WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

I keep my snoot in all sorts of circles online. And there is a decently-sized group complaining about all but one of these issues - and that group is the Online (mostly younger) communists. It is almost impossible to get them to care about borders, though. Which can lead to some real fun when you remember that older heads can be extremely concerned with borders...

WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +2 / -0

This implies they haven't been regularly doing this for like two years now. Which we all know they have been.

...Are people actually still interested in sports? Anyone I knew who was stopped during the panny and never picked it back up. Unless you count video games, which, uh, I don't. Sorry, all you Pac-heads

WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +2 / -0

There were millions and millions of Americans back then calling this out and protesting en masse in the streets... They were mostly liberals so it was completely ineffectual, of course.

WhaleWatcher 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here's a puzzle from a book I had as a kid. No cheating with Bing!

A man walks into an art gallery and ruins dozens of precious pieces, causing millions of dollars in damages. When the vandal leaves, he is greeted warmly by the museum owner/curator dude and enthusiastically thanked. Why?

Bonus one if that's too easy: Two frogs are in a slowly boiling pot. They continue to swim around as close to the top as possible, but the walls of the pot are simply too high and slick for them to jump out of. Both frogs are equally healthy and good at jumping. This riddle takes place in a world where frogs are incapable of suicide.

One frog survives, but the other dies. Why?

WhaleWatcher 0 points ago +1 / -1

Man, can you at least tell me if you're actually arguing with me, even if it's because of words only you can see? Or are you just airing grievances at liberals, and for some reason choosing to do so via the medium of replies to me? Why did you suddenly bring up feelings and why do you have such strong feelings about the very concept of feelings?

Can you at least throw even one sentence towards the question actually being asked in this thread -whether this situation with the NM governor (who is, last I checked, not Hunter Biden) is WHs being in control or not? Please? Just give me something to prove you have any semblance of human reading comprehension and are not someone testing their AI chatbot? Pretty please with a Biden indictment on top? Anything?

This is all very confusing, which is why I once again ask... why?

WhaleWatcher -1 points ago +1 / -2

Ah, so you'd prefer workers to have no say over their own working conditions, like in a communist country? You're against democracy in the workforce? Things were better for the workers when Hot Stalin ruled them with a sexy iron fist?

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

The pattern I am describing goes back decades, it has only gotten more obvious and farcical in recent years. It has long been there, so unless patriots were in control well before 9/11 and yet let all of the aughts go down they way they did...

WhaleWatcher 3 points ago +3 / -0

always. record. interactions. with. cops.

WhaleWatcher 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm gonna keep asking "why?" until you say something relevant, sorry buckaroo

This isn't about my feelings. Like you said, they don't matter.

All I am saying is that I don't think this is something they are being forced into doing by White Hats, which is what LLL was saying, which is what I was replying to. The words being said. I instead contend that this is part of a liberal strategy to use the judicial system to weaken the Constitution, bypassing Congress.

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is why you always scroll to the bottom first. The realest shit is right here

WhaleWatcher 0 points ago +1 / -1

Forced, not an error. The liberals want this to get in court and have precedence. It's part of the new strategy we are seeing play out in Montana and elsewhere, specifically the climate lawsuits.

If a state governor hadn't tried this, then this would be an open avenue for defense when the 2A lawsuits start really cookin'. Without a federal judge swatting this down, a 2A line of defense could be asking why the state didn't do more itself. My guess is they are actually aiming for a 2 gun limit (going by the "wield" definition of "bear"), and this is all extended prepro gamefield massaging.

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

The other use for an EV is to:

Step 1: Take a drive on California's famous winding grapevine Step 2: You will be forced by the slopes to go around 30mph for stretches, accumulating a massive line of angry Californians behind you Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

The real solution is bikes, but those require actual effort

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Umm... but you could remove Oprah and it would still work? The Rock is Black too?

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you think internal polling is actually about telling your clients the hard truth and not about coddling them into continuing to purchase your obviously and inherently flawed service...

WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, that's what a strong union can get you.

It's funny, I was watching one of those free old movies on YouTube, and there was one with, funnily enough, Fran Drescher screeching about unions. It was called "Beauty and the Dictator" or something, and it was a Beauty and the Beast story but with The Nanny as Beauty and what can only be described as some sort of Hot Stalin as Beast.

