First, take a look at the handful of articles at the top of ZeroHedge, as of 8am CT:


Stagflation is not good, first off. It's kind of the worst situation.

From a big picture perspective, we may be witnessing the combination of macro trends/reports that could result in the beginning of the economic implosion many of us believe is part of the Precipice.

Tensions are already high with the illegals aggregating in metro areas, agitators stirring up college campuses, inflation sucking the life out of peoples' take-home pay, escalating threats of WW3, etc. (all of which is true, but perhaps overblown by the MSM to create fear).

Extra painful financial pressure on the current situation will result in an exponential negative impact, in my opinion.

Is this the moment? The beginning of the acceleration downward economically? The financial implosion?

If it is, prepare for people snapping, and for the overall level of civility to decline rapidly. Many of us are prepped... it's the un-prepped who pose the greatest threat. As for me, I have two piles of stores... one for my family, and one to help others so that they can hopefully avoid devolving and become active threats to others. We have to get through this together.


I always learn a lot from fellow Anons, and wanted to draw more attention the eclipse theories than what results in the General Chat, but if this needs to be moved there, I am sure I'll be notified.

First I want to describe the general info overload that I am currently trying to process. As I watch various videos and read info on links that I find on this Board and elsewhere related to many different things, I arrive at a few conclusions:

  1. I don't have enough time to dig and learn as much as the person who created what I just watched. For example, I'm now seriously wondering if there are lizard people among us. But... I don't have time for that rabbit hole.

  2. I don't know what to do with the flood of information that has been presented... do I accept or reject it? Am I neutral to it? If I accept part or all of it, what do I do in response? Do I tell my children that there are lizard people among us? (That's an example... I don't really think that... yet).

  3. I wonder if wild conspiracy theories are meant to distract and divide us. For example, if I'm focused on lizard people, then I'm probably not focusing on Diddy, or Fulton County, etc. But... is it all related?

In the end, I just keep on living life, trying to honor God by trying to be a good Christian, and I keep an eye on the various ideas and stories percolating on the internet and other news sources. I am peaceful and content, and I am prepared. And... I'm curious. Verrrrrrrry curious, like the rest of you.

Regarding the eclipse... it has captured the attention of pretty much everyone, and that attention is gathering momentum. I have to assume (based on training from this Board) that it's another narrative... but why? Obviously I'm watching the movie with popcorn, but like others I am trying to guess the ending, or at least the next scene. I'd love to hear your thoughts about all of the different theories circulating on this Board about the eclipse (not listed in any particular order):

  1. Lizard people are among us and making their comeback (Free Masons, Horus, Osiris, etc.)... in this theory, Trump is actually part of the system leading humanity to destruction, so this could be two separate theories... maybe Trump is going to expose and defeat the lizard people.

  2. Disease 'X' is going to ravage humanity.

  3. New Madrid fault along the Mississippi river is going to go kabloohey.

  4. Something Biblical is going to happen because of all of the patterns related to Bible names, etc., perhaps related to Trump saying, "It's going to be Biblical".

  5. Planet Niburu (am I spelling that correctly?) is passing by, disguised by the "Devil Comet" and it's going to wreak havoc on earth.

  6. The White Hats are mobilizing the Nat Guard in various states under the cover of this eclipse, and we're going to see some of the Q Plan come to fruition and gather momentum.

  7. It's just an eclipse. Nothing will happen.

  8. A combination of bits and parts of all of the above...

Am I missing any big ones?


There are some pics of FJB from the SOTU that are causing a heightened level of attention to the possibility that it was an actor wearing a mask.

So... let's start with the basiv what-ifs...

What if it was/is not a mask? Well, that means it is really is FJB. There's not much more to say, although you could discuss how he has been able to look different and behave differently, and speculate about drugs and other stuff. Also, if it is not a mask, or if we never learn that it was a mask, we seem like nut jobs to everyone else.

What if it is an actor wearing a mask? Here are some questions that arise...

  1. Whose actor is it, white hats or black hats?

  2. Why doesn't someone of the opposite tean run up and pull the mask off on live TV? (As a side note, because this has not happened, I tend to think that that is a contextual proof that we are watching a movie.)

