djaeveloplyse 4 points ago +4 / -0

Never heard him speak before (didn't know who he was until this drama). That dude isn't even pretending to be a woman. It's just a man wearing women's clothing, speaking in his normal voice! And everyone ELSE pretends he's a woman? Crazy.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you cannot confront the horror of the situation, you have to make up delusions to replace the truth in order to cope.

djaeveloplyse 0 points ago +1 / -1

There are two things this does not explain adequately to me. 1, the lingering contrails are never left by passenger airlines, always by untracked planes. I've never seen a plane leaving a lingering contrail which I could identify on the public plane trackers, they are always untracked. 2, why are these contrails almost exclusively seen in NATO and Five-Eyes nations? In South America, Africa, China, India, and Russia these sky-blanketing lingering contrail events simply do not seem to happen at all.

But, this is a fairly rational explanation, at least. Even if the spraying is secret and harmful, it is plausible that it is being done to protect the nation or world from solar storms (which could be a civilization ending event if we got hit by a serious one).

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

What evidence? Lots of assertions. Any scientific papers? Any book you would recommend?

Find it yourself, like an adult. With your expertise, you should be able to find it easier than I did.

I don't suppose you have refuted the debunking on www.contrailscience.com

I'm sure people have. Taking one minute to look at their article for the documentary movie "What in the world are they spraying," their debunking is garbage. They pretend, as you did earlier, that all forms of aluminum are the same, and therefore any measured aluminum in the water or soil is fundamentally normal, which is a lie. They are, as you, cherry picking and strawmanning.

You have no experience of catastrophic volcanic eruptions, and therefore have no idea how much ash is produced and distributed.

I personally don't need any, none of the evidence is reliant on my personal experience, only my initial instinctual skepticism being triggered required personal experience. The evidence of chemtrail spraying is robust enough, from multiple vectors, that volcanoes and other catastrophes are obviously not the issue.

I think my grip on reality is quite good. I'm not lying.

You are lying about certain things though, or just making shit up, which is a form of lying itself. As well, your incessant strawmanning and gaslighting are also forms of malicious dishonesty.

You object to being characterized with paranoia

No I don't, I think a certain amount of paranoia is healthy. Lacking healthy paranoia makes you easy to fool.

you are terrified that I am a "fed."

Lol, terrified, sure. Stop the attempts at gaslighting me, it's pathetic.

I still have better manners in debate!

Nope. If you start a fight, and the guy you're fighting fights back harder than you, that does not absolve you of starting the fight. Your manners are a farce.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are reacting to your experience being insignificant on geological time scales.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” -George Orwell, 1984

How many catastrophic volcanic eruptions have you seen?

Was there a catastrophic volcanic eruption 4 months ago in the southwest United States? Oh, there wasn't?

You are overwhelmed with paranoia and arrogance.

Projection. One of these days you're going to be faced with incontrovertible proof and have to face what a fool you've been. To my credit, all it took was a bit of haze and wind. To your discredit, you're literally out here on the internet trying to convince people of a lie.

I ask perfectly straight questions

Lol, no you act like a shill, gaslighting, straw-manning, and just generally being a moron.

wondering how long you have lived in one place, to assess whether you have credits for claiming to be an expert on "normal"

I'm not telling you a fucking thing about myself beyond he vaguest possible information, shill.

you denounce me as a "fed."

Don't want to get called a fed, don't act like a fed.

And sometimes weather does change "like that."

Only with a cause. When the cause is plain as day, you can look up in the sky and see it happening, then you look for more information about it and there's a mountain of excellent scientific evidence that corroborates the obvious, only a true moron will say to himself "maybe it's just the weather, after all I have not lived for geological timescales so what do I know?" I bet you can't define woman either, you nitwit.

I'm not dense.

Yes you are. You're SO dense you can't even properly understand what someone says to you if you consider them an opponent, you create delusional interpretations of what they say to make yourself right. It's nearly impossible to get you to acknowledge a point, no matter how fair.

I'm just not an intellectual pushover

You are intellectually DISHONEST. Your credentials mean nothing.

I have better manners in debate.

