aumone 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just this pope. I believe he was installed by Obama. Unfortunately, there has been a huge demise in the Catholic religion over the past few decades. I'm not sure what caused it to go downhill so far, but once it did, I had to turn inward to be with God. I went to a Catholic school in upstate NY. I played the huge pipe organ for the choir-it had the bells on the outside and it was wonderful.

At that time, Mass was beautiful. People dressed accordingly for God. You could feel love in the Church and love from the nuns and priests and the people. I watched this all dissolve over the years and stopped going to Mass.
The fact that the Catholic charities are part of the illegal trafficking says it all, I guess.

But, yes I was baptized Catholic, raised Catholic, and loved the Church back in the day when it felt holy.

As far as the emphasis on the pope; yes the church does like to make it quite a production. I have never put a great deal of emphasis on the pope; somehow it felt like doing so was taking the spotlight away from God.

I guess you could equate it to the Presidency. He is an elected official of the people. The pope is a selected man - selected by the Cardinals-or in this case Obama. He needed to do something to remove Catholics from power-giving us this pope started it all.

As for the current pope-he is everything a pope should not be. Many of his statements and policies go against everything I was taught about Catholicism or Christianity itself.

And for that matter we read the bible in this house daily.

Hence, my Church goes with me everywhere I go. Hope this helps. ~A

aumone 4 points ago +4 / -0

About time. I am a Catholic. BUT I do NOT recognize the pope. I do not recognize the church any longer. I am Catholic in my soul and heart and my Church is everywhere I go. It is in my heart and soul.

I do not recognize the Catholic church in today's world and the pope is a satanic entity in my opinion.

aumone 4 points ago +4 / -0

Makes me 100% sure that I no longer trust the Vatican or the fake pope. My love is with GOD and all the saints and angels that surround Him.

The current pope is fake and demonic and I will NEVER be a part of his regime.

Thank you GOD for making me aware of the vile surrounding the Vatican and the current fake pope!

aumone 3 points ago +3 / -0

I honestly believe that Elon is so true to what DJT is trying to accomplish that he will Never shut down due to what is happening now to his companies.

He knows the true outcome and will work to accomplish it.

We need to pray for Elon and his companies. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

aumone 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would I die to defend Jesus? Would I die to defend my stance on zero abortion? Would I die defying homosexuality? Would I die NOT defending the fake Pope? Would I die defending ZERO illegal immigration? Would I die defending GOD in all that includes our Government? YES TO ALL! GOD supersedes all!

aumone 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you have X ask Grok. His answer to me was very long and unfortunately was not what I had hoped the answer would be. Very disheartening.

If you do not have X let me know and I will put the entire answer in the comments.

aumone 4 points ago +4 / -0

Again I have to say that I believe once the good people get into a position of power all the great things they promised go away due to one or several of the following...

  • death threats by big pharma or DS
  • blackmail by big pharma or DS
  • a huge payout by big pharma or DS
  • threats against one's family by big pharm or DS And big pharma has all the money they need to achieve all of the above.
aumone 3 points ago +3 / -0

DM me for info-I have used hydrocortisone cream for decades. When Dr refused to refill I ordered from Renold.

aumone 10 points ago +10 / -0

Will believe it when I see it. At this point I am not even sure I can believe it if I see it.

Disgusted with it all.

aumone 3 points ago +3 / -0

Does anyone know about taking Fen Ben and Ivermectin for something other than cancer?

I do not think I have cancer-I have no symptoms, but I do have other issues that I thought I would take Fen Ben, Ivermectin, and Milk Thistle which I started a couple of weeks ago - 3 on and 4 days off.

The days I was on the Fen Ben I had more energy and felt better than I have felt in 20 years. (I just turned 80) For three days I got more done than I have in years and it felt great. If I didn't know how old I am I would not have believed it. Even hubby has commented on how much I am getting done after being down for so long with shingles and a UTI.

The 4 days I was off, I could see a huge decline in my energy. At this point in my life I need all the energy I can achieve to get things done before I go.

I could hardly wait to do another three days on but after doing a great deal of research, I could not find anything other than cancer for the use of Fen Ben.

My use of it has completely cleared up my IBS issue for the first time in 20 years. I sleep better than I have in 20 years. I have zero depression and have finally gotten my appetite back.

In my research I read that there is really no issue or side effects with taking Fen Ben but I could not find anything about taking it just for the unbelievable energy that I felt and the "cure" for IBS.

If anyone has any info that I was unable to find about taking it longer than 3 days please let me know. As it stands now, with my time on Earth getting closer to the end I need to get a lot of things done so I have decided to take it 4 days on and 3 days off just to get as much done as I can.

Any advice or place to go for more information will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you my friends! ❀️πŸ₯°

aumone 9 points ago +9 / -0

I am 80 years old and I can service a gas powered lawn mower. I can change oil in my gas powered car. I can do many things under the hood of my gas powered car.

But then again, I was raised by an engineer dad and married to a mechanical engineer.

I learn from needing to learn.

aumone 9 points ago +9 / -0

I am so sick and tired of hearing about the corrupt acts and they still walk around like their #hit doesn't stink! When will they be arrested?

aumone 2 points ago +2 / -0

No you are not alone! I told hubby tonight...They were all in for Trump and Elon and were there what??? A week? And the first thing they do is go against what Trump and Elon are trying to do.

Did the Deep State get them behind closed doors already? Have they been threatened? Paid off?

I could not believe what I heard from them and ALL at the same time.

aumone 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe so. I cannot remember when or where I read it but I did read that the lotteries were never fair. Especially if you got a quick pick.

The winning numbers were pre-picked and the winnings went to someone that was in on the scam.

I read that article over a year ago and hubby and I quit buying the Powerball that day.

aumone 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder how many will file taxes this April?

aumone 1 point ago +1 / -0

to correct this abomination will take a HUGE HAND OF GOD. Let us all pray that HE does what needs to be done to save our children and destroy those who are pushing pedophilia down our throats. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

aumone 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just want to see Hillary arrested and perp walked for her involvement in Haiti and in Benghazi. So tired of waiting. I will be 80 years old in 3 days and I am afraid I will not live long enough to see this witch and her accomplices pay for all they have done in the past few decades.

aumone 12 points ago +12 / -0

Those who have nothing to hide from their actions in their teens and early 20's please stand up.

I am going to be 80 in 8 days and I could write a book of my transgressions in my teens and early 20's and even in my 30's. I was no angel; but I grew up and became a devout Christian.

Again, those of you who have been free from doing anything you are ashamed of or regret in your youth - please stand up and raise your hands.

aumone 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry folks if I cannot open the substack without closing my vpn I will not access it.

aumone 1 point ago +1 / -0

I truly hate to be a downer (admins forgive me) but after so many years and so many eye opening things that have happened and NOT ONE DAMN ARREST TO BE SEEN - I will believe it when I see some perp walks. What do I fear...DJT will hide the arrests and the perp walks to make him seem less adversarial. Just like he did with Hillary in 2016.

I honestly doubt we will ever see the traitors perp walked or arrested. They will just disappear and we will go on forever wondering what in hell happened to them.

Sorry, if this upsets you...but after 10 years of waiting...I just do not see it happening. How many of you know for sure that Biden, Obama, Brennon, Nuland, Soros, Milley, Powers, Mayorkas, Blinken, Garland, etc...I know there are more I just cannot think of them all now...will be arrested, perp walked, and held to account in our lifetime? Not I.!

aumone 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyway you can give us a link that does not require us to join? eko.substack.com gives me "Something has gone terribly wrong :("

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