bobbyjoelinneman16 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not a "handshake", ive been a skeptic of saviours like Trump/Q/musk etc since 8kun/voat/8ch/4ch/usenet/BBS etc, i get routinely banned here on GAW (my account is my name + the number of times ive been banned, done that way to show i'm not 'evading') for stating my belief that the Q faction of the elites are just as invested in depopulation as their ostensible competitors amongst the other elites, and just as ruthless if not more regarding collateral damage.

bobbyjoelinneman16 2 points ago +2 / -0

"jews" are a cadet branch of aryans, or "Arya", post-diluvian atlanteans that settled in areas like scythia and sarmatia post flood - this is "family Y". note the red hair, green or blue eyes, elongated cranium, hypertelorism, akhenaten-snakeface, etc. in the upper levels, the ones that go into acting or politics. ashkenazi, "khazars", are the lowest rung of their hierarchy.

bobbyjoelinneman16 1 point ago +1 / -0

if they "had everything", why did they let the covid plagues happen? seems that has some culpability in the spectrum of dna damage

deleted 0 points ago +3 / -3
bobbyjoelinneman16 0 points ago +1 / -1

been "here" since voat/8kun/4ch and long before that. this is my 16th GAW account (my name + iterator, not trying to "evade") bec you frauds ban me everytime i point out that trump/Q are just another faction of elites, just as invested in depopulation.

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