Between food processing facilities being attacked and chickens not laying eggs, everyone is talking about the sky high cost of eggs. Eggs are a very important food in our diet. Many farmers are talking about the massively reduced lay rates of thier hens since summer which makes no sense. Something in the food? Where have we seen reproduction issues before? Who wants to "vaccinate" our food supply? Who owns vast amounts of US farmlands?

Eggs are a super food. They contain nearly every vitamin and mineral your body needs. They are also an excellent source of cholesterol. Cholesterol? Thats bad for you isn't it? This is a loaded subject. Some of the many benefits cholesterol provides is cellular repair and the production of certain hormones. One of those hormones being testosterone. The big "T". With this in mind, the "high cholesterol and low T problems" with our men today makes more sense. Dr. Burg has a channel on youtube that covers this topic in depth. The videos are a bit dry but highly informative.

Now, take into consideration that 1 egg provides about 300mg of cholesterol which supplements the 3000 that you body produces and recycles. Providing you body with a nice surplus if you are eating 4+. Up to now, eggs have been one of if not the cheapest food used to bulk up, providing an excellent source of protein and healthy fats and nearly 0 carbs.

Eggs are used in so many recipes for cooking and baking. The food industry will suffer immensely as meal prices will continue to skyrocket, the cost will turn many away from eating them on a regular basis and thereby reducing our nutritional health even further.

Some ideas to help mitigate the problem, I would like to encourage my patriotic brothers and sisters to invest in free ranging your chickens if you have the land for it. Eggs may soon be the gold bullion of food. If you are able, make plans for providing low cost or even free eggs to your family and neighbors. If you have a good community and it doesn't violate laws maybe a neighborhood chicken co-op where you would let them free range throughout the neighborhood and the whole neighborhood can collect eggs.

With everything else going on i know the high cost of eggs is going to play into the WEFs plan to get everyone eating bugs and reducing the population.

Stay awake my fellow patriots.


I recently moved to Texas from Washington state. While i still lived in WA during the Great TP Shortage of 2020, I noticed several products were out but i never saw the empty shelves that people were filming and posting online. Most often i saw certain name brands disappear then reappear a few days later. I now live in a small town near Dallas and while I saw the baby formula shortage, it now seems restocked everywhere I go.

I don't doubt that we are having supply chain issues and people are witnessing the bare shelves. Then there are the reports of all of the food processing plants and farms being attacked.

Why do stores, at least all of the ones that i have been to, seem to be well stocked? I'm not complaining, but shouldn't we be experiencing food riots by now? This make no sense to me, unless...

Are patriots really in control? Are THEY systematically attacking food facilities that have been putting bad stuff in our food? Then resuming business as usual? It occurs to me that the areas most hardest hit by the food shortages and gas price inflation are deep blue cities in deep blue states.

Has anyone else seen this? Or have i just been fortunate enough to go after stores have been restocked? Tell me im not the only one. What is going on?

Update: I want to thank everyone for their input. This has been eye opening to say the least.


I had this thought: Red October is not about the debt ceiling... But we the people not going to work and fighting back against the jab mandates... Not making a paycheck to pay bills... Going into the "Red" and causing an entirely different kind of default... If the government doesn't collect income tax from the working/middle/lower income class to pay expenditures, it has no means to service the debt to the CB.

Please check me on this. Am I off the mark?


We have posted here about the notable mental change in those that have taken the jab. Is it possible they are starting to catch on?


Hope they wake up fully before things get worse.


I was searching for legel info on attempted poisoning and came across this article.


Stay safe frens


I was looking into what myocarditis is and came across ACE inhibitors as a possible treatment/medication. Has anyone like Dr. Tenpenny or the like looked into this as a potential treatment for those that have received the jabs? I'm thinking as a means to prevent or treat the myocarditis that has been afflicting so many.


Since the spike interacts with the ACE2 receptors of the cell my question is this a viable treatment for those that have gotten the jab? This may not be the best option as it has a host of "do not takes if"s

If this has been looked at, has it been disregarded and if so, why exactly?


Eyes open frens. Some interesting and disturbing things happening in our world right now.

Firstly, let me just say, I am in no way attempting to distract from the audit, nor am I trying to doom. However, we would be remiss if we did not keep at least a peripheral awareness of the world around us. These are truly incredible and historic times we are living in. 

Some troubling events in Chyna right now as college kids are being kidnapped from universities by CCP. Here is a video that was sent to me by a family member earlier today. Sorry if this is old news.


Also, Chyna has begun to incentivise multi-child families. I found many articles relating to this as I was searching for articles about declining birth rates in the US. I also found many articles dealing with declining birth rates in several European countries.

A) https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/chinas-3-child-policy-may-not-help-its-declining-birth-rate-here-s-why-101622516143081.html

B) https://www.kabc.com/news/us-birthrate-continues-decline-should-government-encourage-having-babies/

C) https://www.wsj.com/articles/low-birthrates-beckon-new-debate-whether-to-encourage-having-children-11623069236

Chyna is preparing for N-war?https://nypost.com/2021/06/02/chinese-media-says-beijing-expanding-its-nuclear-arsenal/

These happenings have lead me to infer a few possibilities. I don't think these are great leaps given current events and the nature of communism.

  1. CCP has SECRETLY instituted a draft and are drafting bodies for war. Supported by encouraged family expansion, college kidnappings, and open threat of war. MOST LIKE imo (if I missed the draft announcement, I would be interested in seeing that report)

  2. Chyna has not seen the population increase it desires from removal of one child policy and feel that they need to take drastic steps i.e. kidnappings people to become breeders. Supported by family expansion and college kidnappings. Less likely though not implausible.

