Personal opinion or fact? We give them food, it makes the farm industry worthless. Can't be a farmer and feed your family or make a living producing food. So instead they fight over table scraps.
Same can be said for pretty much everything we donate. In times of need after natural disasters, sure. But they'll never get off the teat unless we take them off. They'll never be self sufficient unless we let them. Which means letting them fall and pick themselves up.
It hurts us and them.
Your opinion is very much grounded in facts.
Affidavit was released. It has absolutely nothing in it and anything important is blacked out. It's about 75% black bars beyond the intro for language in most legal docs and the conclusion by the person who submitted it
I tried to find one good thing he did in Braddock. Can't. So I drove through a few weeks back. I have no idea how that's even still a town. There are like no businesses, crackheads out and about, and just nasty shit all over (Braddock is a part of Pittsburgh for those who don't know, he was mayor before Lt Gov)
He's a nutter to say the least. Shapiro is an evil prick as well.
I never had issues doing that when I worked a register not long ago.
Sometimes it's funny to hand them 5¢ if the total is like $10.07 or something. I find it funny to do, especially after they've entered the total in the register (they usually tell you the change)
They (doctors) actually do both. Prescribe pills when they aren't needed, people get addicted, can't get more, turn to hard drugs.
People who need them get pathetic prescriptions and can't get more because they "might" get addicted. They give you like a week's worth for a 3 months recovery. Just experienced this with my dad. 9 days of painkillers so I bought him a ton of weed to make up for it. Kidney issue means no aspirin so I kinda had to. Fucked my wallet up with all the munchy foods lol.
It's fucking retarded
SC out here is ass. Mostly Dem and backed Wolf on most everything he did to hurt us. Our best one is retiring as well.
I'd love it not to be the case. Hopeful as all hell with Mastriano and the way local elections have been going.
Read this to my 70 year old father. I think he just died. He's wheezing