dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is notable but not the beginning. Those have been occurring over the last 4 to 5 years. My opinion is done so with purpose so the loss of brick and mortar local banks is slowly reduced. Wells Fargo alone has closed at least 70 plus branches in last 2 years. Alot of the big banks have "quietly".

dtxman75 3 points ago +5 / -2

There is free expression. That door swings both ways. Also gos for the expression that alot of people have no sympathy especially with the wording used such as "forced". Which is untruthful and misleading. Just because you didnt get the expected sympathy comments doesnt mean anyone swarmed and is exactly what free expression is.

dtxman75 7 points ago +9 / -2

Wow blame everything but yourself. Everyone elses fault. HAD TO CAVE. This is why I have no sympathy you NPCS are the reason they got away with this shit for so long and so extensively. Ghee shucks oh well Im just going to go somewhere and let them JAM a needle into me with some completely unknown substance. What could go wrong.

dtxman75 4 points ago +4 / -0

The fact that anyone did or didnt know, should have been the very 1st clue for looking at, hmmmmm should I allow someone to INJECT this substance into my body? Would you rummage through a dumpster flailing your hands around and whatever you happened to grasp just eat it because the homeless next to the dumpster said they did too and feel fine?

dtxman75 6 points ago +9 / -3

Looks like it sucks to be the one who chose to let a bio weapon be injected into them and definitely not the person here that you claim has no compassion because they chose life over material society illusions

dtxman75 5 points ago +7 / -2

Probably more productive to wish for individuals to make better choices that involve their own personal health and safety. Those examples are like comparing a rocket launch to a paper air plane. Not even in the realm of close. Taking a untested, unknown substance that has now been proven, and took barely any research at all to see that it should be questionable, as a bio weapon injection and choosing to be the experiment for that. Yeah no compassion for people who care less about their own life than they do for the illusion of society that they choose toparticipate in with this 1st world priviledge society we enjoy.

dtxman75 4 points ago +6 / -2

actually now that reality kicked in over excuses. They chose to be paralyzed and probably doesnt puts anything on the table including food.

dtxman75 3 points ago +7 / -4

Or some have plenty of understanding and dont give energy to the bullshit path that doesnt realize it was all, and only, and always will be a choice.

dtxman75 2 points ago +6 / -4

tough choice huh? how well is that parent going to feed those three kids now that they are paralyzed. hmmmm 1st world privilege comment right here.

dtxman75 8 points ago +11 / -3

I was going to comment the exact same thing but then I got distracted with all the philanthropist apologist comments in this thread already LOL. Hey folks, there is no sympathy or choice or any other way you want to spin this. Every single person who received the bio weapon injection, CHOSE, to do so. Period. Unless they were restrained unable to move and someone physicall shoved a needle into them or held them at gun point with a timer attached to the trigger awaiting for them to inject the untested bio weapon into them. It was a choice. AND. all you folks that spin this shit any other way are the REASON they get away with this shit in the first place. CHOOSE wisely. Cant raise your kids or work or put food on the table if your DEAD. What a narrow argument all of you vomit in here.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didnt see it mentioned here. Id say the best resource for this is the Marco Polo report. It systematically breaks down criminal and law breaking sections with links to everything. It would take a very long time to read and follow every single reference and link in this. It was a monumental effort by that group. Check it out if you havent seen it:


Edit: I see it was linked in comments now. However here is a link for it anyway.

dtxman75 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lol I wonder if I am the only one that got this classic reference. "Soon I discovered that this rock thing was true."

dtxman75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Go woke. Have a stroke?

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

This one is truly remarkable "More thoughtless transphobia. The criteria for race are external and the criteria for gender are internal. They are not the same"

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read your post history so I stand corrected. You werent trying to come across as a whiny little tart. You are a whiny little tart. So I can respect that, being true to what you are. Which is also a real movie buff and into all that normie shit posting it up on a site like this lol. So for nostalgia and some more french for you, I think you will be able to resonate and identify with this perfect description from a movie classic- Fruh...Gheee...Lay... Btw you jump in the conversation with that bobble head salad remark. So yeah begone. Hope you have a better day Fruh-Ghee-Lay.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ignorant hillbilly all over a word re-arranged intentionally. You seem a bit edgy. Need a hug or maybe a cookie. If you wanted to come across as a sensitive, whiny little tart then you successfully accomplished that. Im sorry your little moment of feeling smart was dashed, you'll do better next time. Don't give up. Cheers.

dtxman75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol. No I meant it as typed. Im aware of the actual word and its origins.

dtxman75 1 point ago +4 / -3

That was sensationalism. Although a massive burning prop in a public space is/ can be/ could be/ very easily, tragic. Wind kick up and catch everyone's cotton candy on fire and Wha, Lah. Not so funny anymore. Either way death/fatal isn't the necessary arbiter threshold for a tragedy.

dtxman75 -6 points ago +2 / -8

Its a list of ethnic groups, not religion groups. Christian and Muslim arent on this list either.

dtxman75 -4 points ago +1 / -5

Thats probably because that isnt an actual ethnicity.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somehow I feel that could be used to trigger and MK ultra someone. Make...it..StoP

by BQnita
dtxman75 -2 points ago +1 / -3

We're you reincarnated from the Spanish conquistador inquisition?

dtxman75 11 points ago +13 / -2

Was going to say the same damn thing. How can someone stand there and cackle like a frantic baboon while an actual pretty tragic event is occurring not all that far away. These are the kind of general public that fill texas roadhouse across the states and fall into the grand canyon while taking a selfie. Obnoxious indeed.

dtxman75 4 points ago +4 / -0

No worries at all. I dont even pay attention to votes on here. Cheers

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