  3. Will we ever find out that it was/is a mask?

  4. What is the reason for some of us to know/believe it is a mask, if it will never be proven that it is a mask?

  5. Do we need to actually prove it is a mask? Why?

  6. If it's a black hat mask operation, what does that say about the Plan?

FWIW, I personally believe that the real FJB is long gone, along with many others. But, that will never be disclosed because then the general public would be confused, and trying to explain Q and white/black hats will result in brain shutoff. So, I have to be content that the mask thing will never be proven... unless the precipice gets so bad that the white hats spring the final trapand expose the cabal as they pull the mask off and show the world via the MSM the white hats have taken over, and say, "They not only stole the election but they have been lying all along, and using actors to mislead you.". That would be something!


Like most of you here, I keep playing different scenarios out in my head as to what's going on... will there be WWIII? Will there be a market collapse? Will there be riots? Will the 2024 election be stolen again (maybe the extra 'l'... stollen... means that it will happen twice, or again?)

But there's something that sticks out in my mind. At some point a few months ago there was something on this board that I cannot find that was explaining how Trump stated behind the scenes that it was his decision not to push the truth about the stolen 2020 election because he feared it would cause civil war. (Courtesy of Luminosity, below... thanks! https://greatawakening.win/p/17s5avqkW9/president-trump-hints-that-he-wa/c/)

Was that ever proven, that he said that? Or was that debunked? Anyway, my thoughts are based on him saying that.

Before I get to my scenario considerations, I want to address the momentum of the Great Awakening. Currently, not enough people are awake in my opinion. In fact, the more that "conspiracy theories" abound, the more the left digs their heels in, and many sheep dig in with them. Some might say, "Well, the Precipice hasn't occurred yet, so people will wake up when that happens." Although I agree that the Precipice has not yet been reached, I think that the slow drip approach--although effective in many ways--has resulted in a hardening of the cognitive dissonance among so many (my opinion and theory).

So, the Precipice will arrive and although everyone will hurt, too many people will still not attach their hurt/suffering to the cabal, or communism, or evil, or lefty wokeness, etc. Without declassification and sharing of the evidence of child trafficking and sacrifice, and the people involved, I don't think we'll be able to overcome the cognitive dissonance that just seems to always be ahead. And the number who will never 'get it' is greater than 6%. My opinion is that it is north of 15%. This presents many challenges, but that's a topic for a different post.

You may not agree with what I've shared thus far, but the following scenarios are based on it.

Scenario 1: Trump is re-elected in a landslide victory in a "normal" election. I put "normal" in quotes because "normal" means some sort of fraud occurred, as it has in the past--but Trump still wins. In this scenario, because there are still so many who are not awake (based on my opinion and explanation above), we will be so far from unity. It will still be ugly. I don't think Trump wants this. I believe that in his heart, he wants a unified, powerful Republic.

Scenario 2: Trump loses again via a fixed election, despite even the MSM polls showing that Trump is supposed to win. This wakes up more people, but it's too late... those who stomached the first fraudulent loss will finally snap. The risk of people taking things into their own hands, and possibly outright civil war, will be even greater than when Trump was fearing it the first time around. So Trump does not want this scenario, either.

So, whether he wins or loses, I don't believe we achieve the unity we all hope for and that I think Trump desires, too. Both of the above scenarios also include the Precipice in my opinion, too.

You can come up with many different variations of the "normal" win/lose, but I cannot think of any where 94% are awake and unified--except we might get very close with the declassification of the ugly stuff.

I am left with a different scenario, then.

Scenario 3: The Precipice is reached via a collection of big, ugly things that cause suffering. Then it is finally revealed that 2020 can be officially proven as being fraudulent stolen, so that everyone attributes the Precipice to these traitor thieves. Trump is instated as President. An election is held in 2024 on schedule but is orchestrated and overseen by the military and National Guard, with all of the rules and authenticity that we desire. Trump wins, beyond our imagination. We avert civil war and civil conflict. The Republic is finally restored. There are some rocky moments with stalwart enemies, but they are neutralized quickly. We Make America Great Again.

That is my hope as to how things play out. It's kind of a date fag moment, because it obviously is tied to the election. If this is sort of like the high level plan that is unfolding, things should be getting spicy in terms of everyday living very soon, because there's not much time.

Why did I post this? Well, first, just for my own sanity. Second, I'm curious to know what others think. Thanks for reading.


