ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +2 / -1

They likely do actually exist, but I wouldn't say that "door in the mind" is only opened by mushrooms. It can be opened through a variety of means, some involving psychedelics, some involving meditation.

Some people even have that door "cracked" naturally, and are able to see/communicate with these other entities from birth without having to do anything/take anything.

ancientarchitect369 3 points ago +3 / -0

The other day I heard a helicopter that was LOUD, like normally they can be a bit loud but this was shake-the-walls loud. Mentioned it to the person I was talking to at the time, and he mentioned an abnormally loud helicopter going overhead an hour prior.

I check the maps and sure enough, black hawk flew over both of our houses about an hour apart. Can't remember the exact elevation, but showed like 1k feet or something.

This is not normal, maybe the second time hearing a helicopter go this low over my house in at least a decade.

ancientarchitect369 -1 points ago +1 / -2

IMO if someone is selling a drug that is either mislabeled or cut with something else, that's an issue. However, if someone is selling a clean compound that is labeled appropriately, to someone who wishes to buy said compound, how is that an issue?

A person's rights are not being violated when they buy a compound that they are fully aware can cause harm. Do you think there is anyone out there buying a bag of heroin who can straight up honest to god say "oh, I had no idea this was addictive or could cause me harm"? I feel like what you're saying is actually more relevant to doctors than to street "drug dealers", as when a doctor prescribes certain things like benzos for example, they often don't inform the patient of the dangers. And when a doctor prescribes something, it's coming from a position of authority so there isn't the same assumption that it's likely unsafe, that you'd get when purchasing something off the street.

I personally feel ALL drugs should be legal, and it should be up to the individual to decide what they do or don't want to put into their body. I feel like it'd be nice if those selling would include some form of informational booklet or whatever that informs their client of what they're taking, along with potential dangers. But I still feel like it's up to the individual taking said compound to properly inform themself of the potential dangers, and take the appropriate precautions.

TLDR: It's not my dealer's fault if I get addicted to meth or something, it's MY fault for buying said compound and taking it.

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting point that's not too related, but some may find interesting. I was in another country once, Turkey, and some issues happened with someone in my family that led to them getting an x-ray.

No insurance and total visit including x-ray and everything else ran us about $15 all in, including medication. Noticed that during the x-ray they did NOT use lead-lined aprons or any of the other protective equipment one would normally expect.

They definitely do all that here, however, what would a visit cost including an x-ray? $1-2k+?

ancientarchitect369 15 points ago +15 / -0

As far as fields go, there are two key points. The frequency, and the amplitude of the wave. When power goes through a wire, the current (measured in amps) going through the wire creates a magnetic field. The higher the current, the higher the amplitude or "intensity" of the field.. That is why the fields coming off those smaller street power lines are "stronger" than the high voltage lines. Those high voltage lines go through step-down transformers to feed the smaller lines with lower voltage-higher current power, which then goes through yet another step-down transformer where it is converted into 110/220v power that hits your house and feeds your devices

If you want to get even more technical, there are electrostatic and electromagnetic fields. Current (amps) creates an electromagnetic field, while voltage (volts) creates the electrostatic field. When people talk about EMFs being harmful, they are normally referring to the magnetic field aspect.

As per them being harmful, a lot is up in the air regarding that, and everyone has their own opinion on it with very little proof as to what's actually going on, on either side. My opinion is that if they are harmful, the amount of harm comes from those two key points above, the amplitude/intensity, and the frequency. Higher amplitude would almost always equal "worse for you", as if the field is stronger in intensity it logically would have a higher chance of affecting you.

The frequency part gets a bit more complex. Everything being made of energy has a set frequency or group of frequencies, and introducing an outside frequency can either have a positive or negative effect depending on how that frequency resonates with the object. As a very crude example if you have something resonating at 10hz, and it functions most efficiently at that frequency, then if you introduce a frequency of 12hz it is going to interfere with the object, the waveforms are going to combine, and that 10hz object is no longer going to resonate at 10hz but instead resonate at some frequency in between 10hz and 12hz based on the amplitude of each original object/wave. Considering in this example that object operates most efficiently at 10hz, it is no longer going to be operating at peak efficiency. That means the wave would have a negative effect.

Now if the object is say resonating at 9hz originally but functions best at 10hz, and you hit it with a 11hz wave of the correct amplitude, it could cause a shift in resonance from its original 9hz to 10hz where it operates most efficiently. This wave would then have a positive effect.

