dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yet it's not packed. That means the space is full. The stadium is sectioned off and looks to be around 2/3 rds or less of maximum capacity. Just like a concert where attendance isn't projected to fill the entire available capacity. Optics are that the event is packed because the utilized total capacity has been reduced.

Quick check, the United Center has a capacity of 23,500. 2/3rds of that is 15,510. Optics look like packed but that isn't much of a turn out for what should be a "yuge" event during the greatest theat to our "democracy" election year.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Post like this should be deleted as soon as they are made. What does this have to do with anything of a great awakening or Q related? Your sensitive interpretation of a sporting venue performance. Put this in fakebroke. Deport this garbage sliding in this place.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Except one indicates fraud, deception and abuse of power and governance while the other is consent of the minds and will of the resident people. As PA was clearly a state with manipulation and questionable /illegal election results in so many ways it can't be claimed this point is spot on but rather PA wasnt leaning at all. However, currently all indications appear that the majority of residents are hard right for DJT.

dtxman75 -1 points ago +2 / -3

Perpetuating the talking points of the lie that it is a left leaning state does nothing other than provide division or attempt to baseline that false narrative.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Usher their own kids into a furnace if told to by the mind melding manipulation programming teaching them what to think. Yeah I hear you but anymore some people truly seem to be irredeemable and it's baffling.

dtxman75 3 points ago +3 / -0

Those are the ones you can truly say are the deplorables. I wouldn't give scum like those people any of my time. Clearly are not aligned with anything worthwhile. How can anyone allow their souls to be around and drained by that type of skin bag vampires.

dtxman75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems odd to me. So many comments celebrating a execution based on a headline saying the individual is a child predator without any more discernment to the situation. If this perp is actually a child predator then good riddance but there really is no more in context other than a few video headlines stating this.

In slow motion you can see the guy pulling the gun out as if to show it and hand it over and wasn't directly attempting to aim or engage with the firearm, the firearm was then fired into the guys chest where the cop turned it and then cant see whos finger was on the trigger. What is curious is why a man would show up to a meeting with children being armed and concealed in coat pocket and the pistol was magazined with rounds loaded and ready to fire. Indicates more to the backstory there than what is apparent. My guess is alot more to this than what it appears.

dtxman75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Post like this are simply misleading and promote complete garbage rationale. Should delete this shit.

dtxman75 0 points ago +1 / -1

I can agree with most of your temper tantrum. With exception to the categorically innacurate assumption that I would fall into the box you created of mindless intolerance. There is a universal difference between objective agenda pushing and opposing lifestyles to the common group think. LGBTQLMNOP anything has no place of my support. What I agreed with the post was the aspect of pointing out the clear intolerance demonstrated daily here in the allowable group think. This all gos away with the great divider of what is the power grid. One flick of the switch and this mess disappears into the ether of the non existent cyber space. Ill be thriving still. So its all good.


dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

My reasoning is more aligned with time and energy. I could care less about insults or banned. But that's just me. Once upon a time it seemed useful to contribute that way but like a train without brakes one can attempt to slow or stop it but it's still steamroller in a direction out of control. Lol

dtxman75 -3 points ago +4 / -7

I rarely reply. This was well said and spoken on many points I have observed and take issue with, that's been allowed to permeate this forum. Tolerance outside the group think, or rather, collective typed commonality viewpoints, is in a diminished capacity here.

dtxman75 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nearly certain the words heard and close captioning is not what was said by the actual person in the video. The words and cadence do not match up with the speaker and the voice entirely sounds artificially generated. Gos to show how easily folks can be fooled and manipulated. All the comment praise here and no one even noticed this except the last comment by a handshake.

dtxman75 5 points ago +5 / -0

Your comment just proved existence of fraud as you believe that narrative. "More votes for sleepy Joe" regardless of the benefactor of "more" votes. How can that election be certified if the vote counts for candidate is innacurate. How does a system that is "safe and secure" possess vote counts in quantities differing from the certified totals? There's your answer right in front of your nose. Trump doesn't need to show you anything when you are unable to discern what's in front of you.

dtxman75 4 points ago +4 / -0

I know. Threw me off too but it is also accurate for a woman AGSU, I had to look that up also.

dtxman75 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been out of the service for over 23 years now so alot could have changed or I simply don't remember details of anymore. But what i recall is enlisted display service stripes commissioned did not. Only other difference is depending on the branch of service for marines, navy and coast guard and red or gold depending if overseas or not. I do not recall a silver service stripe. The army does have a horizontal gold service stripe for overseas but worn on right arm sleeve.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for clarifying. I didnt have time to take the image and zoom in anymore than the default. Sure looked like it at first though.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Opened TS and then find groups, interesting, great awakening group showed up 1st displayed in Popular Groups. Thats noteworthy

dtxman75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks, I dont use telegram though. Ill have to keep searching around still, not so easy to find these kind of resources anymore with the new modern and filtered version of the internet.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

These people, I believe, read that decoding symbols blog, or something similar, and one of the write ups went on about "nuclear" energy or fission isnt real and is a result of some chemical reaction. I for one work in these kind of area for many years now, in direct relationship to nuclear energy, and weapons, and the by- products (aftermath) created from the existence and creation of nuclear bombs and weapons either from use or testing. But no matter what, these fools show up in threads like this lock step drumming the same saggy drum.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is because your exercise in thought theory here is as relevant as wondering if a cow is a horse and horse is a cow because they have 4 legs and stand on them. These examples used to form the basis of questioning are in no way similar in conditions and there fore extent of impact based on the actual conditions of the events.

dtxman75 3 points ago +3 / -0

Where does one find these other anon "groups" this place has been stagnant for my interests (actual intellectually driven information exchange) for quite some time now other than a twitter and minor news aggregate site now.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remote controlled meat puppet inquiry results: see pixelated short video.

My sense of smell is evolved but hey P you think they can smell that?

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