From the 2022 midterms, it looks like taking the house by the margin the republicans did was the perfect scenario for having massive negotiating power for the Freedom Caucus. Say the results were an overwhelming landslide for the republicans to take the house. Would those same 20 people be able to stall the votes and make McCarthy agree to their terms?
Seems like the whole thing was planned. Imagine that.
Hearings are already starting and it seems we are off to a good start anons.
I like many others have run down many rabbit holes and one that keeps sticking at me is Tartaria. Was this empire real? Was there a great reset? Was WW1 used to destroy evidence of the empire? Why is the flag of the Rothschilds a knight stabbing a griffin and the flag of Tartaria a yellow flag with a griffin on it?
To me, it seems entirely plausible that we are living in some sort of weird post-reset civilization. It only takes a couple of generations for people to lose their freedom. How many does it take to wipe an Empire from existence?
With Evergrande and other Chinese housing companies going bankrupt at a fast pace this month. Maybe this is a white hat-controlled demolition of the prison building that was being built to house the slave class after Agenda 21/2030 was fully implemented.
We know from maps of agenda 21 that there would be uninhabitable zones across the world that would be enforced by the elites. Here is a map of the US zones. What if China was tasked by the deep state to build housing for the world slave class that were not culled?
60 Min report from 2013
News on the collapse of Evergrande
What do you guys think?