battleofbrooklyn1976 1 point ago +1 / -0

HA. I just cited the Danchencko indictment above since I thought this about was about the latest Durham document.

We also knew this way before Durham as I point out.

battleofbrooklyn1976 1 point ago +1 / -0

Multiple official government documents stated this. Q pointed to many of them. See below I don't know what you mean about conflict of interest.

  1. Glenn Simpson head of Fusion GPS testified before Congress in 2017. That testimony was released and was an official government document.


  1. Do you remember the Nunes Memo in? The whole #releasethememo hashtag campaign from Jan 2018?

In Drop #566 Q mentioned

Read the #Memo. Release coming.

2a. ~ 4 years ago Trump declassified the memo https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4387047-House-intelligence-committee-GOP-memo.html

It was the first finding in the memo.

  1. In 2019 The DOJ Inspector General's report talks about interviewing Christopher Steele

Steele told us that by late July 2016, he had met with Simpson and an attorney from Perkins Coie, which represented the DNC, and by that time he was aware of the DNC's role.


  1. The Senate Intelligence Committee released Volume 5 of their report in 2020 stated that Simpson reached to Democrats to off opposition research and this was the setup

The Democratic National Committee (DNC ) and the Hillary for America Campaign( Clinton Campaign ) worked through a law firm , Perkins Coie , to obtain opposition research ,


This is also mentioned in Durham's earlier indictment(s), definitely in the Danchecnko and probably the Sussman.

battleofbrooklyn1976 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hasn't this been known forever? It was opposition research done by a company called Fusion GPS, they were first hired by Republicans running against Trump in the Primaries and then after that funded by a law firm on behalf of the Clinton Campaign.

From 2017 During the Republican primaries, a research firm called Fusion GPS was hired by The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website, to unearth potentially damaging information about Mr. Trump. The Free Beacon — which was funded by a major donor supporting Mr. Trump’s rival for the party’s nomination, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida — told Fusion GPS to stop doing research on Mr. Trump in May 2016, as Mr. Trump was clinching the Republican nomination.

There was congressional testimony about this in 2017. After Fusion GPS was working for the Democratic Law Firm, they hired the guy who wrote the dossier.

battleofbrooklyn1976 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q level clearance just equals Top Secret.

It does not equal the highest level clearance.

It's estimated over one million people have Top Secret clearance.

battleofbrooklyn1976 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would be careful about any financial advice from Patrick Byrne.

He had a long ongoing war since like 2004 against short sellers who were betting against his company. He said they were doing something nefarious and illegal called naked short selling which sounds like what your post refers too, but many other folks were saying he was going after regular short selling which is legal. If his company did very well, he would have crushed the shorts, but his company never really took off, it was promoted like another Amazon and it seems like he was blaming the short sellers for poor corporate performance. I think the SEC outlawed naked short selling in 2008 or strengthed their rules against it.

But, here's the thing I don't think he ever proved it. It's really hard as an outsider to tell if a claim of naked short selling is legit. A company executive make may this claim to explain why his stock is going down to cover the fact, the company has problems.

Byrne filed some lawsuits and then settled them years and years later without terms being disclosed. It went on for over a decade, I remember trying to follow this story as it happened and it was never clear if what he claimed was actually happening.

When he left his company and sold his stock he was accused of market manipulation


And legal short-selling can be a very good thing. If folks start to short a company that is a signal to other investors there may be problems at the company.....a big debt payment coming up, or their new product is going to be delayed or they can't pass regulatory issues, etc.

For example, bitcoin is down by like 33% over the last few months. If a few months ago, you had some information the price may go down, you might not have bought more or sold what you had.....Short selling is information like that.....but as with any investing, there's tons of information to process.

battleofbrooklyn1976 -4 points ago +1 / -5

Biden is not launching a war.

Putin has planned for and armed for a war and the decision to launch will be his.

The US is not considering going to war with Russia.

As for defense agreements both the US and Russia signed the Budapest Memorandum. When the USSR broke up and Ukraine declared it's independence. It had the third largest store of nuclear weapons on the planet. In agreeing to give them up and get Ukraine to sign the Non-Profileration Treaty, The US, the UK and Russia aggreed to respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine and to security assurances.


battleofbrooklyn1976 -4 points ago +1 / -5

What ever move Biden makes Russia is quite clearly massing troops near the Ukrainian border.

That started in September. By November 100,000 troops were moved towards Ukraine. By December some were 60 miles away. Troops were normally stationed in Siberia and Mongolia according to Voice of America. Artillery, etc have all been stationed. Videos posted to Telegram show Buk anti-aircraft Missiles in far western Russia.

Belarus which is close politically with Russian just started joint operations with Russian forces on THEIR border with the Ukraine.

This month short range ballistic missiles were moved to the border


Whatever Biden does or doesn't do, is a reaction to the steps Russia has already taken.

battleofbrooklyn1976 2 points ago +2 / -0


Were you not aware of any of this? These are not lies.

Howard Stern's radio show has always been about raunch and strippers and porn stars. Trump went on there all the time. Literally dozens of times. You can find audio/video of Howard Stern out there and see for yourself. Trump was very comfortable in that atmosphere. He did after all pay off Stormy Daniels. You remember that right?

