freaking weird
this show just how stupid the whole world has become.
ok explain to me what a white hat is please
I would start plucking out that swamp starting with George Soros.
dont be bitter about the truth towards them, be happy and show them through action, dont let them ruffle your feathers juts keep praying for them and searching. make sure to balance your life too and not always talk about this with your family.
Excellent points made here thank you. It's not all about one person, we have to consider the effects of one's lifestyle choices when it comes to living and working in groups like the military. I dont want to pay for people's ttansgender care or abortions. There is a disconnect between reality and truth and transgenders have to deal with this disconnect wihtout stepping on the rights of others. Yes we need to always come at this topic with love and understanding. I survived childhood gender dysphoria without taking synthetic homtones or surgeries and Im so glad I didnt do those things to my body. It is possible!
if transgenders go into the military with the understanding that the military is not going to give them any special treatment then go for it.
I think transgenders should have the chance to be considered for the military. It's not like a milllion trannys are going to go sign up for the military. Here's the thing, every potential candidate for the military has to go through a battery of physical and mental health tests and a background check. If they pass all that then they also have to sign a contract with the military to uphold the duties of a soldier no matter what and if those duties such as deployment or war interfere with a transgender's tranistioning or healthcare needs they will most likely not proceed. We shouldn't be threatened by this at all. If the few transgenders that do make it through and want to be in the military after all of that then they deserve to be there in my opinion.
yeah but the dollar and the stocks are all tied in with the central bank, we need to get away from that.
yes like thr stock market but its not paper
these masks are so disturbring to look at because there is no pandemic omg.
i guarantee you he talks about over population
but gold and silver go up and down in value quite substantially so it is a wealth maker if you know when to buy and sell. crypto is starting to be accepted by many major players like amazon and apple pay. i think we need to invest in these things and not the stock market.
lol you like that? heres the thing, the less the dollar is valued the more things like crypto, silver and gold will increase in value, its just simple economics.
holy shit bro!
yeah and I assure you they will
because you fool us once shame on you but you fool us twice same on us and we arent going to stand for it again.
this is the dumbest comment i have ever read on here.
right! if we have to vote on those same machines again there will be riots and there should be to destroy every last voting machine in the country. The vote needs to be hand counted with witnesses from all parties counting the vote together, no one counting alone or wihtout other parties witnessing, its real easy.
there are no consequences for these criminals and there hasnt been for decades why would you think they are going to go down now? its too big.
they dont care about the constitution or the truth they care about their money and special interests
ok awesome i hope its true
omg! this made me cry