XOXOGG 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tennessee has now pledged 77 delegates.

It looks like Joe Manchin is putting his hat in. We all know the cabal will never let him be on the ticket.

I 100% agree that Harris needs to be President right now. Let voters see how bad she really is. Can you imagine her press conferences?

The Secret Service director using signal to talk to Biden's WH is huge.

I've started pushing that Joe should not be POTUS if he cannot stand trial or be the nominee because he is too unfit. Let's go Army.

XOXOGG 21 points ago +21 / -0

I suspect they wanted to handpick their choice instead of risking a primary. RFK, Jr might have won the primary and you know they don't want that.

It will not be DEI Harris. How will they be able to get that campaign money?? They'll find a way, know that.

Will it be HRC and Michelle?

XOXOGG 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is there a coup against Biden?

Who gave the stand down order? Biden? The cabal?

If it was the cabal I suspect they'll try getting Biden next after this failed attempt. I saw fear on Biden's face yesterday. There could be many reasons for the fear on Biden's face. But, I can't help but wonder if he realized the SS could be compromised.

If it was Biden's administration that got the SS to stand down then they'll keep trying.

It wasn't a lone wolf. There were too many mistakes. Leaving a ladder on the building? Not securing the building. The sniper had the shot but did not take it until after the assassin shot. Why? Who was in his ear telling him not to take the shot??

And, people keep missing the fact that the police and SS knew there was someone on the roof with something that looked like a rifle and no one secured the President. He should have been protected by their bodies and/or they should have gotten him to take cover.

XOXOGG 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't know. Have you seen the amount of money raised on gofundme for the victims of J13? Last I saw it was 2.7 million.

XOXOGG 10 points ago +10 / -0

Way off topic but I've wondered since the first time I heard it. Why didn't President Trump have his shoes on?

XOXOGG 8 points ago +8 / -0

Whoa! I'll watch it tomorrow night. My husband records it. Red pilled indeed!!

XOXOGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok. Thank you. I thought winred was the GOP.

XOXOGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

Please give me the official website. I'm pretty sure I know but I also know there are a lot of scams. I saw some people on X giving the GOP address. no. They're not getting my money.

XOXOGG 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think it was Marshall's who were shot. Were they trying to make an arrest? I know I have become cynical but I have a feeling there is going to be a lot more to this story soon.

XOXOGG -5 points ago +1 / -6

I'm not a DR so do your own research as mine is limited. But, Ozempic is a diabetic medicine that is being studied for heart disease.

Sorry about the link (CNN) but it will give you a start as you research:


XOXOGG 3 points ago +3 / -0

He doesn't mention Johnson & Johnson. That is the one I took. Had to in order to be a caretaker for my Mom. Knowing I had to get vaccinated I chose J&J because the media was trashing it.

My Mom got the shot on the date of my Dad's funeral (cancer - unvaccinated but suspected he got COVID in December before we were aware of the flu coming our way). She got sick immediately after and went back for testing for months until finally being diagnosed with small cell carcinoma. She beat it but wasn't the same. She struggled to think clearly, lost a lot of weight, and was so weak. She was cancer free for 1.5 years until she got stage 4 cervical cancer. All those scans (every 3 months) missed this cancer until it became stage 4? It's supposed to be slow growing. Anyway, when it happened I came here asking if the vax played a role in cancer and sure enough -- it's likely.

My kids got either Moderna or Pfizer -- even got boosted once. I hate it. My brothers ... the list goes on and on.

My niece was vaxed and I am so concerned. She has the BRCA mutation he mentioned. She was high risk before getting vaccinated.

Lastly, what is he saying about ecoli?

XOXOGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wish she'd look into ivermectin, fenbendazole, B17. This is happening to often to too many people. I've lost both of my parents to cancer after the plandemic.

I saw a DR on CNN via an X link that says this isn't how it works-which I know it isn't how it works in the US. She would have had scans and pathology done before surgery. Is it different in the UK? With both parents we knew it was cancer before the first step was taken. And, I'd assume she'd have better care than the rest of us. Either she knew and took time to process it before she talked about it publicly (which she should have said) or this isn't how it happened. The way the RF has handled this has made us all skeptical of anything they say.

XOXOGG 1 point ago +1 / -0

He believes our government is controlled by an entrenched bureaucracy that cannot be changed through elections.>

This concerns me greatly. Our only chance is Trump but it does seem there is only so much he can do. We need a VP that can keep doing the MAGA work for 8 years after Trump's four year.

That is, if he is able to win more than they can cheat. Remember, they were willing to blatantly cheat right before our eyes in 2020 and nothing is stopping them now.

XOXOGG 7 points ago +7 / -0

Do you feel the GOP has done anything to secure the 2024 election? Are we going to be disappointed In November again?? I can see Trump has massive support but if they cheat we will not be able to get him in the Oval Office.

XOXOGG 6 points ago +6 / -0

In my experience the hospital will not let you give him anything -- not even a Tylenol. So, if you go that route you'll have to smuggle it in.

The reason I'm responding: Mindset is very important. Do everything you can to stay positive and calm so that he feels hopeful and doesn't give up.

XOXOGG 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've said a prayer for Garrick and you also. Hang in there!

XOXOGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know there are a lot of people here who have studied alternative medicines. to them: is ivermectin effective if used topically??

To the OP. I'm sorry about your SIL's diagnosis. You're very thoughtful to do the legwork for her. I hope she is open to trying an alternative medicine. I was told on this forum that Ivermectin is a good partner with the standard of care if you have someone who wants to do what the Dr recommends. I've said a prayer for you and your SIL to find the right answer and for healing.

XOXOGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saved this. It seems simple and safe. Some of the protocols are overwhelming. Thank you!

XOXOGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember Governor Cuomo of New York having a press conference every day and saying "we need more ventilators" and blaming Trump for not having them??

He also said they ran out of rooms when there was an unused ship that Trump sent.

Oh, and because he was such a success he wrote a book. The leftist payoff - a book deal.

XOXOGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

My future DIL was a COVID nurse (rotation) and she was sobbing recently telling me how bad the first protocol was and how she felt they were killing every patient that came into the ICU. I just listened. It reaffirms everything I heard here during the "pandemic". It's sad all around for all of us humans but it really was hard listening to her tell the story of how hard they tried to save people but until they got a "better protocol" they just couldn't. I held in so much because she is hurting and really isn't coping well so I didn't tell her anything. Some day she will know.

XOXOGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the kind of garbage the cabal puts out there so that when they win a rigged election they have something to explain it. I think they've been doing this for decades.

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