Whiskey4Lunch 1 point ago +1 / -0

And you still haven't explained why you support Ukraine.

It should be obvious. You can't figure it out, unlike most of the world, so I'll spell it out:

  • Ukraine is the defender, not the aggressor.
  • Ukraine is the underdog faced with a full invasion by a superpower.
  • Russia has purposefully hit civilian populace and locations.
  • There is no reasonably justifiable reason for Russia to invade Ukraine.
  • Russia is seeking to overthrow the current government to install a puppet regime.
  • Putin is complex and can't be pigeon holed as a "white hat". He has his own motivations that may or may not align with ours.

Now let me spell out what I'm NOT saying because you love your strawman arguments:

  • These are my opinions on the Ukrainian / Russian war, that are unique to this situation. "Whataboutisms" don't apply.
  • Ukraine is not without it's criticisms.

For someone who's presumably religious and an "against the grain", "critical thinker", you seem wholly intolerant to any ideas outside your own. You'd think a Q follower would be MORE open to a diversity of opinions, but clearly, this is not the case with you. You have more in common with a libtard: screaming down, name calling, emotional outbursts, one dimensional thinking, intolerance of differences.

For that reason I'm not going to waste my time engaging with you any further. You're not interested in a rational discussion. You're more interested in attacking "frens" on the same team for daring to have a thought that doesn't comport with yours. Pretty lame, really.

Whiskey4Lunch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see. So to summarize your position:

"when you take the side of George Soros, you better have a damn fucking good reason"

UNLESS, he says something you agree with, but then he's just saying it without sincerity.

BUT, if he says something you disagree with, then he's definitely sincere.

You've heard of confirmation bias, right?

Whiskey4Lunch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does that negate his questions about people not caring about those other conflicts?

Did you miss this: "demonizes, perhaps rightly so on some accounts, the US involvement."

Whiskey4Lunch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I actually hadn't considered this question, so I looked it up. Turns out there is a point to be made that it is no longer technically Communist.

However, I think the spirit of Communism is still quite strong given that the communist party is the second largest party in Russia and that it's aligned itself with Communist China, as a Nation. It also is fairly authoritarian.

The roots of Democracy are quite weak, given that Putin has near dictatorial powers.

The United Russia Party is fairly odd. This one article spelled it out in a way I agree with: "The nature of Russian politics confounds Western understandings of democracy. It is accepted by experts that Russia is not democratic, nor is it fully authoritarian"


Thanks for pointing this out. I feel like I advanced my learning today.

Whiskey4Lunch 2 points ago +2 / -0

What;s interesting is what you didn't highlight.

"Once lost, personal autonomy will be difficult to recover. An open society would have no place in such a world." - George Soros

"I believe that as a long-term strategy our best hope lies in access to quality education, specifically an education that reinforces the autonomy of the individual by cultivating critical thinking and emphasizing academic freedom." - George Soros

"it needs to dominate the 5G market and to fully implement the social credit system that is a threat to open societies" - George Soros

So you've said very specifically that "when you take the side of George Soros, you better have a damn fucking good reason". Do you agree or disagree with George Soros? Or are you just selective when you apply this principle?

Whiskey4Lunch 2 points ago +2 / -0

can infer you're a smooth brain because all you do is repeat MSM talking points and then try to talk down to me with Philosophy 101 retardation

You're the guy that doesn't understand nuance and likes to hurl insults like a lib, but I'm the "smooth brain". OK....

Whiskey4Lunch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Why? Can you explain why it is?

After all, when you take the side of George Soros, you better have a damn fucking good reason

Is Trump a Soros stooge too?


Once again, you're missing any other reason why someone could side with Ukraine other than to be onboard with Soros. It's pretty silly. Soros has business interests in Ukraine, he doesn't give two shits for the people. But someone who does give a shit about the people, doesn't give two shits about Soros business interests. Yet both can support Ukraine for different reasons. Is this hard to understand?

"Ms Arkhipova said on Wednesday that all been finally released."

Oh I see, so jailing children is fine as long as they get released? That's your position?

Now let's compare the plight of those Russian prisoners (the children who were jailed WITH their parents instead of being put into state foster care to be abused by pedophiles like sometimes happens in the United States when parents are jailed), for starters, to what the January 6 prisoners are still going through.

Holy moly, that's quite the pivot. How do you manage to pack so many nonequivalent comparisons in one sentence. You go all the way from pedos and Jan 6 just to NOT condemn Putin for jailing kids. Instead of using 'whataboutism' to support your argument, why don't you just take the logical position that jailing kids is bad, in all cases?

Oh wait, does Soros not support jailing kids, because then clearly, you'd use the argument that jailing kids was good because as we all know, "you need a really fucking good reason to side with Soros".

Your uninterrupted support for Putin is concerning.

Whiskey4Lunch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I notice George Soros went from supporting China to a full-on attack of Xi Jinping, for starters.