The clip of Trump saying If Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he would be dating her was on The View, a daytime show aimed at women with a vastly different audience than Howard Stern and that's easy to find to.

Trump was known to frequent Studio 54 the most notorious discotheque ever.

battleofbrooklyn1976 0 points ago +1 / -1

If she were the drafter, right away this is not a genuine "genuine draft" executive order.

It would be as genuine as you and mean writing up some plays and calling it a draft of the Green Bay Packers playbook

battleofbrooklyn1976 0 points ago +8 / -8

Not sure who this Patel guy is, but he is claiming this is "genuine draft of an executive order."

There's basically no way that is true. In fact, I heard Sidney Powell who has never been a Trump Administration employee had something like this on her website.

There is many, many problems with this EO draft. Which makes me think it was written by a campaign staffer or lawyer and not someone familiar with executive orders

Patel says

There are two things that stick out to me from this first section.

The first and biggest thing that sticks out to me is they use common language that you see in a lot of Executive Orders, but there's a giant piece missing. An executive order doesn't give the president new extra powers those powers have to be grounded in law. Take a look at the real Executive Order 13818 from Trump

To rely on the Authority of the National Emergencies Act. YOU NEED TO DECLARE A NATIONAL EMERGENCY.

The second thing that stands out is this is illegal and has no chance of working.

Patel goes on to say

This draft order would give the Secretary of Defense (Christopher C. Miller) the discretion to determine the interdiction of election infrastructure. This is an extra new power. And it's illegal.

This is an illegal use of the military and anyone concerned about the government in their lives should care about this. Also how exactly would this happen? How exactly would the military get the machines.....especially when it would be an illegal violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.

If you look at the real 13818, you see Trump first names all the laws that apply, including the Global Magnitsky Act passed in 2016. That is the law that allows for this new authority. Since he is relying on the National Emergencies Act, HE FIRST DELCLARES A NATIONAL EMERGENCY. This sticks out like a sore thumb and is a giant red flag this was written by an amateur.

Once Trump cites his relevant authority, then says "I hereby determine and order:" and lists a bunch of actions. All of those are legal actions a President can take.

In this fake draft, there are several orders

Order (1) is illegal.

Order (2) talks about an assessment. What assessment? By who? Of what? It's literally the first time assess or assessment appears in the document. It's like the underpants gnomes in South Park, a giant piece is missing

Order (3) the undefined assessment continues

Order (4) is vague but legal and doable

Orders (5 and 6) the Nation Guard and Homeland security offer support for undefined activities. Probably the illegal stuff in Order (1)

Order (7) is a doozy and should read entirely

(7) The appointment of a Special Counsel to oversee this operation and institute all criminal and civil proceedings as appropriate based on the evidence collected and provided all resources necessary to carry out her duties consistent with federal laws and the Constitution.

So we have a Special Counsel... ....which is illegal because the President can't appoint one. See the Special Counsel law https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/28/600.1

The Special Counsel OVERSEES the MILITARY OPERATION to seize election machines! HOLY MOLY

And she gets all the resources she needs Did you catch that one? HER DUTIES. Gee I wonder if Sidney Powell wrote this up and wanted to run the whole she-bang

Oh, there's non public national security info in this draft.

battleofbrooklyn1976 2 points ago +2 / -0

they were in the food section

Hamburgers Frankfurters aka hot dogs Pizza

battleofbrooklyn1976 4 points ago +4 / -0

Naples was for pizza. Frankfurt and Hamburg need no explanations

battleofbrooklyn1976 1 point ago +1 / -0







Muscle Shoals (more of a small town)




New Orleans

New York








Vatican City


Mainz this one I had to look up

among others

battleofbrooklyn1976 1 point ago +1 / -0

The vast majority are in small counties, because the law in WI used to be counties under 5,000 didn't have to save birth date or registration date info.

These old dates are from when the moved to a central database where these fields were required. These dates are placeholder data. The voters are not over 100

battleofbrooklyn1976 1 point ago +2 / -1

They already ALL registered. The date folks are complaining about is the ORIGINAL registration date.

I'm a legal voter, I have no idea when I registered to vote, it was decades ago.

battleofbrooklyn1976 2 points ago +3 / -1

This is exactly what happened. In 2005/6 WI went from communities keep registration data to one central database.

In some small communities they didn't save date of birth or registration date

battleofbrooklyn1976 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yes, this claim in nonsense, it's been known about in Wisconsin since 2006 The misunderstanding of what was going on in 2020 was cleared up over a year ago.


Basically in Wisconsin in smaller communities they did not have to collect date of birth or date of registration to be eligible to vote. There was no full state registration. it was up to each communities.

In the 2000's the law changed and when they combined into one database, they found these dates were collected so place holder dates way in the past were used.

For whatever reason, this started floating around again 3-4 months ago.

battleofbrooklyn1976 7 points ago +7 / -0

You are correct.

(1) This whole scenario depicted in these sections sounds like American forces occupying ANOTHER country (such as we did in Afghanistan or Iraq) - NOT that some other country (i.e., China's CCP) is occupying the USA.

This is in the US Manual of War to train US forces in their obligations under the Geneva Convention which is embodied in our own codes.

I don't understand the purpose of the 1-year "waiting period" - waiting for what?

It's pure silliness. This is an imagined scenario.

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