It's a Reddit link [please don't throw things at me] so I've broken the link intentionally here. Remove the underscore in "red_dit", copy and paste into new window and you're good to go.


CAUTION: there is all likelihood that when combing open directories....... you WILL come across some messed up shit. These are usually directories that some folk assume no one will find. You were warned.


As a 37 year old High Functioning Autistic cunt, I'm finally learning some simple things that everyone else has been aware of their whole lives. Even if it is only an hour or so per day, we need to take breaks from the mental exhaustion. Personally, I like to play intense online first person shooters. Yeah, I know, seems like a counter productive choice but I can do it all day and possibly in my sleep. Sometimes, when you least expect it - you'll get clarity/epiphanies which one would never have come up with from intense DIGGING and physical/mental exhaustion [nourishment is key also. 3 days without red meat and I'm useless even in basic conversation]. We all hit the wall sometimes. Know your own minds/bodies and treat them with the respect they deserve. When I'm not here at GA, I'm hard at it being the best single father of two girls with disabilities that I can be. The rest of my time is spent digging, pondering, learning. We are not machines. We are only human. Know when to push the screen aside for a bit and take 5 [or 17]. We are no good to anyone at our worst. Stand fast. WWG1........... you know the rest ;)