So you're presuming that Soros is the spokesperson for the WEF and that Xi is now fighting the NWO. Apart from Soros condemning Xi, do you have any evidence of that?

Similar to your other thread, you seem to take the very one dimensional position that if a person aligns themselves in a certain way in one situation, you can then infer their entire motives outside of that situation. Clearly there is no space for nuance of reason in that logic.

An example: Betsy likes cats. You would then try to argue that Betsy hates dogs. You can't infer one from the other.

Whiskey4Lunch -1 points ago +3 / -4

Why are you siding with George Soros, the WEF, the DeepState, and the MSM? That's the better question

Gimme a break, guy. I'm pretty sure I explained in the other thread of mine, where you seem to be attacking my other posts, that siding with Ukraine doesn't mean you are siding with Soros, WEF, Deepstate and MSM. It's a perfectly rational position to despise those things and still support Ukraine in this defensive fight. Why are you siding with Putin?

In other words, complying with the Minsk accord means Russia wins

So you at least acknowledge that Russia is trying to take Ukrainian territory. Both you and Russia are trying to claim that those regions are "fighting for independence" when really Russia wins, and adds those to it's territory.

Do you support the return of the USSR as well?

I suppose you support Obama and the bioweapons operations as well?

Give it a rest. Do you support throwing children in jail for protesting against the war in Russia? Let's stop with the silly accusations.


Whiskey4Lunch -2 points ago +2 / -4

I see your angle but as per the Q post, POTUS can't coordinate with the Chinese citizens to remove the NWO. There is no back channel from POTUS to get around the CCP.

Whiskey4Lunch -4 points ago +3 / -7

Russia didn't comply with the Minsk agreement either. There were numerous violations on both sides. I found this article very enlightening:


Russia tried to claim they had no forces in the region, yet they then refused to remove said equipment until after the elections.

"Ukraine argues that point 10 of the Minsk agreement, which mentions the withdrawal of “all foreign armed forces” refers to Russia, while Russia denies having any military presence on the territories.

The implementation order of political and military steps is another point on which Russia and Ukraine disagree. While Russia argues that elections in the separatist republics should come before the withdrawal of military equipment, Ukraine insists on the opposite."

You ask how long Russia should wait? They are trying to take a chunk of Ukraine. You think Ukraine should just capitulate it like they did Crimea? Russia has been slowly gobbling up Ukraine piece by piece. Crazy thought, but why don't they just stop?

Whiskey4Lunch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fair enough, but Q has said many things that were either misdirection or false (ie. 2020 election would be secure).

The WEF, the biggest promoter of the NWO, loves China and wants to export it's technocratic model everywhere. How do you square China fighting to remove the NWO and at the same time being promoted by the WEF?

Whiskey4Lunch 12 points ago +15 / -3

This is NOT a neutral source. The flag behind this "Texan" is the flag of Donetsk, the region that is fighting the Ukraine government and wants to be aligned with Russia.

EDIT: He literally has a 5 point red star with a hammer and sickle on his cap.

Whiskey4Lunch 0 points ago +8 / -8

Guys, what am I missing here? This is pure Russian propaganda.

He sets the premise that he is "one of us", by the story of his childhood friend. The video suggests he is a "Ukraine Citizen", but he slips and refers to Russia as "we". He gives the Russian narrative version of all those world events, and demonizes, perhaps rightly so on some accounts, the US involvement. Finally he speaks on behalf of the Russian and Chinese Alliance and threatens the West.

There is another video making the rounds that has the same set up at the beginning. The guy is walking around Kyiv and states he's an American living in Ukraine. That's a psychological tactic: Listen to me because I am one of you.

Q is a patriotic movement, why are we cheering on the "bear and the dragon"? We are not idiot Libs that align with each other because the enemy of my enemy is my friend (example muslim extremists and feminists). We may have a common enemy - the Deep State - but that doesn't mean the bear and the dragon are allies or worth cheering on.

Whiskey4Lunch -2 points ago +2 / -4

Umm this really seems like Russian propaganda written for a Western audience. Like Josef Goebbels level bad.

Whiskey4Lunch 9 points ago +9 / -0

Fascinating how people dismiss VAERS, when it's literally the ONLY vaccine safety system established in the US.

If you ignore VAERS, what then are you using to establish vaccine safety signals?

It's certainly not perfect, but ignore it at your own peril.

Whiskey4Lunch 6 points ago +6 / -0

The guy with the backpack listening to her, I think, is someone who wants to "do good". These are the types that we can turn to the cause. Camera man, talking head are lost causes.

Whiskey4Lunch 4 points ago +4 / -0

Only the mirror works. Apparently someone fears this PDF

Whiskey4Lunch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What possible leverage could the Chinese have that would force the US gov to skewer itself on the vax? Notice it also says "YOU were right", not "WE were right".

Hallmarks of a troll post.

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