doomerzoomer 2 points ago +2 / -0

You guys know Kennedy stole at least the Primary that got him into office, right? He was as deep in election fraud as anyone.

by BQnita
doomerzoomer 1 point ago +1 / -0

How can you be sure though. Since the start of our nation we have had traitors and corruption. General Wilkinson was a traitor to the spanish almost instantly. We've never had any real resounding defeats of corruption or tyranny since 1781.

doomerzoomer 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't want to be that guy, but everyone I know in the military either doesn't really care that much about politics or is a huge lefty. I know a half dozen people in the military. Lots of grunts and infantry types are right wing, but officers in all branches are usually down with biden and will fight against american citizens for him. I've asked, they've confirmed they would follow any order and they follow biden.

doomerzoomer 11 points ago +11 / -0

This video is a complete hoax and odd being used i think for manipulation. Almost every single claim he makes is baseless and wrong. The 1871 law incorporated the government of DC, like every other major city and town in the US. The “corporation” claim is a lie. The law they refer to is not the act of 1871, but is a law defining who counts as the govt in lawsuits. When they say the united states is defined as “a federal corporation” this is one definition of several and is meant to include things like the Tennessee valley authority and other govt owned companies. That cited law that defines “the united states as a corporation” came over 100 years after the 1871 act, which again, is only about reorganizing a city govt

doomerzoomer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope so, how shortly? This year?

doomerzoomer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've read it 5 times, there's no proof here. The law he cites directly proves him wrong. It's not proof, it's speculation. Not only that, it has nothing to do with Q's drops. It's a holdover thing from the 80's and 90's militia movements. Here's the law that says "the us is a corporation". Except it doesnt say that. The corporation is not relevant to Q. If the US has been dead for 150 years then this is all insane. The US is the same country it was in 1791. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/3002

doomerzoomer 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, Incorporation of cities is common and doesn't make people property. It's just an organization of the assets and land and laws and everything. Most big cities and town are incorporated because it makes the management easier.

doomerzoomer 1 point ago +1 / -0

There have been lots of stolen elections in Americas history. The time to prove it was before the 20th. JFK stole a few elections with mafia help. Buying votes was a given up until the 70's or so. So Biden was elected illegitimately but is now POTUS because of the electoral college and congress

doomerzoomer -1 points ago +1 / -2

100% agreed. It makes me sad that people are looking for meaning in such trivial things. I really think they miss the forest for the trees.

doomerzoomer 2 points ago +3 / -1

I think you'll know when its going down when the MSM starts to sound worried. And they don't seem worried at all right now. So not for a long time I think

doomerzoomer -1 points ago +1 / -2

But it doesn't link to a post. If he tweeted at any time of day, there's a Q post to correspond. Did you consider that this was 6:44 PM and in military time, it's 18:44? So it could be Q drop 1844. Or it could refer to that year. Or it could be 1+8+4+4 = 17? Or it could just be when he tweeted. Not everything is proof of Q or alluding to it. Lots of things are coincidence because so many things happen.

Edit - also, when you upload a tweet, you don't have control over when it publishes. If he had a bad connection at the time it could have taken a few extra seconds and ended up at 6:45. Just like the people talking about the time AF1 was on the ground adding up to 17, there's no way to control that even if you wanted to send a message. ATC would have to be in on it, it's just absurd.

doomerzoomer 0 points ago +1 / -1

This has been going on for a while. Obama really purged the military hard. NCO's were hit hardest under him, and SJW officers are now more common than patriots. This will almost certainly go through with bipartisan support. I hope none of you have clearance or need it. It's probably time to purge your social media history ASAP.

doomerzoomer 3 points ago +14 / -11

This is complete fantasy. First off, he's a psy ops officer. Second off, being in special forces doesn't make you 1) a legal expert or 2) need to know status for any of that.

Going to his video on Admiralty law - All of his examples early on like "doctors registering with the department of transportation" or "hospitals are considered ports or dry docks" are completely made up. Totally baseless. There's no law that states this, there's no paperwork anywhere that backs this up, and nobody involved with hospitals - doctors, administrators, directors, etc - know anything about any of this. The admiralty law comes from the fact that the flags in a US court have gold fringes. That's the only actual evidence for any of this guys claims and it's weak.

doomerzoomer 0 points ago +6 / -6

The corporation thing is made up. The law they cite that defines the United States as a corporation is from the 90's, not from the incorporation of DC in the 1800's (every city or town is incorporated in america, it's a way of joining the land under a city gov't). The "corporation" law is also taken completely out of context. It's defining who counts as "the United States" for legal proceedings, and the law includes any companies owned by the Govt. It defines a bunch of parts of gov't that get to count as the gov't in legal proceedings like lawsuits and debt proceedings.


doomerzoomer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think Mitch cares. He's ready to vote to convict and make sure trump can never be president ever again.

doomerzoomer 0 points ago +1 / -1

Come on, of course the when matters. If it's not happening in our lifetimes, or if millions of people will suffer for years needlessly under this admin, then it matters a great deal.

doomerzoomer 0 points ago +1 / -1

But the link to that particular Q drop is meaningless. It's not a link to a drop with any content even! If it was purposeful, wouldn't he pick a drop with words and a message? It's almost certainly coincidence.

doomerzoomer 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why is he fake? I've asked this many times and no one can answer. Since he was sworn in by Roberts, he's president. Electoral college voted, congress certified, chief justice swore in.

doomerzoomer 0 points ago +2 / -2

But why refer to that Q drop? It's just a flag, If he tweeted at 6:43 instead it would have been a different drop. There's not even any words to link them, just a random time! No message in the drop linking to pompeo or anything!

doomerzoomer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even if they have blackmail on congress, which makes them just as bad as the deep state because that's what the deep state does now, the media isn't in on it. They'll work for the corporatocracy till they die.

doomerzoomer 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're tripping. Why would his son be in on the plan? If all the people needed to be in on the plan to account for a lot of these coincidences were actually in on it, it would be doomed to fail due to loose lips sinking ships.

doomerzoomer 1 point ago +2 / -1

But in the first drops he explicitly said podesta had been arrested.

doomerzoomer -1 points ago +1 / -2

Nah. I'll stay. I think it's important to push back on the extremes. Just like this Corporation USA idea. I think that's the most toxic and baseless thing that is tricking lots of patriots.

doomerzoomer 0 points ago +1 / -1

Organize in person and live your life like 1) you're being watched all the time by the feds and 2) Q is fake and no one can save the country but you. Everyone should live like that. If the plan is still on, we'll be fine. If it's not, we should have been planning on that since 2018.

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