No, you don't. You are an asshole. You argue like a shill, shifting around, nitpicking, cherry picking, never acknowledging when you're wrong or giving any indication that you care to actually communicate. Your very first comment here was asinine bullcrap, condescending, full of straw men and intentionally unflattering assumptions. I responded in kind, and called you a moron, an idiot, and an asshole in so many words and ways BECAUSE YOU ARE. Manners are a two way street, and if you walk up it setting fires you don't get to feign virtue just because I fired back.

I can always tell the other party is having a rough time by their recourse to calling names and swearing.

Lol, right, you go ahead and tell yourself that. You act like a giant piece of shit, then when the person you're arguing with calls you one, now it's them who is "having a rough time." You must be a joy to be married to, lol- though the odds of you being married are probably low for much the same reasons. This is just more projection. Reality is you're in serious denial that chemtrails are real, and have difficulty adapting to new information, difficulty recognizing when you're wrong. Assuming you're not merely a shill, which I still think is entirely likely.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually, contrails can and do spread, sometimes to create haze.

Yeah, I fucking know, you idiot, we've been over that already. What they don't do is ramp to 20-30 times over levels ever seen before, completely covering the entire sky from horizon to horizon, almost every day, and on days where they do not, there are literally zero lingering contrails.

How long have you lived where you live? How long have you lived?

Nice try, fed, lol.

Sometimes weather changes.

Not like that.

Especially the variety of natural clouds.

You're completely full of shit, lol. You MUST know you're lying, there's no way you could be this dense if you were merely ignorant.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are wrong because you are wrong. No truth involved.

No, see, the truth remains regardless of me being wrong.

It turns out that aluminum in the soil is an old story, the effects are well understood, the sources are everywhere.

Lol, yeah, the chemtrail alarmists have been raising this alarm for 40-50 years.

How did we get from "chemtrails" that are visually indistinguishable from contrails, to "silver haze"?

A few contrails here and there do not spread out to cover the entire sky with a thin overcast. We do not really ever get thin overcast where I live. I literally have never seen the sky look the way it did the past few months, my entire life. And, I'm from Denmark, I am familiar with overcast skies. The lingering contrail overcast is not the same looking as a natural overcast. Too uniform,, too thin. And, before you say "Oh, I got you, you said they're visually the same!" No, I agreed that a normal contrail and a possible chemtrail might look the same. Neither of those look much like natural clouds.

Volcanic eruptions have filled the entire atmosphere with ash particles for a year or so, causing changes in the appearance of sunsets.


djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are clueless. The distinctive thing about aluminum is its reactivity to oxygen.

That's fine, me being somewhat wrong about minutes doesn't change the truth. The truth reigns supreme even above your almighty beliefs.

If aluminum oxide is "toxic to life" you obviously don't want to sit on any aluminum furniture or use any aluminum cookware.

You're a moron. Sitting on an aluminum chair is different than inhaling or ingesting aluminum oxide dust or nanoparticles. How about you go to a manufacturing facility that makes corundum sandpaper and snort some of the corundum dust they have? Totally the same as sitting on a beach chair, lol.

Corundum is commonly used as grit for sandpaper. It is not "rare."

I didn't call it rare, I called it rare in comparison to aluminosilicate. Man your reading comprehension is garbage.

Actually, I know a lot more chemistry than you do

Then you should be able to go look at the evidence and realize you're wrong. Unfortunate that you refuse to even look.

I'm interested that you think Cape Canaveral is "out in the middle of nowhere" when it is not far from Miami and gathers many onlookers.

Lol, couldn't you have at least chosen Orlando for this retarded argument? Miami is a 4 hour drive away. But, are you saying that Miami has aluminum raining down on them from rocket launches 200 miles north of them? Wow, you're even more of a chemtrail nut than I am, lol.

Feh. No big deal, say you.

I said it's minuscule in comparison to the chemtrails being sprayed all day every day everywhere across the country. Learn to read, please.

You make estimates of how much aluminum (or anything) might be lifted into the air as dust from sources already known.

2-3 ppb is normal. In some places the concentrations are being measured at 60,000 ppb.

That is your baseline---which you don't even refer to.

You keep making this mistake thinking that I am going to give you a 300 page document of meticulous proof- I'm not going to. Such documentation does exist, but I will not post it for you in this discussion. You are pathologically dishonest and disingenuous, I owe you nothing except scorn for your behavior.