And while they're doing the whole second act seeing new parts of each other shtick, the quasi-communist dictator takes Fran Drescher to a factory to see the glory of their economy or whatever. And during the tour she starts talking to the employees and finding out how much they're paid and the working conditions and she asks why they don't talk to their union rep, and is flabbergasted when she finds out these steel workers or whatever don't have a union. So she organizes a union and maybe even a straight-up strike against The Beast? And he has to be okay with it because those legs va va voooom

It was just interesting to see unions be the symbol and tool of American-styled economic freedom, fighting against the tyrannies of totalitarianism and communism.

WhaleWatcher 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not defending this particular person, but I will say something about this kind of take coming from these sorts of people: they were raised in a cult. They spent years, maybe a decade or more learning all the sacred rules and rites of this cult, and developed a framework through which to understand reality.

And what is currently happening, the disconnect between macronomic health and micronomic health is just straight up not supposed to happen, according to their cult teachings. The relationship between the two intertwined economies was always more complicated and fraught than advertised, but the relationship was at least there. It existed. According to all of their textbooks and teachers and mentors and scholars, the current complete disconnect between "how well the economy is doing" and "how kind economic conditions are to an average worker" straight up should be mathematically impossible. If you brought up this scenario in a Princeton econ course in the 90s you would have been laughed at and condescendingly told that this just wouldn't happen.

Again, I'm not defending the honor of this guy or anyone, really. I just think it's important to acknowledge that this isn't an ignorant and sheltered Marie Antoinette suggesting cake as a bread alternative because she doesn't understand wheat (itself an apocryphal yet still illustrative story from history). This is more like a member of a doomsday cult waking up the next day wondering why all these people are still here.

Or, more accurately, a member of an infinity cult just starting to realize that doomsday is here.

WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +2 / -0

Neoliberal macroconomics have reached their breaking point, no longer able to even provide the microeconomical wool/scales to cover the eyes of consumers.

The funny thing is that this was inevitable - an economic system that demands infinite growth within a a reality made of finite resources was always going to crash to a halt at some point. There were hopes that Atomic Age Space Race Shit would being us to a whole new frontier of resources to exploit, but that has not panned out. Earth is too perfect and unique and space is too big and empty.

But we aren't there yet! Sure, we are burning through our available resources fast, but at least some portions of the world could have kept this up for another 100 years at least with smart planning and a nimbly adaptable infrastructure. But the sheer mathematical greed of neoliberalism could not be checked or held back.

More capital is being harvested than ever before, but the actual producers of that capital see less of it than ever before. And so much of what is created and harvested is not being reinvested and the "gold" is only trickling down in the most literal and puerile of senses. It is being hoarded and selectively used just for positioning and planning for safeguarding future hoards (see Bill Gates and the farmland and his other fake eco initiatives) - as well as financial dick-waving contests and the like.

We aren't even in the bread and circuses era of this empire - we're really just in the circuses era. Bread is available as an occasional treat, if you're good and we've decided to keep subsidizing farmers alongside the actually important stuff like Amazon and video game companies!

WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +2 / -0

Occasionally in all my verbal pickaxe flailing I strike upon a seam of something intelligent! 😊 Thank you, it is appreciated!

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

...porn seems to largely exist without them??? Um... maybe you have ad blocker turned on and forgot, or you are using some bespoke fancy porn sites for gentlemen with handlebar mustaches, but ads are everywhere? However, those are still the classic "fishing" style ads - these still work because porn sites are about the only sites of such specific and marketable interests (sex and sex-adjacent products and services) to bring in such volume that this method still works.

Porn sites would love to pull a social media and make it so every user has to have an account, so tailored fetish ads could follow the user instead of having to rely on user tagging to put the right sexuality of porn ad on the right porn. But the vast majority of users want to leave zero lingering (digital) traces of their deed, and porn is too easy to make and distribute now for the industry to engage in "UX-fixing" like social media platforms did.

So here's the thing - ads are much much much less effective than they were. These are numbers just for example - let's say that back in 2004, your webcomic about gamers on couches earned you one hundredth of a penny for every ad view, and one full penny for every ad click. Today you may be getting closer to one hundredth of a penny for every click, and... a thousandth or something for every view? Ten thousandth? Point is, the rates have gone way down, because humans are not really the users in modern internet economics - we are the product.

