccines cause autism

1 magic study: vaccines prevent autism!


1000's of independent claims from parents who vaccinated their kids: vaccines cause SIDS!

1 magic study: vaccines prevent SIDS!


claim: adjuvants + aborted human fetal cells = autoimmune disease

1 magic study: adjuvants lower the risk of developing autoimmune disease


Claim: vaccines cause alzheimer's disease

1 magic study: Vaccines prevent Alzheimer's disease!


New magic study finds MMR vaccine leads to LOWER rates of Autism


Pseudoscience: claims of widespread usefulness


What percentage of Americans are "vaccinated" against COVID ?

What's the nation's progress on vaccinations? At least 270,142,789 people or 81% of the population have received at least one dose.

What percentage of Americans are Christians?

Christianity is the most prevalent religion in the United States. Estimates from 2021 suggest that of the entire U.S. population (332 million) about 63% is Christian (210 million).

The vaccine cult is "Bigger Than Jesus"



it is VERY IMPORTANT for us to understand the situation we are in, when dealing with "Pharmakeia" (Big Pharma).

Their entire vaccine empire has been built on a foundation of lies.

You can't trust a single "study" regarding vaccines, because the "conclusion" (safe and effective!) is predetermined, and their "data" merely fixed around their agenda.

Pretty sure every story we think we "know" about vaccines, is just more vaccine propaganda.





there is an entire mythology built up around vaccines.

pro-vaccine people are very cult-like, in their behavior and reasoning.

i have spent the last 8 years engaged in debates about the nuts and bolts of vaccines, and vaccine problems,

and after a while, it becomes very clear that they are utterly incapable of "critical thinking" when it comes to pro-vaccine narratives...

but remarkably adept at "critical thinking" when it comes to picking apart anti-vaccine narratives.

example: what is an anecdotal correlation, verses what is a causation.

pro-vaccine side: correlation =/= causation!

anti-vaccine side: but would you agree that if there was an actual causation, then it would probably also have a correlation? ...

... because your current mind-set appears to be more like

"correlation precludes causation"

like when i say, "the baby got a vaccine, and then a few hours later got a high fever"

and you reply with "anecdotal, temporal, coincidental correlation!"

as if that somehow rules out the vaccine causing the high fever.

example: what is an anecdotal correlation, verses what is a causation.

anti-vaccine side: hey pro-vaccine side, why do you believe that the last vaccine you got, actually worked for you? what kinds of tests were done to verify your personal immune response was appropriate?

pro-vaccine side: well, i got myself a flu shot, and then i didn't get the flu!

anti-vaccine side: correlation! you can't really prove the flu vaccine actually worked for you, just because you failed to become infected.

lots of people who were NOT vaccinated, also did not become infected.

by the way... are you vaccinated against rabies?

pro-vaccine side: no, why?

anti-vaccine side: so why don't you have rabies yet?

pro-vaccine side: well duh, i haven't been exposed to rabies! because my dogs are vaccinated!

basically, it is impossible for THE VACCINE CULT to think any bad thoughts about VACCINES.

imagine if you asked a CHRISTIAN to think a bad thought about JESUS CHRIST...

the Christian couldn't do it!

There are no length that the PHARMAKEIA will not go to, to maintain their mythology,

There are BIG PHARMA ads on every commercial break on TV in the USA...

Every time you come up with any kind of criticism of vaccines, the vaccine cult deploys a "THOUGHT-TERMINATING CLICHE"


it is not possible to reason with, or bargain with, the vaccine cult.

they demand that you "opt-out" of their vaccine schemes, instead of allowing people to "opt in".

they demand that you explain your sincerely held religious beliefs, to a vaccine cult victim.

they demand that you have their vaccines, in order to work, go to school, travel, or even to attend a wedding.

they demand that you have a valid medical reason NOT to get a vaccine,

instead of them having to provide you with a valid medical reason TO get the vaccine.

they use social coercion to push people into getting vaccines.

non-stop COVID fear-porn on TV for 3 years,

sponsored by Pfizer, The Bill Gates Foundation, and the WEF.

When Q says that you can't tell people, you must show them...

i suspect that exposure of PHARMAKEIA and THE VACCINE CULT

is a MAJOR part of The Great Awakening

How many people reading this post, have become more skeptical of vaccines, since 2019?

How many people reading this post, have become closer to God since 2019?

Ephesians 5:11 - Have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them






Biden admin: "Discrimination has no place in our nation's schools or on our playing fields"

Isn’t womens sports based entirely on discriminating against men?

I mean, if discrimination has no place in our schools or playing fields, then i see no reason to have womens sports at all


the people who claim that its literally “violence” to call a man a man, even if he is a man…

are the same people who have no problems calling you a nazi, or fascist, or bigot, even if you don’t identify as such.

Its like they feel they have a monopoly on language, definitions, and labels, and can change definitions, or apply labels to whoever they want, for whatever reason they want.

So if you refer to a person with a penis as a male, you are committing an act of violence, because they don’t identify as a male,

and because you are committing an act of violence, that is used as an excuse to use violence against you.

And then they call you a nazi, bigot, fascist, etc, even though you don’t identify as such, and somehow their words are NOT violence, and NOT an acceptable reason to retaliate with your own violence?

You: correctly identify a male as a male, are labeled as a nazi, and subject to become the victim of violence.

Them: incorrectly label you as a nazi, and then use the “fact” that you are a nazi, to justify violence against you.

