Oh I heard it is going to be an A bomb on Tehran.
Oh noes - not Jeff
Wasn't that dude was JFKjr? Wonder where his wife is?
The FIB hid H Bribems laptop calling it Russia Russia Russia and it turns out they had it from the start - why believe anything the FIB has to say.
Ah, I see no name and Linda are back in the mix - watch and see Linda try to get out of it - won't be long and he'll be saying it ain't so.
Crowdstrike - beautiful Hillary - loser Bushies - Bammy are running scared and trying to take Trump out by any means necessary and pulling all kinds of computer tricks and trying to make money while doing it denying denying denying.
Trump has it all and is going to take them all out Lord willing.
Trump 47 b4 11 5 24
It was easy to see this Pastor is spirit filled with truth - great speech.
It so sloped one could push a wheel chair up it.
Yes it is obvious - all the ones in power now who are international money traders and those who sell their positions for gold - both Democrat and Republicans.
Trump will expose them all - that's what they are scared of.
Trump 47 b4 11 5 24
I'll never watch that fat boy again.
That's JFKjr for sure.
The 1st one thrown out there was definitely not the shooter - Yearick looks more like the downed boy than Crooks does.
How about having to take one to go to school?
He knows how to make a lie sound like the truth - 2024 was stolen and Trump needs to be put back in - Trump 47 b4 11 5 24
I remember - Who is Q? We still don't know? That's crazy.
His DOJ is more than corrupt - it's undeniably corrupt all over the world.
They deserve it.
If Trump wins, he will cut her some slack and start calling her a beautiful lady like he did "lock her up". Trump is too soft hearted to take drastic revenge on wacked out ladies even if they deserve it.
I don't really care about the gun charge - it's the family graft that concerns me
Ok it's time to publicly watch Foulchi put a mask on full time and keep it without taking it off and retake all the shots and all the boosters.
Dr Foulchi says different. He says it's safe and effective. Saying so right now as he tells lies to Congress.
So the house Democrats are saying Dr ,Foulchi is a hero
Better yet find the money Chris got for pushing the clot shot and punish him for murder.
Tim's nuts - needs to be crushed.