I have a few more theories but they get considerably darker as the list goes on. I welcome and encourage anyone to provide  alternative plausible theories. Please pray frens, pray for our brothers and sisters in china that are eyewitness to these troubling events that the lord keep them safe.


First, Sorry for the misleading title, but I would like to address this false claim that "the first arrest will shock the world." I don't know where this started and I will admit to believing this quote at one point, but I can not find any post where Q put this out. I am not the first to point this out on the board. I have seen so many posts with this claim in them that lately I have just been skipping over them, which I have come to realizei s very unfortunate, as I realized these post probably have some substantial content given the nature of this board.

First arrest... will shock the world.

These drops may come together and connect in some way at some point, however, these are separate and at no point that I have found (please provide sauce if I am wrong) has Q made a statement that the first arrest will shock the world. Should someone be able to provide evidence to the contrary, I will add it to an update at a later time.

With that said, if the "first arrest will confirm..," then my question is at what point will the first arrest be made? Has the first arrest been made? We have seen numerous arrests. Former politicians, pedo rings, foreign governments (Myanmar). The people we haven't seen yet are the "untouchables" such as soroce, Buyden, pelosi, Clintons, etc. And on that note, we have seen many whom SEEM to be on the conservative non-DS side. Remember, the news is fake, up is down, and those you are taught to trust the most are the most evil. That is, things may not be as they at first appear. Please keep an open mind frens.

I would like to take a moment to voice my appreciation of this board and all who post and comment on it. GA and everyone on it have given me so much factual ammunition that I have been able to bring some... to a better understanding as to what is going on. By sharing the info YOU all post on the board, I have reached people I never would have thought would see reason. Thank you Frens.


I've been part of some interesting conversations at work. Multiple individuals who have received the covid injections have been talking about how they are anxious, on edge, and short tempered. One person straight up said he would be willing to light someone on fire for removing a garbage can from our eating area. Another instance someone went off over the sight of a anti-buyden meme poster. I have worked with these people for a while and have never seen them like this. It's like they are slowly becoming more and more deranged. Even people I considered rational though left leaning are becoming more... Hate filled? I have no better way to say it.


I just read this article on halturnerradioshow.com: Nuclear War Possible Within Days as Russia-Ukraine situation escalates out of control (warning! pay wall). This article makes me think of Q Drop#2936 "at what stage of the game do you play the TRUMP Card?" My thought is, that once the trump card is played the game is over (gamestop)?. The nuclear option is the ultimate Trump card. The article lays out how NATO operates under the assumption that it would be used AFTER it became clear that the enemy is loosing in a conventional war. But we know this has not been a conventional war. Q has used the phrase "the silent war." It would seem to me if this option, the "Trump card," is about to be played, then we have been in a war all along and it is coming to an end. We are being lead to the precipice of destruction. ?Where have we heard that?


I was reading the post labeled March 11 and had some interesting Q revelations. The post was regarding Popcorn lovers day and is on 3/11. If we "think mirror" 3/11=11/3 election day... This made me ask how many popcorn related "hollidays" are there? Searching for popcorn hollidays resulted with January 19th(1/19). Again, "think mirror" 1/19=9/11. I won't rehash what happened on 9/11/2001, if you are here, you know. Before 1/19, we heard very little regarding moves the white hats were making against the DS, Think 20/80. Now we are seeing more and more arrest, resignations, and overall weirdness from our nation's leaders and celebs. Did 1/19 mark the move to 40/60 as suggested in drop #527? Was 1/19 to the DS what 9/11 was for us? Why are they panicking if they won? Who are the white rabbits?

UPDATE: CUDOS to robbo for this post. This makes me think there is much more to this 3/11 date than I originally thought.

Same Q clock different post. Not sure who the original autist is that built this proof but they did a good job.


Anyone planning to go to this obvious set up they are calling the qanon "True Inauguration day"? Please Frens, stay safe and stay clear of any "inauguration" festivities.


I don't remember the dream. I just woke up knowing that the fence in DC is ment for us... When they try to make their gun grab moves, they think the fence and NG will protect them. They won't. When they try to take the guns it will be the tipping point for America. I THINK this is the precipice the Q drops were referring to. This action by the DS will cause the largest standing army the world has ever seen to be drawn to DC and other state capitals. When we inevitably confront the military (and we will) do NOT take up arms against our soldiers. Instead, confront them in love and remind them of the oath they have sworn. Demand that those woh have shredded the constitution they swore to defend be held to account to the people.

I sincerely hope it doesn't come to this. My hope is that the Military does the right thing and steps in before it reaches this point.


According to the cbp website;** Land or Sea Travel**: U.S. citizens ENTERING the United States by land or sea are required to present a valid WHTI-compliant document, which include:(see link above). It says nothing about LEAVING. This makes sense when you add the running theory that DC is now considered a foreign country and gives more credence to the idea of the corporation being dissolved.

Update: according to one of my commenters they are still checking but are now checking going in and out. The only thing i can think of that continues to fit the theory above is that they would not want to raise more suspicion about the NG's presence.


Who remembers the interview that Gen. Flynn did with AJ? He said"done in 30". That was on the 5th. Don jr made a post yesterday telling us " remember the Lion King?..." Credits have not rolled. We are still on the clock.

Down she goes? See comment (www.thegatewaypundit.com)
posted ago by anon1138 ago by anon1138

What if, Joe Buyden has been crying out for help? We all assume that he has been gaffing, that his slips are accidental. What if Creepy joe knows that they intend to get him out of the way and has been making slips on purpose? Voter fraud, a Harris administration, "its a good thing I wont be there" (referring to the video of trump not being at his inauguration). Just a thought. Sorry if this is a rehash of something that has been discussed before.

Wave goodbye? (twitter.com)
posted ago by anon1138 ago by anon1138