So it's a lot more complex than flat out saying "all EMFs are bad". There are some that are definitely bad, while others could be beneficial. Some that are bad for one object or individual could also theoretically be beneficial for another. My personal guess is a lot of these frequencies that are commonly used in society are bad, either for most or all people. Why did we pick our electric grid to run at 60hz? Why is our music tuned to 440hz rather than 432hz? Why does our earth resonate at around 7.83hz?

ancientarchitect369 3 points ago +3 / -0

Windy as hell where I am, some branches fell in the yard. Been this windy dozens of times in the past without power getting shut off though.

Note that I do currently have power where I am in Oregon.

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey, for you and for others to see. This is a great channel definitely worth archiving in case something ever happens to it (a large Aether Physics playlist on youtube just got wiped the other week). I'm archiving the entire channel to my local drive.

If the channel ever disappears don't hesitate to ask and I'll send you a copy of all the videos. (This goes for anyone reading this.)

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've seen many things from the thunderbolts project but this is the first I've heard about see the pattern. Just checked them out and I already can tell they're awesome! Thanks so much for that!

ancientarchitect369 2 points ago +2 / -0

It seems to fit really well with the Aether theory of existence. As above so below right?

So what we see as matter/atoms are Aether (flow/energy) flowing in the form of a toroidal flow pattern (vortexes on the top/bottom flowing outwards and back around if that makes sense). The same pattern as the magnetic field around a magnet.

The largest toroidal flow pattern would be the universe itself (some scientists seem to think the universe is in a giant toroidal shape, Itzhak Bentov, Nassim Haramein, etc.

We see Black Holes sometimes have galactic jets coming from the poles (what would happen if you accelerate matter/energy really fast into the poles of a toroidal flow pattern, and it can't all make it in, some would be ejected really fast in a narrow band right at the center of that vortex. Pulsars have jets of energy coming outwards right in that same way.

In the case of planets, it would make perfect sense that matter would start to coalesce right on the outer part of that toroidal pattern leading to a hollow space inside.

However nothing would be completely hollow. And I don't know the correct terminology to attempt to describe what that would be at the very center. Perhaps a singularity? Something extremely energy dense. Something "not of this world". Not matter, but the source of matter/the flip-side of matter. Spirit. Pure potential. The non-manifest.

Terrible at attempting to actually articulate/describe what I'm trying to say, but hopefully someone will find this interesting.

ancientarchitect369 6 points ago +6 / -0

how long did it take to get rid of the warts? Also how often did you apply it? I've had some on my had for at least a decade and figure I may as well give it a shot.

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

I only know 1 (me), and have been perfectly healthy since the beginning of the pandemic. Not so much as a cold.

Think I had a headache once, but that was due to not drinking enough water that day.

ancientarchitect369 3 points ago +3 / -0

Highly debatable. When I was in school (mid 20s, so roughly a decade ago, right when smartphones were getting big), I was more tech-savvy than my parents and all of the teachers.

Some others were barely able to install apps and be able to tell what's collecting your data vs what's properly secure, while I was already installing custom roms and de-googling my devices. So I wouldn't say don't give your kid a phone as a blanket statement, but if you do, make sure they know how to properly handle it.

ancientarchitect369 3 points ago +3 / -0

I absolutely LOVE that there are so many Alan Watts talks linked above. Also, I hadn't seen the one where he discusses Jesus and the King James Bible (Jesus a son of God - Alan Watts) so I'll definitely be listening to that one today. Thanks!

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm with you on that! Although for me alcohol was never too much of an issue. I've given up wasting time jerking off (been several days now), and cut way back on weed (used to smoke every day but now we're on day 8 without any).

The first one I'm most concerned about as it uses up way too much energy and doesn't provide any benefit, only harm. The second I'm not planning on giving up permanently, just no cannabis for at least 2x weeks, and then after that not daily, just planning on keeping it to no more than once or twice a week.I never noticed much harm from cannabis, without it the only main benefit I notice is vastly increased dreaming capability. I just feel it wasn't serving me smoking every day, so my goal is to use it when it benefits me, and not let it take over to the point where it could start to potentially cause harm.

ancientarchitect369 3 points ago +3 / -0

Teslas are fun as hell to drive, never have I felt that level of acceleration before (and that was a base model 3). Would I buy one though? HELL NO!!!

Love my 1990 Miata (my fun car), and 98 Ram van (the practical one). Plus considering the van has a wood stove, bed, and all the other necessities I could live in it if shit hit the fan.

Old vehicles are WAY better. Plus whenever anything breaks you can actually work on them, none of this "take it in for service" crap.

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never got the shot and never got sick with anything since the pandemic, let alone covid. Not so much as a cold.

In fact, I'm basically the only one out of my entire family and friend group that hasn't been sick since the beginning of it, but that doesn't seem to stop my parents from STILL bugging me about getting the stupid ass shot every chance they get...