When someone calls you a nazi, fascist, or bigot, they are using dehumanizing language, which is a BIG RED FLAG for impending violence.

When you call a male a male, you are merely stating an irrefutable fact. And for that, you deserve to get punched


Its the same playbook.

They know good and well these Dominion machines are being used to rig elections

They know good and well nobody died at Sandy Hook.

So they “sue” their own controlled opposition, and have them throw their case, so that they can forever use these phony court cases as “proof” that Dominion isn’t rigging elections, and that these fake mass shootings are real.



Anthem For Justice

It was not botched.

It was not bungled.

It was not a blunder.

It was not incompetence.

It was not lack of knowledge.

It was not spontaneous mass hysteria.

The planning occurred in plain sight.

The planning is still occurring in plain sight.

The philanthropaths bought The $cience™.

The modelers projected the lies.

The testers concocted the crisis.

The NGOs leased the academics.

The $cientists fabricated the findings.

The mouthpieces spewed the talking points.

The organizations declared the emergency.

The governments erected the walls.

The departments rewrote the rules.

The governors quashed the rights.

The politicians passed the laws.

The bankers installed the control grid.

The stooges laundered the money.

The DoD placed the orders.

The corporations fulfilled the contracts.

The regulators approved the solution.

The laws shielded the contractors.

The agencies ignored the signals.

The behemoths consolidated the media.

The psychologists crafted the messaging.

The propagandists chanted the slogans.

The fact-chokers smeared the dissidents.

The censors silenced the questioners.

The jackboots stomped the dissenters.

The tyrants summoned.

The puppeteers jerked.

The puppets danced.

The colluders implemented.

The doctors ordered.

The hospitals administered.

The menticiders scripted.

The bamboozled bleated.

The totalitarianized bullied.

The Covidians tattled.

The parents surrendered.

The good citizens believed … and forgot.

This was calculated.

This was formulated.

This was focus-grouped.

This was articulated.

This was manufactured.

This was falsified.

This was coerced.

This was inflicted.

This was denied.

We were terrorized.

We were isolated.

We were gaslit.

We were dehumanized.

We were wounded.

We were killed.

Don’t let Them get away with it.

Don’t let Them get away with it.

Don’t let Them get away with it.


Last week, astrophysicist and famed science communicator Neil deGrasse Tyson appeared on The Highwire, an antivax video podcast, to “debate” its host, antivax propagandist Del Bigtree. This incident demonstrates quite well why it is almost never a good idea for a scientist to agree to “debate” science deniers.

David Gorskion April 10, 2023



Who is David Gorski?


Is David Gorski qualified to talk about vaccines?

Not really.

His specialty is breast cancer.

I suspect that down deep, Gorski's interest in vaccines, stems from his work with cancer.

At some level, Gorski has to wonder what causes cancer, and how to prevent it,

So why is Gorski shit-posting about vaccines every day, instead of staying in his own lane, and posting about breast cancer instead?

To be a specialist, requires you to foresake all other specialties.

The phrase "Jack Of All Trades, Master of NONE" has an equivalent saying in every culture and every language.

David Gorski is also responsible for recruiting students from the University he works at, to do pro-vaccine trolling online.

Anyway, Del Bigtree did a fantastic job of debating Neil Degrasse Tyson,

and i can see why David Gorski is pissed!

Del Bigtree Debates Neil Degrasse Tyson

its a 2 hour video. starts kinda slow, but the tension grows every minute,

until NDT is begging for mercy, begging for a "real" medical professional to step up to answer Bigtree's points



‘Jane Roe,’ from Roe v. Wade, made a stunning deathbed confession. Now what?



Aaron Russo talks about the origins of Women's Lib


in the years since RvW, 63,000,000 unborn babies have been "legally" murdered in America,

under the guise of "women'r rights", and "women's liberation" and "women's health care"

murdering unborn babies is not a "right", nor a "liberation", nor is it "health care".

those who can be convinced of absurdities, can be made to do atrocities




the pro-abortion people were able to frame a narrative that was favorable to their agenda.

they used the courts, to invent new "rights",

and to subvert the US congress, and its law making authority.

and the US President, and his law signing authority.

what is truly astonishing to me, is that the SCOTUS supposedly based their decision on the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution...

an amendment that nobody has actually read,

because if they had, they would clearly see that the 14th amendment protects the unborn baby's right to life, under the equal protection clause.

the 14th amendment defines what is a "person" and what is a "citizen",

and so an "unborn baby", matches the definition of a "person",

whereas a "natural born" baby matches the description of a "citizen"

however, the 14th amendment guarantees equal protection under the law for all "persons"

so unborn children actually have a 14th amendment right to be equally protected by the laws.


Fourteenth Amendment

Section 1

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Section 2

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

Section 3

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Section 4

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

Section 5

The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

63,000,000 dead babies.

thats a genocide by any measure.

each abortion can be justified,

but can 63,000,000 abortions be justified?

that is a significant portion of the population!

no wonder the birth rate is not at the replacement rate,

and why the UN is "helping" 8 nations with low birth rates, by importing immigrants, in a program called "replacement migration"

NPR calls it a white supremacist conspiracy theory


These people torture the English language



I wonder if they ever notice the discrepancy in their own narratives, when they know Planned Parenthood sets up shop in the ghettos, but then tries to say PoC lack “access” to womens health care.

Idk why that word “access” annoys the heck out of me.

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