WinterSoldier82 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sarcasm is NOT my cup of Tea when all I do is support our Country & Patriots! Also, I will NEVER put my money to the enemy! Especially on our Demise! I ONLY have stocks in our Economy to boost it (Gold, Silver, Oil, Some Tech like Writ etc), not destroy it and while Fools are stuck on Crypto & Short Sell Stocks like GME (which could Never Happen).

*I steered the Patriots towards a wiser Stock of Choice *which still has strong Potential of Growth esp when and if Trump Partners up which is looking good from recent news and interview!

WinterSoldier82 11 points ago +11 / -0

Nice one Patriot! I dropped this one in:

I and many Trump Supporters WON'T take YOUR Shots that has NanoBots destroying our DNA.

WinterSoldier82 1 point ago +1 / -0

I moved out of Chicago last year before Divide & Doxing Began. I had to work, pay nearly Triple the amount I am paying now in Rural Oklahoma and the only people getting anything more than any race would be the Native Americans which is its own dilemma and a separate topic.

Moreover, the Welfare dept needs to be reformed instead of the NON-Existing Racist Cops who are essentially risking their lives to bust these welfare thugs that give nothing more than their Apathy to US while we pay for it!!

I made a statement last year when the Pandemic started on when the Black Communities Demanded First Dibs on the Government Relief and other accommodation like rent, bills, relief, free internet and computers which was handed out in over 20 thousand Laptops to the Black Communities of Low-Income which are Welfare. All I mentioned was the unfairness on any Race getting first dibs on anything during a Pandemic is Selfish and Disrespectful on FB (which I deleted on Jan 20) to my Family and Peers (most are Dems and of Color: Black, Latinos) which my own Family (My half Hispanic) called me out for being racists.

Some blacks where disliking my comment but nothing after that. The Subsequent Burning, Looting & Rioting began that Summer I noticed many where in favor of it and I called them out for it which did not end up very well! Now I am here as my only source to spread the good words and share it with good quality of people here!

WinterSoldier82 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reply to Leftist I made:

"You have been Disinformed which ANYONE will get Infected from ANY Airborne disease b/c these masks have openings all around!! ALSO. did you know that these NANOparticles which are tiny robots which help the mRNA Vax Infusion to deliver their drugs which is NOW having a SURGE of horrendous side effects which is why they "Paused the production from J&J and Astra Zenica (Gates Found.). Did YOU know that these BOTS are in YOUR bodies, PERMENANTLY!!! Within 5-10 years; your BRAIN WILL BE A ROBOT!! YOU SHEEP!!

WinterSoldier82 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice to see the People doing this! Is this a Screenshot or live feed? Sucks it could not get most of the comments and replys. I record most of not all comments and save it all on Rumble. https://rumble.com/search/channel?q=WinterSoldier82

WinterSoldier82 2 points ago +2 / -0

You Blame Russia for China's Meddling into our Elections & Solar Winds. Then you have the Balls to post a Video Minutes Later from This one and have a Discussion with the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus Executive Committee!! SCUMBAG is going to get Millions killed for a possible War. This was a Warning / Threat!

WinterSoldier82 3 points ago +3 / -0





WinterSoldier82 2 points ago +2 / -0

**Bait & Switch POS!! **He Blames Putin for Interfering in Solar Winds & Our Elections!!! WOW. Welp, be ready for War Soon Patriots. The Next Red Flag / False Flag Event is the RED Button to D-Day!!

WinterSoldier82 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is another reason why I moved out from Shitcago (Born / Raised) last Spring.


	HB0724		LRB102 10376 RJF 15703 b

1 AN ACT concerning government.

2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 3 represented in the General Assembly:

4 Section 5. The General Assembly Organization Act is 5 amended by adding Section 14 as follows:

6 (25 ILCS 5/14 new) 7 Sec. 14. Conservators of the peace. After receiving a 8 certificate attesting to the successful completion of a 9 training course administered by the Illinois Law Enforcement 10 Training Standards Board as required under Section 10.5 of the 11 Illinois Police Training Act, all members of the General 12 Assembly shall be conservators of the peace. Those persons 13 shall have power (i) to arrest or cause to be arrested, with or 14 without process, all persons who break the peace or are found 15 violating any municipal ordinance or any criminal law of the 16 State, (ii) to commit arrested persons for examination, (iii) 17 if necessary, to detain arrested persons in custody over night 18 or Sunday in any safe place or until they can be brought before 19 the proper court, and (iv) to exercise all other powers as 20 conservators of the peace prescribed by State and corporate 21 authorities.

