colers 1 point ago +1 / -0

We could argue that its "unproven". As in, the absence of positive or negative proof. And I would also add that that statement isn't actually proof for or against the greater claims Q makes.

But disproven would mean negative proof; a level of investigation that renders the position taken logically impossible to occur.

Proven would mean conclusive positive proof.

Neither exist, because one would require the literally every investigator in the nation to dedicate the next year solely to checking out all the closets of everyone of note in the nation, and the other requires a healthy amount of elites hanging from the rafters.

colers 4 points ago +4 / -0

....Discredited and disproven?

Lets for the sake of argument all agree that the entire premise is ridiculous and cooky. Okay...So? How does this discredit it? Have there been sweeping investigations into the political and economic upper class by non-partisan, uncompromised actors to the excessive extent (like, literally Trump Russia investigation extend for EVERY SINGLE CURRENT AND FORMER MEMBER OF CONGRESS AND CABINET MEMBER) required for anyone to say "yeah, any nooks they didn't look it are too small to hide what we are accusing them off"? No. Has Q been identified, located and made public? No. Even if we all agree its insane conjecture, it has not, in any way, shape or form, been disproven or discredited. The only discredit it gets is when people try to predict the date of the rapture, but this is mostly people thinking that something that (if we assume Q to be truthful) is meant to befuddle the most competent intelligence operatives in the nation can be cracked by a 90 IQ trucker with access to google.

colers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Leave this stickied for the rest of eternity.

Anyways, great double think; the system is simultaniously easy to sabotage and fragile but also completely secure and impossible to rig.

colers 1 point ago +1 / -0

You actually have to have enough useful idiots to buy your trash to pull this off.

As far as I can see, whenever you tell people "Yeah some retards might lose some money but they do so knowing full well that they get to violently sodomize the wallstreet pricks that caused your father to move in with you after he lost everything in the stock market crash, so its basically just a glorified ticket auction to the public execution of wallstreet suits" and they are onboard

colers 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is honestly a painfully simple reason:

Nobody, Nobody with any degree of self-preservation would concievably want to go down in history as "The man who got Trump reelected". Its singing your own death warrant, to be carried out by the inevitable mob that will burn your house down with you, your wife and your children still in it. Its simple cowardice

colers 6 points ago +6 / -0

Its more "telling your plans as you are executing them is a level of dipshittery that shouldn't be possible"

colers 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is actually just a sign of dementia. Slipping memory, regressing personality and your muscaluture actively failing you results in most people seeing their signature change considerably in their last years of life

colers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jesus christ the still images of both of them look exactly like what your crazy ex looks like before she stabs you. That gaze just rips through yer fuckin soul

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