I've watched the "Fall of the Cabal" and the "Fall of the Cabal Sequel" and I'm still blown away by it. This stuff is so insane it's literally like the greatest story in the whole world. I have a lot of questions
1: I don't understand how even after people talking online about the plan somehow these supposedly very smart people in the government have not come across this Q stuff and heard about the great plan? Surely if they knew about this plan it would never happen?
How come the FBI and all of the intelligence people in the US government don't know anything about this plan or have done nothing to stop it? I don't understand, they can literally find this website no problem and see what everyone is saying, it's right out in the open for everyone to see and somehow this plan is still going to work out?
I'm starting to believe when I heard that Pelosi called Pence and no one picked up the phone, Trump going to a Texas base, the emergency broadcast system being tested. And the funny thing is people are saying this stuff is going going to happen many days before it happens! I don't understand, the people in the swamp can't honestly be that stupid. If they spent 5 minutes on this website they could figure out the whole plan easily.
2: What is going to happen to the Rothschild family, the Khazarians, the Rockefellers?
This stuff is just surreal to me that things are lining up the way they are. If the plan happens then this will literally be the greatest comeback in the history of the world.
But how will we make sure that these evil people can't infiltrate again? If we kick them out this time we have to make sure they can't get back in, Trump needs to make an anti-infiltration system or anti-communism system or something so these types of people can't get in.
3: Why are the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Clintons, why are all of these families so evil? There was a post with a picture where anon said there were more good people than bad people on this earth and I totally agree with that. 90% of people don't have pleasure from hurting other people, so what causes this kind of evil behavior from the evil families that want to control the world? Is it just extreme narcissism? Is it childhood trauma? Or is it just having evil parents that indoctrinate you with evil?
And can someone please send me the link to the "Q" book that breaks everything down? Thank you very much guys, thank you for taking time out of your day to help me I really appreciate it.
**************Edit: I Found the book
https://qanon.pub/ Is this where "Q" posts? Q has not posted since December 8th 2020. Is there any other place where Q posts? Thanks and God bless
EDIT: Thanks everyone it was much appreciated. God bless you all