22 Section 10. The Illinois Police Training Act is amended by

	HB0724	- 2 -	LRB102 10376 RJF 15703 b

1 changing Section 10.5 as follows:

2 (50 ILCS 705/10.5) 3 Sec. 10.5. Conservators of the Peace training course. The 4 Board shall initiate, administer, and conduct a training 5 course for conservators of the peace. The training course may 6 include all or any part of the subjects enumerated in Section 7 7. The Board shall issue a certificate to those persons 8 successfully completing the course. 9 For the purposes of this Section, "conservators of the 10 peace" means those persons designated under Section 3.1-15-25 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code, and Section 4-7 of the Park 12 District Code, and Section 14 of the General Assembly 13 Organization Act. 14 (Source: P.A. 90-540, eff. 12-1-97.)

Source: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/102/HB/10200HB0724.htm

WinterSoldier82 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very Confident actually! But that is my Gut Feeling which is no different than people's anticipation for another Short Squeeze on GME which could / could not happen. * Are you referring on this Stock?* If so, I would rather put my Bucks Here than GME any day for slow growths. Thats my stance since Im not wealthy, yet!

HOP-ON INC. Hop-on, Inc. engages in development and manufacturing of electronics, distributed software and telecommunications services. It focuses on high-volume, low-cost wholesale distribution, technology licensing, white-label solutions, and development of ancillary revenue streams in markets. Its products include Hop-on android smartphone watch, Hop-on android gaming console, and Hop-on new gaming consoles. The company was founded by Peter D. Michaels on March 16, 1993 and is headquartered in Temecula, CA.

WinterSoldier82 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great Point Here!! However, I questioned the same thing until I found out in December, that Gab's Host is running on Bill Hate's Could Computing System which had regulated and censored Gab! Its REALLY BAD what they did to Gab, the Patriots, Trump and Q. Check out their History:

On January 19, 2020. Rachel E. Greenspan from Business Insider observed that Gab had tweeted a direct quote from a post by Q, the anonymous individual or group whose messages form the basis of the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory. The tweet was later deleted.[118] She also noted that Gab's Twitter account had made multiple tweets referencing Jesus, including one tweet made on January 18 featuring an image of Jesus walking with Pepe the Frog, a cartoon character used by the alt-right.[118]

On February 9, Matt Field from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists reported that RT, a media outlet owned by the Russian government that Field claims helped Trump win the 2016 presidential election, had created an account on Gab right before the start of Trump's second impeachment trial.[117] Field noted that RT had posted several articles on their Gab account, including one criticizing The Lincoln Project, an organization run by anti-Trump Republicans.[117]


WinterSoldier82 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes! Took Hours to connect it with Credible Sources despite most of them Down Trump per usual! But at least we know we are on the right Track!

WinterSoldier82 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doh! Thanks for pointing out my grammar (slipped passed me) which you knew what I meant. Yes WRIT is def sore from this past Fri which was enticing to see I gained $700 that day. Keep in mind that this is an OTC Pink Sheet which all are usually high in Volatility. However if you look at their 52 week stretch or longer; you will see that this Stock WRIT (95% Subsidiary to SkyLabs.usa which runs FreeSpace and allocates all shares to WRIT is escalating and has not gone past that threshold. This will be a good one to invest since its under a Penny stock. BTW FB / TW both started as an OTC Pink Sheet and look at where they are now!

WinterSoldier82 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Trump comeback "President Trump was banned from Twitter after he posted a series of tweets deemed to be in violation of Twitter's rules on inciting violence. He tweeted almost daily during his presidency and saw it as a way to communicate directly with his nearly 90 million followers. He has since said he plans a social media comeback "with his own platform". According to his adviser Jason Miller, it will be "the hottest ticket in social media", and is due in a few months. President Trump was also suspended from Facebook after the riots in Washington. The social network's independent oversight committee is currently considering whether to allow him back."


WinterSoldier82 2 points ago +2 / -0

A few glitches here and there wont hurt, right!

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