Ever seen what happens in a massive volcanic eruption? I have. So much solid matter, it is hard to calculate.

And yet, such eruptions are not filling the sky with a silver haze every day. Unmarked, untracked airplanes are.

I don't have the time to fence with you.

Then kindly fuck off.

I have been the only one bringing valid information to its discussion.

You've brought literally zero information, valid or not. You cherry pick, gaslight, and straw man.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

True, but you could call using wifi at home and work if you have starlink in those places.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have to climb up your fantasy ladder to look down on me.

I look down on you because you argue like a liar, I need climb nothing to do that.

Aluminum oxide is not "free aluminum", which is the elemental metal. And it is found in nature as corundum.

Corundum is a crystal made of aluminum oxide, it is not all aluminum oxide, and it is not remotely as common as aluminosilicate. Aluminum does not instantaneously rust into aluminum oxide, it requires time, pressure, and temperature. Much of the aluminum sprayed into the atmosphere likely does not immediately oxidize. However, aluminum oxide is toxic to life, so even if 100% of it rusted immediately, that is the worst case scenario.

You know nothing about chemistry or minerals.

Lol, neither do you. But, just like the photos of the ballast airplane, any mistakes I make or ignorance on my part is irrelevant. The truth is still the truth.

An increase in contrails signifies either an increase of traffic or a change in high-altitude relative humidity.

To 20-40 times normal levels? Which has never happened before? Cycling on and off on random days? With no accompanying humidity changes on the ground? No, you're retarded.

So, you are saying there is no visible difference----except there is a visible difference?

Your reading comprehension is atrocious. I am starting to believe that even your claimed credentials are likely false based on your inability to comprehend simple statements, which should indicate an absolute inability to comprehend complex subjects like aeronautics. No, I said that I was forced to reassess my dismissal of chemtrails based upon the preposterous order and a half plus magnitude increase in lingering chemtrails, and then was convinced by the preponderance of evidence upon looking into it with a newly open mind. Your constant, pathological need to replace what I say with delusions is truly incredible. I hope you're a shill, at least then you're this pathetic on purpose.

As for composition, you are aware that contrails are mainly ice crystals?

Normal contrails, yes. Aluminum nanoparticles in the atmosphere certainly should also attract ice crystals.

Did they sample ordinary contrails? Did they sample undisturbed air? A control sample is usually required to validate any unusual composition.

Yes, they did, they're not morons like yourself.

I was merely trying to catalogue all the aerial spraying that you are NOT complaining about.

Why would I complain about extremely rare events? Honestly, what possessed you to think that was a smart argument?

I didn't say that anyone was dumping fuel across the sky---you are just lying about what I did say.

Lol, no you just made a retarded argument and I made fun of it. Nice try blaming me for how you are behaving though, loser.

But you can't be too serious about this, or you would have been upset over decades of frequent space launch rocket chemtrails.

First of all, I've only realized this was happening a few months ago, how am I to go back in time to be upset about things? Second, nothing stopping me from realizing new information to be mad about. But, rocket launches probably don't amount to even a millionth of the apparent spraying happening. Certainly, in local areas where such launches took place, it may be a concern. But, they aren't blanketing the sky above my home, normal airplanes are.

I suspect you really didn't know about it and are now caught unawares, so you pooh-pooh it in order to save face.

I didn't specifically know that solid rocket boosters exhausted those contaminants, no, though I did know vaguely that historically rockets are dirty, toxic things, and that's part of the reason they are launched out in the middle of nowhere (in addition to the noise). This information is completely unsurprising and causes me no embarrassment to not have known already. And, of course, again, there are not rockets blasting across the sky filling it with a silver haze. There are conventional jet aircraft doing that.

I'll tell you what though, any more information you have about additional sources of aluminum being sprayed into the atmosphere, you should let the community know. I may be wrong about the relative amounts, after all. You should do some math- go find the atmospheric aluminum concentrations that the chemtrail researchers have gathered, then make some estimates of how much of it is due to rocketry. Maybe you'll turn the whole argument on its head. Or, you might realize there's way too much fucking aluminum in the air... So I guess it's not worth the risk, you'd better keep your head up your ass where it's safe.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not the source of the proof, and I do not respect your intellectual honesty enough to provide you what I believe is proof. You need to stop being a baby and go find it yourself.

