Next Q-Drop:
DNA is not necessarily static. It is constantly changing based on exposure (so yeah most DNA tech is fake like the virus). A newborn baby looks different from his self 70 years later because the DNA changed. And in the grand scheme of things, I don't think the vaccine is that damaging (because Q plan intercepted as far back as 2017) in most places.
All injections are bad because the skin is designed to be a barrier between your inside world and the environment. It doesn't like things going in. If there is a need for assimilation, through the mouth is the best method because there is an in-built defence mechanism there that will expel and denature most harmful agents. Injecting things into your bloodstream bypasses every protection your body has.
But my post was also tongue in cheek. Just having fun.
I think the problem we have here is that people are believing any narrative at all that is being told to them in some form instead of unlocking truth by themselves. Self assessed realizations or remembrances can't be wrong.
You can call this 'other' or enemy group whatever you like (Khazars, Nazis, Phoenecians, Venetians, Olympians, Vampires), but what action are you taking based on what name you use? If you're just sat somewhere trying to figure out who is your enemy, you may need to start again.
Wake up