Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

Last time I saw negotiation like that it was Homer Simpson trying to do a deal on Tomacco

Vapourface 3 points ago +3 / -0

We must be at the post-denial stage, where they tell us "It's happening and that's a good thing"

Vapourface 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pff. Show me anything this clown has got right (that he didn't lift from elsewhere). Don't worry folks the quantum financial system is coming, along with medbeds. Stop your mortgage payments, eat junk, and donate now. Charlie Ward level bandwagon fraud.

Vapourface 57 points ago +57 / -0

Audio of her saying "Grab me by the pussy" would be particularly sweet

Vapourface 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can relate, useful framing and strategies, glad to have read this. I don't like the clinical term ADHD though, it's normie wording, part of the psyop in a way.

Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did any bullet actually hit, or are we talking about the wake rupturing bloodvessels here? Surely no actual impact, or else it would have been tattered to bits.

Vapourface 12 points ago +14 / -2

an army of neurodivergent malcontents to wage memetic war against the Synagogue of Satan

like a retarded pig that stumbled haphazardly into a Honey-baked Ham store?

Great stuff. Bravo, and yes, I agree. Fully insulated.

Vapourface 3 points ago +3 / -0

It would be (maybe) useful to know if cameras of that sort can run "forever" in that mode, overwriting the storage card, and then you stop it once the event has happened knowing you have the previous 3minutes or whatever, or whether there is a certain limit related to the size of memory card, forcing the cameraman to predict when the event will happen, so it is within the limit.

Vapourface 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes, he must realise that being on the news means he is no longer protected. It's setting the stage and he knows it. That's the thing with Q - it must increasingly weigh on their minds they have it coming. We play with it, they are targeted by it. When they realise nothing can stop it - that must be like a long drop.

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

Him choking there - that is on a par with Trump dodging a bullet. This clip needs clipping. Classic, perfect example.

Vapourface 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's encouraging Crowdstrike making normie-news by causing inconvenience - it's like a gentle on-ramp for the normies. Oh yeah, and also they are the tech behind some major crimes...

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

Walter Hallstein - Head of EU Commission Kurt Waldheim - Secretary general of the United Nations - actual time-served Nazis

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wait till you find out... Adolf Heusinger - Chairman of the NATO Military Committee...

Vapourface 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wouldn't say it was staged, but if I did think that I would reply like this:

  1. SS is neutral, elements likely favour Trump, could also be a military overlay doing the covert bits
  2. Practise, you would practise if it were staged
  3. Secondary benefit highlight that leftists do entryism, also assassin would be wise to register republican for cover
  4. You would not include bullets being aimed at Trump in a staged incident (you would do some safer alternatives)
  5. As above
  6. Your crisis actor could make that up, baiting Biden to say "no I didnt call" making him look bad/liar, whereas keeping quiet about it is safer and Trump has that black mark for not calling.
  7. Many are, some I assume are real.

Now, I realise you maybe would not be very satisfied with those answers, best I can do playing devils advocate.

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

The people killed could have been real assassins, who were watched the entire time, and executed based on the fact they were going to kill if allowed to (were recorded saying "yes I will kill" and carried weapons in etc). Doesn't seem terribly likely but remains a potential

Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

I too have built a scenario where there was a real attempt - but it was allowed to play out in COMPLETE SAFETY for Trump.

Key points: It is not possible to defeat SS security in the ways shown. If Qplan is real (yes) then security was there and Trump was in no danger, so how:

First, there could have been NO bullet injuring Trump, at least, no potentially-lethal projectile. That must have been stage magic, a remote controlled covert injury-maker, like a small charge on the ear from the start (sub micro, invisible)

Next the shooters gun would have been disabled (if this was not done, then the WH would have had to kill him before he shot, and have someone else take the shots from elsewhere)

Allow a compromised temporary security team to believe they have control, while a second team operates covertly.

Man killed in crowd - also an assassin (or faked).

Trump team knew this was a backstop plan of the DS (ed: with a fixed date), so they watched it assemble. Intervened to disable gun, and position second attacker in plausible line of sight of the roof gun.

When the time came and roof shooter shot his blank-firing gun, he also triggered the sequence:

  1. WHs begin shooting - man in crowd, who was a follow up assassin, man on roof who believed himself to be the killer, any other hidden shooters. Some additional shots for realism.
  2. Injury maker on Trumps ear explodes, cuts his ear
  3. Trump ducks, get photos, rise, get more photos, have front SS guy allow the staying on stage
  4. You have killed the two assassins, maybe three, even though they were never going to be able to act (roof gun disabled, crowd followup killer the first to get shot before he was due to act)
  5. Plotters are real, compromised SS are real or triple agents
  6. Dont-shoot orders and not intercepting the roof shooter makes sense - overwatch needed him there, at same time someone corrupted thought they were directing

This also explains the small and open crowd without enclosure - prevents a stampede with deaths.

So - it could be possible to foil the plan AND have it play out in a controlled manner, WITHOUT relying on shooting a potentially deadly bullet close to Trump. I think the injury to Trump was real, but would have needed to be a device of some sort that was only capable of a minor injury.

The above statements are JUST SPECULATION. Could be real, could turn out the guy in the stands who was shot really was (edit: innocent), and that tends to make the whole thing real because I don't think innocent deaths would have been permitted. But if those shot were primary/secondary/tertiary assassins it is reasonable to kill them/shoot them.

Vapourface 9 points ago +9 / -0

You are implying there was a real bullet, that could have hit, and that could have killed the double and revealing that would have ended Trump. It would be impossible for Trump to come out and say "oh that's a body double that died, don't worry" he would be a coward for using one, and heinous for letting him get killed. Doesn't scan. I think there is a scenario were Trump was on stage, the shooter was real but there still was no danger to Trump, but I'm saving it for now.

Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isn't this the same "loose lips" that spilled the beans about No Name getting executed?

"Wait until the weekend" then talking about health and wellbeing? He better watch out because he could well end up like No Name once the "time machine" at the NSA goes back to the hours and days prior to this and listens to his cellphone microphone stream....

Vapourface 5 points ago +6 / -1

Reversed, must be. Often see this on twitter, not sure why. (edit - confirmed by the sign the woman holds - mirrored text, the usual giveaway)

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