When you allude to any specifics (aluminum in soil) you demonstrate ignorance of the fact that the specific is a commonplace.

No, I don't. When you respond to those claims, you distort them into something that wasn't said in order to make me wrong. You are a dishonest person.

There is no "free aluminum."

You are an idiot. Aluminosilicates are how aluminum is normally found in nature. Aluminum oxide is NOT.

What aircraft sampling?

You can figure that out for yourself if you go actually look.

What you are claiming would be against air safety requirements.

And yet they managed to get it done. The explanation of how is very obvious, you'll see, if you go look for yourself instead of being a moron.

How about flight plans and aircraft tail numbers?

Good luck getting a tail number off an unmarked plane at 35,000 feet, which doesn't show up on public flight trackers.

Getting that close to another airplane is an inherently dangerous maneuver.

Why would they need to get anywhere near a plane with a contrail lingering hundreds of miles behind it?

And how would you know you are sampling a spray and not engine exhaust?

You're a moron, lol. You know that the scientific field of chemistry exists, right?

I've seen the hoax photos of a "chemtrail-equipped airliner," which was really a developmental model equipped with a water ballast management system for center-of-gravity location studies.

Irrelevant. That some people got something wrong somewhere does not affect the real proof at all.

You see, I worked in this industry. There is nothing like that going on.

You're unfortunately incorrect.

All this talk and you still haven't explained why (or if) there is a visual difference between contrails and "chemtrails."

You have not asked me to explain that, and if you had I'd tell you it's irrelevant. They can look identical, it doesn't matter. The proof has nothing to do with how they look, it is their composition.

Reference to persistence is useless, in that contrails can persist not at all or can extend from horizon to horizon for a long time, slowly diffusing.

I already said earlier that I believe that contrails CAN linger for a long time, and spread. But, the outrageous increase I saw where I live in such contrails was simply ridiculous to behold, and so clearly not natural I had no option but to reassess whether chemtrail spraying was a real thing. I looked into it, and found the proof that the various researchers had compiled was solid.

There are legitimate and open cloud-seeding programs... I assume you are not talking about this non-secret activity.

Correct, this is obviously not cloud seeding, and the planes doing it are untracked (which is illegal for civilian planes).

There are also emergency situations where civil or military aircraft must dump fuel for safety purposes prior to an emergency landing... And, of course, there is extinguishant dumping in the fighting of forest fires.

So, you're saying they filled the entire sky from horizon to horizon, almost every day for three months, with emergency fuel dumps? So like, several thousand emergency landings happening over my head? Oh, but some of it may be forest fires being put out, all zero of them this season. So, we've got hundreds and hundreds of phantom emergency landings and phantom forest fires being put out. That explains it!

you are not talking about the visibly evident and copious chemtrails inherent in launch vehicles using large solid boosters.

Oh, well now THAT explains it, these conventional winged aircraft we see in the sky leaving dozens of lingering contrails that blanket the entire sky every day are actually solid booster space launch vehicles! In disguise! It all makes sense now.

Could it be that such a cause would not further your paranoid fantasy? But why not?

Oh yes, a few rocket launches here and there are totally the cause of total sky enveloping contrails across basically the entire nation, totally the cause of increased aluminum in the air, rain, and soil. Not the dozens of unmarked, untracked aircraft we can see with our own eyes literally spraying stuff into the air every day.

I hope you realize how dumb you sound, but I suspect you won't.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, you have to prove that the proof presented is false, you dildo. The chemtrail alarmists have already fulfilled their burden of proof.

I name nothing because you are a shill unworthy of earnest discussion. You go find the evidence for yourself, find the best evidence you can that you are wrong, and disprove it, then we can talk on equal footing. Until then, your appeal to your own authority is a joke.

I have been providing information

You have provided NOTHING. Your "fact" that aluminum is present naturally in many forms is GASLIGHTING. Yeah, aluminum is everywhere- bound up in more complex molecules. Free aluminum has never been in the rain in the history of the planet, at least in any more than unmeasurably small amounts. Same for the soil. That's something you would find out with a few seconds of research. And notice, AGAIN, that you simply CAN NOT answer to what I actually said, you MUST make up something I DIDN'T say to argue against.