Check out this article. Please read it. It's about a girlfriend led astray by her Q-conspiracy BF.


I think it's 100 percent fabricated (my opinion). But it's based on some truth I would guess. There are normies who are fearful, and they take 2-dimensional action on information they learn from people like us.

The bottom line is that too many people probably read this sort of article (my opinion) and back off of their own awakening. It is an expertly crafted piece to achieve that effect.

How do we fight back? Discussion requested.

My opinion is that we should be telling normies that they will be seeing hit pieces about "conspiracy theories" and the most powerful thing we can offer is history and truth... and an invitation to do your own research.

We should provide links to story threads that demonstrate the tactics of the evil side and encourage them to form their own opinion... and THAT is the difference.

I know we do that, to a certain extent. Among us it is common knowledge. But we need to start emphasizing this principle, in my opinion.


... local public health agencies have not changed a single note in their tune. Get vaxxed. Save lives. Covid kills.

Until WH's own the MSM, the lies will continue.

Most are avoiding the vax, but some innocent-minded people will still get it because they are weak. But that does not make them bad people!

WH's listen up! The strong minded already know... the longer you wait, the more innocent people will be harmed. Enough is enough with the movie...


I love that the movie is nearing its end. And I know NCSWIC, and WWG1WGA. And, the Plan will lead to the demise of the Cabal globally.


Then what? Let's pretend everything unfolds as we hope. Trump is President. Deep State is defeated and removed. New policies are enacted. Bad policies are removed. Our country looks the best it has ever looked... on paper.

Who will govern and lead, all the way down through the local level? And, how will citizens hold new leaders accountable so as to prevent the evil path we were on from happening again? It is proven that people will seek power, and they are driven by greed--to what extent can we protect our Republic against such predators?

Also, how will we re-educate/train the capacity of those who have been dumbed down? It is their choice to do so so, or not... but if people do not rise above their current state of complacency with their lives, then it's like we will have handed a brand new car to a child who doesn't know how to drive.

These are all just questions on my mind, no implied judgments. I, for one, am ready to pitch in and play a role that is a good fit for who I am so that our country can be great again, and remain great again. There are so... many... variables to that statement, though. I think it would be great to delve into some ideas on this board.


I was watching the reaction of never-Trumpers (some of the other posts here). It occurred to me that even though they are Republican and want to defeat Biden, they have TDS and cannot support Trump.


Because they are aware of how bad Biden is, but not yet awake to the bigger battle vs the Cabal.

Anyone who is still focused on candidates, politics as usual, etc. is aware, not awake.

The movie has to progress along the lines as if it were politics as usual, so as not to mentally overwhelm the sheeple... hence the movie.

As more and more people realize the bigger picture, they become awake and join the ranks of Patriots.

I am concerned that too many are still immersed in the politics-as-usual battle and perspective. Maybe this distinction between being aware of the immediate situation vs being awake to the bigger battle will help red pill them. I will try it out on some family members.


It's not a new thought by any stretch, especially for Anons on this Board. But I thought I would draw attention to it because there are a lot of new people finding this Board and trying to put the puzzle pieces together.

A question I hear often is, "If there is a Cabal like you say, why don't they just take out Trump?"

And as I was thinking more about it, it is the motive that adds credence to my conclusion. In other words, the Cabal wants America to fall. It has been sowing the seeds of chaos and dysfunction in everything. And now there is one leader who is the tip of the spear of the Great Awakening who has rallied Patriots to awaken and push back... it would make absolute sense to take out Trump and cause a civil breakdown/war in America (that's my opinion... that that would happen) because that would achieve their goal (again, my opinion is that that is one of their goals towards moving to a global government and NWO).

The fact that he is safe (as are his family members) suggests to me that the White Hats really are in control, and that truly nothing can stop what is coming.

Pretty basic. Probably don't even need to post this. But, it was therapeutic for me type it, so maybe it will be useful for one or two people to read it, too. Cheers!


Maybe I misunderstood the 4-6 percent thing, but I believe it means that that many people will never awaken, no matter what.

Regardless of what the 4-6 percent is supposed to mean, my opinion is that the slow drip method has only created a stronger cognitive dissonance barrier, and that even if people are awake, way too many are not motivated to do something because it was a gentle slow-drip awakening.

Too many are still too complacent and will just go along.