The market has become flooded with product (users), causing the individual price of each product to fall. The selling point for advertising on the net underwent a painful transformation from "reach a small dedicated niche audience that inherently has some leisure capital to spend!" to "reach literally everyone on the planet who could possibly give you money". Millions of middlemen in the system went under and lost their shirts.

But even with all of that, Google keeps it up because making fractions of fractions of pennies adds up with their massive volume. Sites and blogs and channels keep it up because 1) might as well try and get a little pizza money for "free", and 2) the service you're using will probably put ads up regardless, so you really might as well. Advertisers keep it up because, well, this is now where everyone is.

Besides, it's not like classic tv or paper ads translated into direct trackable purchases. Even an internet that uses ads less than it used to still gives companies so much more better data than tv ads ever could, and that's even before they introduced the nanobot swarm.

As for how they could even be effective... well for one thing, the economy is a shell game. Funny money exists everywhere, and this is just one facet. But also, if you are the age you indicate than you are well out of the most coveted advertising demo, 18-35. You are no longer in the Socially Incentivised To Be Dumb With Your Money age bracket, your societal role (according to marketers) is to raise the next crop of 18-35 year olds.

And 18-35 year olds? They are depressed, they are certain the future is only going to get worse, and many of them came of age in a time where they were isolated and disconnected but had regular government cheddar rolling in, and only one place to spend it. The internet. And during that time they gave their brain data away (and many had already been doing that throughout high school), and now the nanobot swarm knows precisely how they would spend their extra income if they actually had a decent amount. So their own brain data can be used against them with algorithmic persistence. Buying a 12 dollar trinket gives them an opioid burst instantly, then another one when it arrives in two days, followed by a short sequence of decreasingly powerful hits.

This is much more enticing than "save up to have stability in a future all but guaranteed to be chaotic and unstable!" The kids know they'll never see a dime of all the social security they're paying into. They feel stuck and squeezed and like they are a commodity or product for techbro billionaires more than sentient individual beings, so might as well spend your vanishingly small extra income on shiny things to look at while waiting for the grave to swallow you. Bread and circuses, etc.

I did not mean for this to get that depressing, but this is where we are.

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, they've tried, they've trotted out friends of friends to make plausibly deniable insinuations and rumours and stuff, and no one's buying it. Even the Tumblr Teens who are very begrudgingly taking Biden are completely over her.

The secret to secret uniparties is that being self-defeating is a vital defense mechanism and tool for survival. I mean, it's the classic litmus test for if you're being fed propaganda:

"The enemy is cunning and devious and wants your end so you should be scared into following our orders, but also the enemy is foolish and weak and incompetent so you should have confidence in our supremacy!"

This one of the most well-known thought pattern tricks used to stir sentiment from one group against another. Every side did it towards every one else in the Hot World War days (I highly recommend browsing 20th century wartime propaganda to see at full opacity the methods still employed today through subtler means). But what if you could have a system where this wasn't just propaganda, but true propaganda?

What if the other side was almost hilariously self-defeating, and "your side" was equally as obviously self-defeating in hilarious ways to the "other side"?

I should mention that the historical record we have suggests that classic Human Incompetence is the standard order of the day, and "great leaders" who move history by intention owe as much to luck as anything else. But as Empires collapse, things tend to get beyond the pale, as the politics themselves that should be serving the masses become the bread and circuses to distract them.

WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +2 / -0

The YouTube thing is just part of the general Web 3.0ing. The reason why they cut the functionality is the same reason every social media service that used to just be made up of visible HTML pages now has landing overlays and spiders on every page badgering you to sign in - so you can see targeted ads.

Ads on the internet used to be like fishing - you set up an ad on a site that every visitor will see. You try and tailor your bait to the fishing hole, and serve your ad to an audience you think will bite. But now ads are heat-seeking missiles, or really more like a swarm of homing nanobots. These new nanobot ads pay way more than the old model, and every form of internet ad is paying out less than it used to. And Google has been an advertising company with some tech initiatives on the side for almost decades now.

The implication is simple: give us your brain data or suffer a "worse" UX

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