The evidence it comes from spraying comes from atmospheric sampling by aircraft flying through the supposed chemtrails themselves.

My paranoid fantasy is already proven, with the scientific method, it is up to you to demonstrate that the proof is flawed. And simply saying so repeatedly is laughably insufficient. You are a complete LOSER for arguing with me with such dishonesty instead of going and confronting the proof for yourself. You do your credentials enormous insult by acting this way.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't call you a liar, I said what you've said is a lie. You might be the victim of the lie rather than a perpetrator.

Nah, I can support them just fine, and have. Your claims are what cannot be supported.

Your career is irrelevant. There are 40 year practicing doctors who have administered hundreds of thousands of doses of vaccines, causing untold negative effects for virtually no upside, certain the entire time that they were doing what was best for their patients.

I did not say I know better, I said there are people better credentialed than you who know better. Amazing that no matter what is said you can't respond to it honestly.

You have NO proof. You only have your worthless authority.

You are not willing to share or educate, or that's what you would do. You seem only willing to deride, seeing as that's all you've done.

I have not condescended to you unprovoked, you started it.

You've made no points that I have not addressed, you gaslighting shill. Go test your soil and the air for aluminum. Go fly through the clouds left by the unmarked planes every single day, which show up on no open source flight trackers, and prove they aren't spraying aluminum. Until you do that, your standard of proof for your position is ZERO compared to the standard of proof being brought by the chemtrail alarmists.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your remark about the evil intentions of my instructors is sheer paranoid delusion. You don't know anything about them, or have any reason to dispute the veracity of what I am trying to explain.

Yes, I do, because it's become abundantly clear to me that what you believe and assert is a lie, and if you were told these lies in school then somewhere up the chain, a liar convinced the rest of you of this lie.

I didn't "technically" name call. I didn't name call at all. Nor did I curse at you.

No, you didn't, you were just a condescending piece of shit who took every opportunity to straw man, misrepresent, gaslight, and just generally act like a shill.

I am supposed to be impressed and stop asking questions.

No, you are supposed to go look at the evidence for yourself like an adult. Or, do you need your hand held in order to learn, Mr 3 Degrees in Aeronautics and Astronautics?

Sorry. You still don't have anything on the table.

Not that I've gone to the trouble to share with you, since there'd be no point whatsoever.

yet you say there was "no change in the weather." Backtracking.

Nah, you're just incapable of reading what I say with any intellectual honesty. YOU claimed that humidity was the factor, and I said humidity remained the same, and that for chemtrails to fluctuate from dozens of times normal levels to zero, back and forth, would require radical humidity changes, and radically abnormal humidity. There was no such humidity change at surface level, thus "no weather change." But, instead of responding to what I actually said, you cherry pick out a small part that you can pretend I said without context and argue against that. Now, if you're so right, why the need to argue so dishonestly?

I am approaching this from the standpoint of someone with scientific training. You are not.

As I said, there are scientists with better credentials than you who agree with me. I am following their approach, and their evidence. You are not following any evidence at all, just asserting authority.

There is always the null hypothesis (this is all normal).

It isn't normal though. There has never been free aluminum in the rain in the history of the planet, there has never been significant amounts of free aluminum in the soil in the history of the planet. If you call yourself a follower of science, then go fucking look at the data instead of pretending you already know it. Go really confront the claims, run the same experiments and prove them wrong. You won't be able to, because what I've said is simply true. Aluminum is being sprayed into the atmosphere in massive amounts.

For example, soil pH. Good old Wikipedia provides the information that the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture categorizes soils according to pH ranges from 3.5 to 9.0. The U.S. has swaths of predominantly acidic or alkaline soil. Alkaline soil can come from the erosion of aluminosilicate rock, and dust from mining sites, power plants, or incinerators. Aluminum toxicity is greater in acidic soils. Plants have variable pH ranges from lows near 3 to highs near 8.

I'm beginning to believe you are not intelligent behind your mask of shill tactics. What you've posted here in no way whatsoever contradicts what I've said.