Oh, and I should mention, never wore a mask except for when it was absolutely required (and then wore a bandanna or similar). Spent an extended amount of time with someone who was sick, twice, but did take a prophylactic dose of ivermectin both times as soon as I knew they were sick while I was around them. Never even felt "off" from it.

ancientarchitect369 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not super experienced with farming/gardening, but I'm trying to learn. Wanted to give my input on my feelings toward the whole organic farming situation and see if you think I'm on the right track, or far off.

I think the reason organic farming "simply doesn't work" is people are trying to turn their farm "organic" while still using traditional/mass farming methods. For example, you have a field of crops but instead of using artificial fertilizer you try and use an "organic" option, same with pesticides, etc. This doesn't work because well... those organic options for pesticides/nutrients tend to suck. Also, it's not how plants tend to grow in nature (you never go out to the forest and see a big field of a single type of plant just sitting there.)

For organic farming to actually work I feel one would have to mimic nature as closely as possible, for example, follow a "food forest" layout, permaculture, that sort of thing. Certain plants introduce certain nutrients into the soil, others use them. Certain plants are effective at keeping away pests, so plant those near plants that are commonly attacked by said pests. The entire system works together and plants rely on each other for what they need. I know this works because plants have been "working together" in their natural habitat for hundreds of thousands of years.

The only issue is it's hard to do this on a large scale, hence why we tend to use our large-scale industrial agriculture. I think the best bet for the future is to create a huge amount of these small-scale integrated food forests/permaculture farms. For example, instead of having a lawn that just sits there doing nothing (and half the time not even looking nice depending on how well taken care of it is), why not have a small food forest instead?

ancientarchitect369 0 points ago +3 / -3

Not that I have any or plan to get any, but what do people around here have against tattoos? I feel like people should be able to do whatever they want so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Someone getting a tattoo doesn't hurt anyone else, and it's debatable to what extent it even hurts the individual getting it in the first place.

I get that it can be a matter of personal preference, some people like the looks of them, others don't. But I feel calling them "depraved" is going a bit far, isn't it?

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can also get clones depending on your location (easier in a legal state). I know a dude near me that sells them for $15-20ea depending on strain, they're 6-12in tall. Just plant them and you're good to go.

Otherwise you can order seeds online in just about any state legal or not. They're not considered illegal until they're planted (if it's illegal to grow in your state).

ancientarchitect369 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're definitely pretty awesome, however, if you have the ability to, get one that's tall. Not necessarily a sprinter cause they can be expensive to repair and work on, you know the vans I'm talking about. I built one out of a basic ram 2500 van and it's awesome (and was super cheap), but the main thing that annoys me is I can't stand fully in it.

If I got a high roof model, and extended wheelbase so I could have made a super small basic bathroom/shower it would be 100% livable for medium-long term use.

ancientarchitect369 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only issue is the data is then in the cloud and on google's servers, and we all know how trustworthy google is...

Now i'll admit, I do use google cloud storage, however here's what I do. I have one of their business accounts for $20/mo, use google drive only, and use rclone to sync some local folders and encrypt them prior to them hitting the cloud. All google sees is a bunch of files with random strings as names, with random encrypted/inaccessible contents. I get unlimited storage, so currently have around 22tb up there for that $20/mo. My system sees all my files unencrypted and accessible because the encryption is done on the fly, anything that uploads gets encrypted before it hits their servers, and seamlessly unencrypted prior to access, with all the files 100% secure whenever they are online.

I then mount this network folder on all of my computers/systems, and essentially have truly unlimited storage everywhere.

ancientarchitect369 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep there's a windows version and it can be downloaded through Chocolatey! Works great. Only issue is now I literally have like no hard drive space after nearly filling the 30tb array I put together about a year ago...

ancientarchitect369 4 points ago +4 / -0

For videos you could also check out YoutubeDL if you haven't. Not positive but I think it's actually yt-dlp now. It's command line and also takes a bit to get used to, but if you mess around with jdownloader you can probably figure it out.

yt-dlp "url to youtube video", downloads the video to the current folder

yt-dlp "url to youtube playlist", downloads the entire playlist to current folder with a single command

yt-dlp "url to youtube channel", downloads the ENTIRE CHANNEL (sometimes thousands of videos) to the current folder with a single command

Nowhere ever will you find a program more effective at eating away at every last gigabyte of hard drive space you have than this one!

ancientarchitect369 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, 100%

I have a 4k screen as a main monitor and like 5 others so if I use the PrtSc key it'll result in some giant ass image that's basically useless.

What I like even better though is lightscreen. Small little additional program that allows you to set a keybind where you can click and drag to select an area, it'll save the screenshot directly to a configured folder. Love it!

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