So, maybe that's what the whole process has been all along... get people to an awakened but non-pitchfork-grabbing-status, so that when the various truths come out and action is taken, the people will understand and just go along with it, and things will be right as rain.

But, my concern is that there will not be a strong enough appetite for justice. For example, we would have serious problems if there was a public execution of a top official who is guilty of the highest treason. So, until that appetite is there, we are nowhere near awake enough.


Revenge of the Pink Panther, where Dreyfus is in the castle... great movie... 1976. Looking Glass is mentioned twice.

Here's one of the clips: https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/8e7f75c9-2b04-4910-a17e-7bc566acc000

I don't know if it has been discussed on this board, but when I watched the movie (hadn't seen since becoming Awakened as an Anon), "Looking Glass" jumped out at me.

Professor Fassbender created the technology behind the Doomsday Machine. I just wonder if there's any connection.

And, Peter Sellers died of a heart attack in 1980 at the age of 54.


One of the stickied posts mentions Trump's allusion to economic collapse, or bank collapse. I don't know what the monetary-related collapse will be, but it will be economic in nature.

So, I think it's a good opportunity to review a checklist of things to do if you haven't already. And, more importantly, it would be great if Anons share their recommendations, too.

Not in any particular order (and not all of these pertain to everyone).

  1. Get some precious metals if you still can. It may be an opportunity to get ahead for yourself, too.

  2. Have 3-4 months of food and water safely stored away.

  3. Have cash outside the bank, because for a little while cash will be king on the street.

  4. If you can, have a weapon on you and in your home. Obviously have ammo.

  5. It's winter... be prepared to make yourself warm and to stay warm. Do not depend on utilities.

  6. You might consider removing your cash from the bank, but leaving enough in if you pay bills from your account.

  7. If you have debts, I don't know what to say. My plan is to pay them if I can, and if not... well, then I'll cross that bridge later. If it gets too crazy, I may just declare bankruptcy, but maybe the banks will go under first. I am half tempted to max the credit card and say "sorry" in the aftermath.

  8. Get in touch with local alliances you've made and make sure you're on the same page.

  9. Be sure to connect with God.

  10. Just remember... you will get through this storm and it will be amazing on the other side.


What percent of champions of AI are...

A) motivated to help humanity B) motivated by power, control and/or greed

And, how many understand that AI cannot be contained?

We either stop AI, or in time the WEF's goal of reducing the population will be accomplished.

I am curious to know how the WH's and the Plan take AI into account, or not. Any thoughts?


To be honest, I don't know the deep details and context of what is going on in Isarael and that region. My question is high level, and it has to do with real people vs the Deep State/Cabal.

My assumption is that the Cabal that is in Israel is what Q referred to when it was stated "saving Israel for last" . I am also assuming, then, that the typical Israeli is not part of that Cabal.

But Jewish people all over the world are being associated with what the Cabal in Israel is doing (and, as will probably be revealed, have done). If, for example, it becomes officially stated that Israel (I.e., the Cabal) perpetrated 9/11, can you imagine being a Jew in this country?

So, I am just curious to hear thoughts about how this might be navigated as the Plan unfolds.


Hypothetically, what if the cabal has serious dirt on Elon (or worse, he's a double agent) and the cabal said to him, "Your time is now. You must make yourself indispensable to the pro Trump side, and seem like one of them, and await further direction. Do whatever it takes. Be outrageous."

Just, what if?

It's an example that demonstrates that we don't know shit. Except for God's love and the evil of the cabal, we really don't know shit.

We hope and believe that Q and the Plan are real, and we are confient of it.

The simple fact, though, is that the cabal must be exterminated in this war. I don't know how... but I am trusting that the Plan includes this... otherwise the cabal will just bide its time and ebb and flow with the various momentums because it can, and it does, and it has.

Is it black and white, yet? This is where we are going. If you've seen my other posts, you can probably tell that i've had a breakthrough. Not that I needed one, but it happened anyway. We are at war for the children and for our souls.


I was just reading the Tucker Carlson interview of Alex Jones on Zerohedge (https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/if-people-think-things-are-bad-now-tucker-and-alex-jones-talk-deplatforming) and it is frightening to read. It really challenges the idea that there is a plan in place that we're supoosed to trust. AJ is flamboyant in his predictions, but he has a pretty decent track record. Is he Mossad? Is he controlled opp? Is he genuine? I don't know.