Do you begin to see how "chemtrails" is an exceptional explanation for something that is understood to be essentially natural?

No, because nothing you've said has caused me the slightest doubt in my observation of the obvious and the validity of the compounding evidence. In fact, the incredible stupidity and intellectual dishonesty of a supposed aeronautical engineer in trying to argue against this evidence only serves to make me more sure. If it wasn't true, you'd have an easy time demonstrating it without relying completely on shill tactics.

I get the impression that you don't do your own homework.

Lol, and you do? You have no fucking clue what the claims even are about chemtrails, you just dismiss it out of hand because you've got 3 degrees so you obviously know enough to not even hear the argument. You're a joke, go say that to a mirror, lol.

So, I am not "making shit up." Not in the least.

Yeah, you are. You're not only making up dumb assumed evidence you don't have, but also making up dumb assumed arguments and lack of evidence by chemtrail alarmists, and also making up dumb arguments on my behalf to straw man me. I'd go so far as to say most of what you've said is you arguing with an elaborate fantasy of what you think I and others are saying, far removed from reality.

That is your psychological defense mechanism for something you can't answer---just deny it. Have the "chemtrail" scientists put their discoveries into a book with references?

Lol, yeah they have, many. Goodness, you're a dumb ass. Honestly, you could take like one second to think about that claim and realize "well, duh, even if they're wrong they'll have published a hundred referenced books about it" and not said that. Or, you could have taken two seconds to check if they had.

Science is primarily an effort in replication of results, so a complete description of their research, evidence, and conclusions would be needed to change people's minds.

No, that is incorrect. Because, they already have this, yet you remain steadfastly ignorant. You could find this data in a few minutes, just as I did, but you don't. You demand its existence, assert its nonexistence as an argument, but even if you're presented with it (links leading to such data and research have been posted to this very thread by several people), you ignore it, and scream at the top of your arrogant lungs that it doesn't exist.

And if there is enough to win a criminal case, why hasn't one been filed?

Many have, they generally get tossed on technicalities, just like all the election lawsuits. Or, do you think the election was totally legit, too? And there's no corruption in the justice system?

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not a shill. I'm just a guy with 3 degrees in aeronautics and astronautics, having worked for a major airframe manufacturer for 40 years.

Then stop acting like a shill. Your intellectual dishonesty is despicable. Your degrees were given to you by people who openly want you dead, and you think they told you no lies? Also, how do degrees in aeronautics, astronautics, and airframe manufacture make you an expert about weather and atmospheric chemistry? Oh right, they don't. Smarter and more relevantly credentialed people than you agree with me on this, why not defer to their authority as you demand I defer to yours?

I notice that the coherence of an argument begins to deteriorate when the proponent resorts to name-calling.

You were the one who started this by being a dickhead in every way you could, but because you technically didn't name call you're the virtuous one? Lol, fuck off.

This would be consistent with the upper air relative humidity increasing (a weather change).

There was no humidity increase, it has been a VERY dry spring.

You must be careful not to confuse correlation with causation.

I have multiple avenues of evidence that all point to the same explanation, backing up that the correlation is causative.

You don't have anything to make you think it wasn't a change in weather that causes both the contrail production and the strong winds.

Yes, I do, there was no weather change.

You ruled it out...but you didn't have a basis for doing so.

Yes, I did. Your unwillingness to comprehend it is a problem with you, not me.

This is the problem of bias confirmation when looking at phenomena.

If indeed you are not a shill, then it is actually you who is confirming your own bias. You need to confront reality, and I do not say this as a person without guilt, until 3 months ago I thought exactly as you do. instead of looking at this theory from a lens of "how can I make this wrong?" look at it from a lens of "this might be the truth, even if it looks wrong to me, so how can the ways in which it looks wrong to me be explained?" You may come to very different conclusions.

The person with the aluminum in the soil knew that the aluminum was being deposited how? Did he have a record of its increase over time? Did he know that it was coming from anywhere?

Chemtrail spraying is not happening uniformly across the world, many places are untouched. Honestly, if you want to argue this go examine the actual claims and evidence before making these retarded attempts at gotchas.

All this talk about pH and no mention of what the natural range of values are

You're a fucking moron. I said that 6-7 was normal, and where most plants thrive.

what the error band of the chemical assay was.

