esperhunter 6 points ago +8 / -2

You seem pretty angry over me simply saying i dont care about sports. you got very toxic, very quick. not me-> "fuck you faggot eat shit" cuz I don't care for sports? Sounds like you have anger issues. Pro tip: lots of Americans don't care about professional sports, prolly you should get that sorted out quick.

esperhunter 2 points ago +6 / -4

nice flex but I could care less about adults who play with balls for a living

esperhunter 4 points ago +4 / -0

This sub is called the great awakening for a reason. We all believe that the show will be coming to an end and our fellow countrymen will be woken up from the propaganda soon, and by the end of it all over 90% of our brothers and sisters will see what you see and apologize for how they acted. If it's taking a toll on your mental health, take a break, but please don't give up on your community

esperhunter 24 points ago +24 / -0

I believe this is the case. The pennies with copper are already worth more in copper than their face value, and this will significantly expand in difference as time goes on especially if we switch back to a Gold standard

esperhunter 5 points ago +5 / -0

Agreed. this is terrible evidence. Might as well add on that he took six bites of his sandwhich is proof. Also to add on to your counterpoints I am not finding anything about a 66th floor in the link provided by slyver. Also, Trump has awakened and angered the hornets nest against the masonic cabal like no other, it has spread into a global phenomenon unlike I have never seen. If he is a masonic plant, he's doing a TERRIBLE job

esperhunter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jump through hoops to prevent MAGA on their platform but go to court and argue they shouldn't do anything about child sex slavery on their platform. im sure reddit approves

esperhunter 8 points ago +8 / -0

the topic is relevant to current events, it may have been a body double that was reported dead

esperhunter 8 points ago +8 / -0

this x100. Not only are the people waking up but now that the swamp is being cornered they're getting more desperate and more sloppy as they are forced to make moves

esperhunter 3 points ago +3 / -0

2024 Covid Gamma has caused lockdowns so severe we cant do anything but mail in ballots, oh sorry Trump looks like u got no votes!

esperhunter 4 points ago +4 / -0

turn off the television people, this is a crucial first step to avoid mind control

esperhunter 2 points ago +2 / -0

he deletes his posts within seconds, so i just search #mrpool on twitter to find screenshots of what other people saw him post. XRP traded at $0.1776 on july 4th last year, which gold coincedently was trading at $1776, silver at $17.76 that same patriotic day. I personally believe it was a sign the white hats control the prices now and I've used the skills I learned as an electrical engineering student to research how XRP works and I also believe its designed to act as a currency that the common man can use that wont be printed to death like fiat, and can't be controlled by the bankers as the XRPL (the ledger it runs on) is independant of human oversight. It's inherently designed to be a currency that takes a power from the banks and returns it to the people. I am aware that some think because banks are signing up to use it, it must be a 'bankers' coin and they judge it to be another tool of the elite, but based of its design I think the banks are using it because they have to or suffer the consequences of trying to ignore it

esperhunter 3 points ago +3 / -0

I follow mr pool, Im convinced he knows things like Q, he always talking about getting ready for the show, the storm coming, a temporary lights out/blackout etc. but key difference is he includes XRP as a topic of interest which im convinced the white hats control and plan to use alongside gold

esperhunter 8 points ago +8 / -0

its a type of controlled oppossition. These magazines are used to establish 'crazy conspiracy stories' that are outrageous and 'only for stupid' and they pepper in the truth they dont want people to believe so it gets associated with the outrageous ones

esperhunter 2 points ago +2 / -0

although ur not wrong, this just needs a little more effort, maybe more pictures that show sloots doing same poses or something

esperhunter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gold and silver are true money, always has been and always will be, but certain cryptos are going to be the new money and their definitely better than fiat. see XRP, no more can be minted, trades value in 5 seconds to anywhere on the earth, can be backed with real assets, practically free in fee cost no matter how many people use it and more

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