The fun thing is, in some other countries this is already the case. Along with All unnatural colorings. Even Fanta orange in countries such as Britain, has more of an orange juice color than the bright orange in the American (and Mexican) formula.
Paper ballots, filled out with pens. No missing candidates, even a space for write in options with a list of known write ins. Honestly, everything appears to be on the up and up here in eastern Indiana.
Oh forgot to mention, requires an ID to get a ballot printed.
Because a select few places still serve it despite the efforts to say no to it. The parent company may have seen a drop in sales from Bud light, but they are still making money because the ones that everyone switched to are still part of their product line.
The Lesson, was not learned.
Best answer, if you have friends with netflix, go through the catalog (when they aren't in the room but even if they are.) and thumbs down any of those shows/movies. If enough of us do it the message will come across. This may still be giving them money, but it's using their own metrics against them.
Can't get sick if you are dead...