Irrelevant to the discussion, just more shill disinfo tactics.

Deserts are dusty places. It is not unthinkable that aluminum deposits (bauxite, corundum) may have spread dust throughout the desert environment. Volcanic events distribute mineral ash throughout the world. Meteors shower down from the sky and deposit 52,000 tons of dust every year. Plenty of ways for aluminum to appear in soil, none of which involve conspiracy.

You're making shit up with no evidence, while simultaneously assuming the chemtrail alarmists have no evidence, but in reality they have a lot of very good, scientifically sound evidence, and you're just a moron straining as hard as he can to keep his eyes shut.

I'll leave it at that, with the caution that suspicion and plausibility are not proof of anything.

Of course not, but they are cause to investigate.

Unless you have something you can use to accuse someone in a court of law, you have nothing.

Lol, the chemtrail community DOES have evidence that strong.

How much time do you want to waste?

Trying to prevent the death of our civilization via starvation by soil toxification is not a waste of time. talking to you sure seems to be though, lol.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, in the southwest that's rare in the first place, but yeah. Not only have these contrails increased, but the sky doesn't often look like what people painted 100+ years ago.

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

You come across like a shill, but I will respond in depth in hopes that others are not persuaded by your bullshit.

The Flat Earth is not merely suspect, but hooting-heron wrong.

What I mean by suspect is not the the theory itself is possibly wrong but that the existence of the theory at all is probably a psyop. Many conspiracy theories are psyops to make conspiracy theories in general look stupid.

your epiphany started when you linked contrails to strong winds.

No, it didn't, it started when the pattern of a few lingering contrails switched to a pattern of dozens absolutely covering the sky every day. The strong winds are a secondary observation, but also completely damning. I have lived almost my entire life in this area of the country, and we have never had a situation where it was excessively windy, in spring no less, for 3 months straight.

You didn't bother to consider whether strong winds were related to weather conditions that would promote contrails.

No, I considered that and dismissed it. The time coincidences of the winds is ridiculous to ignore. These are winds as bad as we get in fall, which usually last a few days to a week, and are now lasting months.

You are taking someone's word about what levels of aluminum in soil are "astronomical"---but took away the idea that pH was all important (to heck with aluminum).

They provided evidence of their claims, unlike you who merely engages in '25 Rules of Disinfo" tactics. I did not take away that PH is "all important", I took away that it is important. Aluminum DOES raise soil PH, and high PH DOES harm plants. Aluminum ALSO harms us directly, but that can be mitigated more easily than every inch of soil having PH too high for growing most plants.

So you tested your soil. You don't know whether your soil ever had a history of pH being anything else, but you find that it was 7.9. With what error band? I don't see that you even bothered to ask.

I didn't bother to type all that out, didn't occur to me to waste everyone's time stating things that only intellectually dishonest shills would nitpick about. I have no way to know the natural PH of my soil, as the spraying has apparently been going on for my entire life. However, a person who runs a community farm where we often buy plants says that our soil should be around 7, and to grow food it's better to bring it down to 6.5.

Another person below says that this may be no big deal. You don't say whether your plants ARE having trouble.

They may be right, it may not be a big deal. Plants always have trouble where I live, it is a desert. However, this excessive spraying only started 3 months ago, and I've only started a serious food garden 6 months ago. How much it will affect the current crop is not known by me, I didn't set out to make my garden into a science experiment testing the effects of chemtrails I didn't know would suddenly ramp up in intensity by 20-30 fold. Your demand for such foresight is preposterous and moronic.

So, I don't see that you have determined anything.

I've determined that chemtrails are real regardless of the significance or insignificance of the effect on my soil and plants, and your half-assed dismissal of the irrefutable truth by focusing on an irrelevant tangent is pathetic. Your disinfo tactics are ineffective at dissuading me.

And now you are looking for a pattern. Why?

To understand, and to find proof obvious enough to convince doubters that your position is a lie they've been told.

Do you have reason to think there would be a pattern?

Everything in the universe has patterns.

What kind of pattern are you looking for?

Won't know until I see it, but no spraying on federal holidays would be a pretty good one for my purpose (though that seems to not be absolute, as others have pointed out).

