I can see the hole in the ozone layer from my deck. It keeps my wife's tan beautiful.
I bet it was just killing them not to be able to call them NEATs.
Some time ago Burning Bright on Badlands Media coined the term, "Our Boy Blue" due to Biden doing other things that could only be bad for the deep state. And now this!
Patrick Gunnels read it on his Reading Epic Threads if anyone wants it. https://rumble.com/v5ef324-joe-lange-moves-and-countermoves.html
I wonder if this explains why some polls have suddenly become more realistic?
Thanks for the heads up. I converted the MKV file to MP4 and reposted it. It now displays inline.
Sorry guys. In my last post, I'd uploaded this in MKV video format to Catbox not knowing that would cause it to be an auto-download. Converted it to MP4 and now it should display inline.
Thanks, I noticed that. How do I avoid that from happening on Catbox? Is it because it is an MKV file and not an MP4? I've converted it to MP4 and will retry. Deleting this post for now.
Tampon Tim was once Tampon Tammy! It would explain why 'he' wants tampon machines in all of the men's rooms.
"A former aide to two New York governors"
Kansas warned Cuomo. Hochul didn't listen either.
KBSF is not a real TV station. https://fictionaltvstations.fandom.com/wiki/KBSF https://www.fcc.gov/search/#q=KBSF
I find it hard to believe that Charlton Heston dated Valerie Jarrett.
He was a BSA Scoutmaster for over 20 years. I don't wonder why. I do wonder how many boys he harmed.
Tyson's going to see this post, and he's going to see your user name. He gets pissed and challenges Big Mike to a fight. Good work Anon!
I'm guessing but looking into his eyes I'd guess that his massive drinking problem has caused him irreversible brain damage.
If President Trump were AOC, 'He just wants to sleep with me.'
Skittles - "Taste The Rainbow"
They're on to us greatawakening.win
I was taking a shot in the dark when I saw a Reuters reporter complaining about the flag earlier today when I asked Gab.ai if anyone had ever hung a KKK flag outside of their office door in congress?
Sure enough, Rep. John Rankin, a Democratic Congressman from Mississippi hung a KKK flag outside his congressional office door. Rankin served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1921 to 1953.
They would've pounced much harder if she wasn't a leftist.
As an aside, saw this on X, thought it was humorous and eerily accurate. Hope I'm not butchering it, I can't locate the tweet I got it from… "My bestest friend in the whole universe is black (Score me a virtue point!). She didn't know, so I taught her what a computer was (Score me another virtue point!). Signed, Libby White." ~ Author Unknown.
Thanks for your comment. Yes, it is there. What I was trying to say was that if you do a search for "Kid Love Productions" directly on IMDB, it no longer comes up in the search results like it used to. But like you did, or if you search for Bill Maher, there are still links to it that way.
I've not seen the credits posted before so I downloaded the videos and captured the screens. The videos are a combined 4.88 GB (5,246,084,134 bytes) so I don't really know where I could post them and with copyright laws, I'm not sure I'd be comfortable doing that anyway… So, I posted the NZB files that point to where someone else posted the videos years ago, on Usenet.
If you have access to a Usenet account, that's where the actual video is posted. I'm posting this because it's getting harder to find proof that Kid Love Production even existed. A search on IMDB for KLP comes up blank but it can still be found by searching for Bill Mahar by name.
Bill Maher I'm Swiss 2005 Kid Love Productions https://files.catbox.moe/6uzgqq.nzb
If you have access to a Usenet account, that's where the actual video is posted. I'm posting this because it's getting harder to find proof that Kid Love Production even existed. A search on IMDB for KLP comes up blank but it can still be found by searching for Bill Mahar by name.
Bill Maher Be More Cynical 2000 Kid Love Productions https://files.catbox.moe/5mfm24.nzb
Her uncle/father will step in and marry her, putting a roof over her head.
By now, Jose could be hiding out in Mexico.