WildStar 2 points ago +2 / -0

The last rally he held was near the Cleveland area, which was the wrong end of the state for me. I'm hoping that next time he picks somewhere closer to the Columbus area.

WildStar 7 points ago +7 / -0

I've come to believe that there's no longer any useful division between 'conservative' and 'liberal' anymore. After all, the MAGA movement includes people from both camps. Because, deep down, true conservatives and liberals believe in the same basic principles, we just disagree on the appropriate policy to achieve them. And the fight is now far beyond tax rates and fiscal policy, we're literally fighting a fascist takeover of the country.

Like I've posted elsewhere:

Conservatives were right about the evil of big government

Liberals were right about the evil of big business

Moving forward, any policy solution will have to acknowledge both of these truths.

WildStar 2 points ago +2 / -0

And don't forget that the government and megacorporations will be actively working to destroy your business.

WildStar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not in the industry but I'm not surprised about the rising costs. Higher fuel prices and higher taxes means higher costs. Only dumocrats can't figure that math out.

WildStar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unlike Theoden, FJB isn't just bewitched, he's actively evil.

WildStar 3 points ago +3 / -0

If true, they should both receive the proper penalty for treason. However, the letters F, B, and I show up much too often for my comfort. I am not ruling out this being a frameup.

WildStar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then it would depend on how strong DeSantis really is and how far he truly is willing to go.

New York can pull this BS because they're using their state's National Guard. For the federal government to commandeer a state National Guard requires either the governor's permission, or a showdown. We would certainly get to see what DeSantis is made of.

WildStar 3 points ago +3 / -0

I bet they're upset they didn't get the Taliban's discount.

WildStar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looks satirical, but it's hard to tell the difference anymore.

WildStar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Propaganda is perhaps too strong of a word, but all stories, to a degree, are indoctrination. Every story advances the values and agenda of its creator, whether intended or not. Some of those values we don't think about because they're near universal, such as, "helping orphans is good" or "eating babies is bad." Others we don't think about because we share those values. Anything that promotes capitalism and liberty as good pushes an agenda just like woke nonsense (although it's probably better made). We also might not notice because in better made stories, such values aren't so much pushed as they are just assumed to be true.

So yes, all films with any coherent plot either pushed or assumed certain beliefs. We just don't notice either because we shared those beliefs, or it was done so subtly that there was never a chance to notice. Nothingberg has a good point about watching critically: if you want to see it (and not everyone does), it's possible to see the beliefs being pushed by any film. Just ask, "What values are being stated," as well as, "What values are assumed to be true?"

WildStar 7 points ago +7 / -0

We've all learned some hard lessons over the past six years. We had to admit that you were right about the threat posed by big government and socialism. You had to admit that we were right about the threat posed by big business and wall street.

WildStar 2 points ago +2 / -0

I now believe that CRT was funded by the banks back then to sabotage the Occupy movement. You see what happened to it when intersectionality took it over.

by BQnita
WildStar 12 points ago +12 / -0

Many of them worked so hard to be "innocent as doves," that they forgot to be, "wise as serpents." And so they fall for every scam "authority" tells them.

My own pastor is one of these; he boasts how he "doesn't follow politics," then he repeats every idiocy he hears from the news.

WildStar 1 point ago +1 / -0

But first, if you can, get a second opinion from a doctor who is not ignorant or science-denier.

WildStar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Frontline Doctors has been suggesting that they may be opening clinics around the country. So best case would be to wait for one to open near you if you can wait. If you need a doctor soon or now, though, call around and be ready to travel. I would assume that small town or rural doctors would be your best chance.

WildStar 1 point ago +1 / -0

As I posted in another thread, doctors like this are either lying or ignorant. Neither case suggests anything good about their medical skill. Thus, they cannot be trusted.

WildStar 3 points ago +3 / -0

In general, I've found that the further you get from downtown, the less nazi shit you have to deal with. For most places, putting the sign up is the most effort they'll give toward compliance.

WildStar 3 points ago +3 / -0

I live in the same city, and I understand that it's not necessarily the business's fault we have a fascist city government; but how they react to it is. That's why I just go inside maskless and see what they say.

If they give me any mask nazi shit, I walk out; AFTER giving a prominent nazi salute and a LOUD, "Heil Covid!", so everyone gets the point. In fact, I recommend everyone do the same; we need to make these fascists understand exactly what they are.

For the record, "Do you need a mask? is acceptable. "You are required to wear a mask, " is not.

By the way, can you recommend any based, or at least non-cucked, hangouts in the area? Almost two years with only the wife for social contact is too much.

WildStar 25 points ago +25 / -0

I've been hating this movie, but I do like this twist.

WildStar 1 point ago +1 / -0

We are in dire need of a resource to find legitimate doctors.

Also another reason we need state based .wins

WildStar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Find another doctor. If they refuse to follow the scientific evidence on masks, you cannot have any confidence in their medical knowledge, and thus, cannot trust them at all.

WildStar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anyone else surprised that they kept comments on?

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