How would you know one if you saw it?

How do you know the sun comes up and goes down every day? You sure you aren't just hallucinating that the pattern of day and night exist? Honestly, look at the questions you just asked, and marvel at the depths of stupidity you must stoop to in order to engage in your shilling. You're obviously a fairly smart person, behind this mask. Why devote yourself to acting like a moron for the sake of defending lies?

Would you recognize a pattern based on Fibonacci numbers? You are in search of the face in the Rorschach blot.

Seeing complex patterns is easy when you visualize them correctly. Take the Mandelbrot fractal. You can't "see" any pattern looking at the math formula (unless you're a math savant perhaps), it's too abstract. But, if you graph it the pattern is obvious. Thus, I asked fi the community knew of any data sets I could look at.

No lingering contrails on a day that might have low atmospheric humidity? Yep, that's what happens when there is low atmospheric humidity. Did you check on that?

Lol, ridiculous. Why, for decades, has there never been a similar atmospheric event where the contrails of so many planes are suddenly lingering permanently despite extremely low humidity being the norm here? Gotta do better than that, lol. When it was just a few here and there, it was believable that there were narrow bands of atmosphere where the conditions were just right, and that narrow band would move up and down depending on relative humidity at the surface and the height of the cloud cover. For the lingering contrails to go from normal few to completely covering the sky almost every day would require a massive drop in average humidity from normal, and then random spikes up so high there are literally zero lingering contrails on clear days. But, that's not happening, we've got normal 8-10% humidity here, no measured change between the clear and overcast days. You expect me to believe that the atmosphere is fluctuating wildly in a way it never has before, but weather readings are remaining normal? You have GOT to do better than that, lol.

Do you see what you are doing? You don't understand contrails.

No, I do. I still believe it is possible for normal water vapor contrails to linger for hours. But, what the past 3 months have shown is that spraying of something IS happening, and thus likely a significant portion of the lingering contrails we've seen our whole lives were also some sort of aerosol spray, not merely water vapor contrails.

You are trying to deal with them like they are sorcery.

Lol, no I'm not, you moron.

You are convinced that something sinister is going on, and you have no verified evidence of it.

I accept the possibility it is not sinister. Perhaps the spraying is the only thing that's saved us from runaway global warming or some Russian doomsday weapon like that other guy asserts. I doubt it, but I accept the possibility. However, shills like you are also circumstantial evidence of something sinister. Why bother sending losers to gaslight, straw man, side track, ridicule, and dismiss if not to hide something sinister? But hey, maybe you're just a free range idiot, and no one even pays you to spout this drivel. Many things are possible, lol.

So now you are on a snipe hunt where every contrail is suspect and the continuing lack of evidence is taken as a deeply hidden plot. This is the paranoid inward spiral.

Actually, since I started looking into it, and thanks to the posts by others here, there's an abundance of evidence rather than a lack. As in most of the plots by the enemy, they're not very hidden, if you just open your eyes and look. But, if you wanted me and others like me to be less paranoid, you should take very serious care to behave less like a shill. You glow pretty bright.

Don't be so credulous. If you are going to question anything, question these bogus videos that parlay this nonsense.

I did, for decades. I always say that it is important to be as skeptical of the conspiracy theories as of the public government explanations, because not only are the conspiracy theories themselves possibly alternate public government explanations, but at best we are dealing with muddied waters and incomplete data. But, whoever decided to ramp spraying up to ridiculous levels blew that plot. Now, it is too obvious that it's not simply water vapor up there, and some alternative explanation is the truth. Perhaps no one really has hit the nail right on the head, but certainly the truth is some shade of these theories, because there are only so many possible explanations for the data we do have.

Now then, begone shill.

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great tips, especially ABS exchange (which I did not know about), thanks!

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Indigo Skyfold... I'll look into that, thanks.

djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

In my defense, the moment the trend of a few lingering contrails here and there (which was the case for my entire life so far) turned into half a hundred a day, I immediately recognized the obvious.

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok, so they deny water to the west, and flood the central plains, causing both to have reduced growth- then starvation is the idea, I guess.

Have a name for that Russian dusification weapon? I can't find anything on it searching for that term, too many false positives.

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow! I guess it has been going on a very long time.

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