WinstonO1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

Best 6 min recap..I have ever seen!

WinstonO1984 8 points ago +9 / -1

Mocking Bird Media...has it Droned into Most.."Israel is our Greatest Ally"

WinstonO1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow..I Remember that Post...and I too have noticed Nice BLUE skies for the last few days...AND very little Jet Traffic? I keep an Open mind about everything..even the Trails. Funny that I took Notice of it, and was even starting to get Concerned...LOL. Talk about being Conditioning.

WinstonO1984 0 points ago +1 / -1

A cheaper version of the first Kingsman movie..maybe?? Also sitting here trying to remember how old I was...when I was actually using a pager...has to be around 30 years ago..?

WinstonO1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

Point Well Taken! Agreed...we were dead people walking a Loong Time ago.

WinstonO1984 5 points ago +5 / -0

Our Life or our "Normal"..as we knew it, died...at the start of 2 weeks to slow the Spread in March 2020.

WinstonO1984 7 points ago +7 / -0

Man...the Twists and Turns of this Movie..Just Cwaaazy! Hey Just read this Substack from Joe Lange at Truth Social called Moves and Counter Moves...Right up OUR Q Alley- Must Read! https://links.truthsocial.com/link/113114373241206915

WinstonO1984 8 points ago +8 / -0

No matter what is said in ALL Media - ALL Polls - Trust your GUT, your Intuition, your discernment.. This Movement is going Forward! NCSWIC

WinstonO1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed Math! Eisenhower warned us of the Military Industrial Complex, Kennedy warned us about everything else, they killed him. Nixon Impeachment was a CIA set up, They shot Reagan Two months after his election (That the Cabal Forced him to Take BUSH Sr) Clinton, GW, Barry...We have had the Illusion of choice for A LONG time.

WinstonO1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

If we were to Truly LOSE...Hate to break it to ya, Math...But they had us DECADES AGO ;) The only reason we are Awake..is Trump and the white hats..other than that...we were already fucked, and did not even know it.

WinstonO1984 4 points ago +4 / -0

IF..it is true that the Cabal is trying to Kill us...AND as they say...Nicotine and everything associated with it is bad...You would think that they would be encouraging us to use more of it, not Ban it??

WinstonO1984 5 points ago +5 / -0

Agreed Pb...there are some times..I guess...that AI has it's uses. Great Post OP!

WinstonO1984 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not sure it is in our DNA ( Unvaxxed) , but I believe we have all ingested Microbots..either Air or food or water.

WinstonO1984 12 points ago +12 / -0

That is...Unless he committed Suicide (double tap to the back of the head) or Electrocuted in the bath tub...Accidentally fell off a 10 story building...died in his sleep (with a pillow over his head) ya know...the usual.

WinstonO1984 8 points ago +8 / -0

101 - How you can tell you are Watching a Movie! Also can you see DJT..even Touching his Big Toe on this POS stage...much less trying to fit in a tiny chair at a tiny Desk

WinstonO1984 7 points ago +7 / -0

WOWSERS..Remember when DJT said..."IF they arrest me, THEY will have to arrest all of them, as well".

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