But, his rhetoric is incensing, and he lists several things he sees on the horizon, all of them undesirable or horriffic to our way of life, and all of them electronic.

I read that list and I thought, "We need an EMP to shut down these cabal parasites.". And then it dawned on me... has the cabal just acheived a mental coup by getting me to wish an EMP upon myself, my community, my state, my country???

I don't know about the rest of you, but my head is spinning and I am praying even harder that this shit comes to an end soon, and that all cabal families, leaders, middle manageement and known operatives are rounded up and disposed of. This is what Q has alluded to, isn't it? A future free of the systemic slavery? The only way that is possible is to create a Renaissance of mankind where the servants of Satan have been eliminated. That can only last for so long, but at least it will last for so long and children and other souls will be free of torture.

In thee end God wins. I know. Until then, we fight like hell for God's love and goodness.


First, if "immunocompromised" is not a word, well, you know what I mean.

Second, I am not worried about being around sick people because my immune system is intact. And, getting sick and getting over being sick is part of life.

Anyway, there were 16 tables. All were occupied. I counted at least 11 tables where someone was coughing and/or sneezing. Yes, they should be at home. But there they were.

Is anyone else noticing a lot of sickness? More than usual?

The flu typical kills a lot of Americans (and people in other countries every year... except when there is a plandemic). I am partially holding my breadth and partially watching with curiosity to see if the flu will wreak extra havoc this year (and from now on) due to the effect that the jab has had on people and their immune systems.

Also, I wonder if the cabal will try to spin flu deaths as covid variants, and with actual deaths occurring, might that result in more people turning back into sheep?

Just some thoughts. Stay healthy. Vitamins A, C, and D3, and Quercetin, and NAC, and Zinc... and eat healthily, and exercise, and be joyful, and pray... basically live life in a good way.


Here's the interesting twist--this couple was well-versed in the unfair and ridiculous trials and tribulations of Trump, and they were dismayed by it.

All of their info comes from MSM. For 2.5 hours I dropped red pill after red pill about the bigger picture, but no matter what their brains could not break out of the programmed paradigm that Republicans vs Democrats is the real deal and "it's all just politics" .

Here's the thing... I am pretty confident that a lot of people are awake to the shenanigans going on, but they are still operating in the same pattern of information consumption and from the same MSM sources. Why? Because they are too attached to the bread and circus entertainment of it all, and their cognitive dissonance is too powerful.

What am I trying to say, here? There are two different types of Great Awakening happening... 1) Awakening to the truth about FJB and all that that implies; and 2) Awakening to the bigger picture that it's all a lie, and that the MSM narrative is the front of the cabal and that we are at war and we need to think for ourselves (and all the other stuff Anons know about).

The number of people at #1 status is higher than we think, in my opinion. My conversation last night was just one among many, many people over the past year and a half. People hate FJB, but they still don't understand what's going on. For example, let's say FJB has a heart attack and dies... they would say "Well, at least he's gone, and now we have to deal with Kamala." They will continue to think within the established rules of the game.

So... I fully anticipate that there will HAVE to be some very great REVEAL of SOMETHING that will cause all people to really wake up and unite. And it will/must happen soon... because the slow drip approach is allowing too many people to remain at #1 above. They will need something HUGE that will over-power theirr cognitive dissonance.

If we simply get to the 2024 election and Trump wins, and he starts cleaning house for real, it will look to too many Democrats like he is just avenging himself and weaponizing the government (as FJB has actually done) and my point is that the result is that we will still have division among the people.

More popcorn, I guess. I really am expecting a huge catharsis moment in this movie.


I am thinking about how Fox News went the route of showcasing very attractive women to help boost viewership. In the past couple of weeks I have been seeing a lot of X posts re-posted here and the X profile pic is of a very attractive woman.

Nothing wrong with that. Just wondering if it is orchestrated, and if so, to what end?

A Real Man... (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by changeagent ago by changeagent

Datefagging certainly is dangerous. But, discussing timing is part of the discussion overall.

Any thoughts about the timeline, the Precipice, etc.?

I think it would actually be an amazing Precipice if the MSM shows Trump losing every single state to FJB or Kamala. The ultimate red pill.

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