Wwg1wgammfcl 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's difficult to "question everything" when there is a party line to tow. If you can't explore doubts about Trump or Q or whatever then you're left with a Reddit echo chamber. I don't envy the job of mods trying to sort out people who are genuinely asking questions and getting deported because people here don't like the question and actual shills.

Wwg1wgammfcl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh lol, that seems self evident in context. People collect weird things, are they especially annoying? I don't know anyone who collects shoes

Wwg1wgammfcl 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's a sneakerhead?

Wwg1wgammfcl 6 points ago +7 / -1

Mike never released the data so the $5 million was off the table. The prize was specifically for the pcaps, not the rest of the symposium.

The real story became the dominion forensic image, it was pretty cool how it played out. I inferred that Mike is now taking care of the clerk from mesa County

Wwg1wgammfcl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Our lawsuits got thrown out for "standing" and a bunch of other BS, when the data was fresh and available. Dominion is actively erasing their tracks.

This lawsuit is a weapon to bankrupt and silence our loudest patriots. They're not just going to hand over incriminating evidence. We're going to win through forensic audits, not by discovery on a 'lawfare" case. Pillowman really (really) stuck his neck out to spread the truth and they're trying to cut his head off for it.

Wwg1wgammfcl 2 points ago +2 / -0

I watched or listened to 90% of the feed, all day every day. Of course the evidence was compelling, we already knew that.

Mike's stated goal was to get the media to cover it and the carrot he dangled was the packet information (pcaps). He allowed self described critics (with a tech background) to attend, because the hard data would have been impossible to refute.

Either because of a poison pill or because of the dominion slander lawsuit being allowed to proceed, he wasn't willing or able to release the hard data and he canceled the $5 million prize.

The only msm coverage (mike's stated goal) is that once again, there was nothing. No hard data that couldn't be refuted.

At the end of the day, the msm narrative was reinforced. That's bad. Mike has a billion dollar lawsuit on his hands. That's bad.

By an amazing stroke of luck (or divine intervention) the whole Mesa County thing happened and pulled the symposium back from the brink. People even say it's better than the pcaps. The big "but" statement is that it's going to be more weeks or months to sort through the data.

Im pumped about the mesa thing but we don't need to convince our side of anything. The tide would have turned had just one tech guy (from the msm) said that the pcaps showed cheating in the election.

Wwg1wgammfcl -2 points ago +3 / -5

It's being reported that Mike doesn't have it, not sure how reliable that info is. We'll know in the next couple of hours

Wwg1wgammfcl 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't understand this current segment. Is the mock election being run on Dominion machines using dominion code?

Otherwise these people just got their own election software hacked which doesn't seem useful to anyone.

Wwg1wgammfcl 2 points ago +2 / -0

What guy being attacked is he referring to last night?

Edit - not him personally being attacked. Who was raided with kids at home?

Wwg1wgammfcl 2 points ago +4 / -2

Dominion, a company with the connections to commit or facilitate the crime of the century, is not going to just hand over incriminating evidence in discovery.

They just effectively shut down the symposium with this lawsuit. Had Tina not come forward at the last second there would have been no new info to present, from what I've read the Pcaps are out, which was the literal foundation of the symposium (and the $5 million)

Even with the new info, according to the panel today t's going to be at least another month to sort through the new data.

If anything the whole thing was a lateral move, one door closed and another opened. And mike/Sydney etc are under a huge threat

Wwg1wgammfcl 3 points ago +3 / -0

So we'll know in a month once they examine thoroughly, this waiting is killing me

Wwg1wgammfcl -2 points ago +1 / -3

Did they explain why they haven't released the data yet? I'm kinda confused about the whole process.

Is the pcaps different than the mock election hacking that someone did on a cell phone?

Wwg1wgammfcl 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think most of the "it's embarrassing" comments come from the 7pm reveal. Most of the day was Mike sharing info which has been widely known around here (ie Trump won).

He hyped it pretty hard all day and then called on/dared the media to not report it, saying that if they (the media) didn't, they were complicit.

The big reveal was delayed and Mike came out somewhat disheveled and introduced a Colorado woman who claimed to be the target of her higher ups (check other threads for a more detailed analysis)

I have mixed feelings about the big reveal. Initially I was embarrassed/mocked since it kinda fell flat and I had hounded my normie "friends" and family to tune in. It wasn't a bombshell proof of election fraud as expected and it was going to be reported on the news anyway since it involved official election people.

OTOH, wheres there's smoke, there's fire and the Colorado thing may be bigger than I had initially thought. There was a mention of Thursday being the new bombshell so I'm hoping that the big proof of election fraud is dropped then. I'm going to keep checking in here about the Colorado thing and see how it develops, it may actually be a huge problem for the dems.

Wwg1wgammfcl 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure that's accurate because her giving out the passwords is what they're raiding her for. Like it's actually illegal, so she wouldn't have done it on air.

Wwg1wgammfcl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wait, they want to get rid of compounding interest? How will our retirement plans work? Has Trump voiced support for this?

Wwg1wgammfcl 2 points ago +2 / -0

What's the best way to deal with cancer? My uncle was just diagnosed with prostate, stage 2,hes only 52

Wwg1wgammfcl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mike Lindells symposium is coming soon and he seems to think it will be this August. When do you think he will return?

Wwg1wgammfcl 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah I came here after getting mocked for supporting Trumps return this year. Like wtf are you guys even here for

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