ValkyrieDigitalis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Colorado - the next Chicago

ValkyrieDigitalis 1 point ago +2 / -1

Because, as conservatives, Republicans won't put a lot of stock in space aliens publicly. duh

ValkyrieDigitalis 2 points ago +2 / -0

they'll hang this up in appeals for years. nothing will change as long as people are ignorant of their true nature

ValkyrieDigitalis 1 point ago +1 / -0

I recently saw a comment somewhere that referred to it as "level surface" instead of flat earth... like we wouldn't notice the difference in wording this day and age. This tactic is used in particular by gaslighting, psyop-ing leftists everywhere I turn. I have a hard time with the whole concept and usually skip or write-off anyone who starts in on it.

As others have remarked, even if true, there are far more important concerns that take priority. It distracts and undermines those priorities, too.

ValkyrieDigitalis 3 points ago +3 / -0

I used to call this witch Liz Cheney 2.0. Liz looks like just another stoner next to this maniac. A new bar in RINO witches has been set.

ValkyrieDigitalis 8 points ago +8 / -0

I was in Vegas for 4 days last week to take care of some business. I had to travel to different parts of the city. I'd only been back in the US 5 days at that point, having been staying in the backwoods of Northern Ontario and sailing the caribbean for the last five years. I can honestly say that I felt safer in a caribbean island ghetto area than I did in Las Vegas. I was glad I had opted to stay in one of the nicer hotels there. Even getting gas while I was out and about seemed a tricky proposition. I bet a lot of people are longing for the italian mafia days when this kind of problem didn't exist.

ValkyrieDigitalis 7 points ago +7 / -0

I abandoned the Republican party over Bush and the neocons. I went independent or libertarian. I held my nose rejoining the Republican party to get my vote in for Trump. Zero chance I'll back a RINO over MAGA. But what to do if a RINO is running against a DEM? Definitely not going to give anything away to a DEM.

ValkyrieDigitalis 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is mostly true. However, I have also met many who are Jehovah Witness and to a lesser extent Mormon. These groups also tend towards conservatism.

I am however not so sure about the views of those south of Mexico. Mexico is actually a vast upgrade in economics and education to those from say Honduras and Nicaragua. Although they generally have a good work ethic, they still play the poverty game really well... which means they don't have a problem with manipulating systems to their advantage.

ValkyrieDigitalis 5 points ago +5 / -0

If this surprises anyone, you just need to read a little bit of history to catch on. This is the way that the aristocracy has passed on power for millennia. The "great experiment" that is the USA is the first country to throw off the yoke of the aristocracy.

Recall Ben Franklin's famous response to the question after the constitutional convention "Well, Sir, Do we have a monarchy or a republic". His answer was "A Republic. If you can keep it." He knew that the inbred aristocracy would continually claw at our constitution... and they have.

by BQnita
ValkyrieDigitalis 5 points ago +5 / -0

Naturally, you are welcome to believe as you please. I will remind you that God, himself, did not write the Bible. Its a history written by the very people who claim to have been chosen. Turning a blind eye to that fact is foolishness.

by BQnita
ValkyrieDigitalis 8 points ago +8 / -0

I have read and studied the Bible, as well as many other ancient texts. I continue to do this.

I remain unconvinced of who chose them or for what purpose by any account.

by BQnita
ValkyrieDigitalis 12 points ago +13 / -1

chosen for what exactly? asking for a friend

ValkyrieDigitalis 0 points ago +2 / -2

Probably because the arab world does not lie to themselves about what the Israeli state truly is.

ValkyrieDigitalis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Team Obama apparently scrubbed the internet pretty thoroughly. Its going to take some pretty serious digging. I share it so that others will also participate in the dig.

ValkyrieDigitalis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Our civilization did not conceive of zero until just after the birth of Christ. There is no representative of zero in roman numbers. Zero is an advance concept in mathematics that flies above most people heads and is taken for granted. Perhaps this concept will be the Achilles heal of AI.

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