FractalizingIron 6 points ago +6 / -0

Thanks. Was searching down the comments for this point. Too many comments with zero checking, zero sourcing, zero application of discernment.

"Someone posts it on X, therefore MUST be true" mentality. It's rather amazing or disappointing, not sure which, why more people don't even think to question the absence of actual facts.

FractalizingIron 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's just one of the reasons so many of us do.

FractalizingIron 9 points ago +9 / -0

It gonna piss people off more than ever.

They just don't get it. The worse they go, the more people they push in the direction of Trump.

Definition of a losing position.

But I expect this sort of thing to increase. They will start using low level terrorism (which is what this most likely was).

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder if it is light beam or microwave. The symptoms appear to indicate a chemical problem, whereas light would, one imagines, affect the eye operations.

But I don't know enough about this area to really formulate any tangible opinion.

If you know more, you should share. Information helps.

FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know about this source, much more than most around here. I was encouraged and happy, frankly, that you objected to the post based purely on the content and the way it is presented, and not on source.

Me, I'm biased big time against the source (and I think my bias is very justified), but that bias evolved based on analysis of the very straight forward kind you express in your comment.


PS. I think a mod removed it from the board feed after I (or maybe others too) deported it. It wasn't deleted, but it disappeared from the board feed. I think that makes sense, because the criticisms and discussion re: the post have value, even if the post itself is a piling of steaming garbage.

FractalizingIron 0 points ago +1 / -1

lol, actually, I think I'm seeing like something it is.

Perspective changes what one perceives. If you think that what you are perceiving here is objective reality, well, that's plain delusional.

It is what it is. And I've described what I see in it and what it represents to me, and why I object to it.

You're well and entitled to your own view, obviously, and also, it's fine for us to disagree, but seriously, don't delude yourself that "This is A" because "I see it as A."

Opinion always has a subjective element.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you want to know more about this channel/website/operation, search for "clickbait" in the community search section and check out my posts on Newspunch / The people's voice / Yournewswire. (This operation has gone through three iterations so far.)

Done a lot of digging on this mob. They aren't controlled oppo. They are a straight out clickbait and disinformation operation.

FractalizingIron 0 points ago +1 / -1

There is NOTHING comic about Trump being dead.

Poorly chosen and poorly executed, imo.

t's about these people are actively attempting to murder

The meme does NOT present an attempted murder. It presents an accomplished murder.

To some, it might actually appear (as it does to me) that you really don't get the difference between reality and memology. Trump dead is not a reality to lend any energy too, imo, regardless. And memes, like thoughts, have power.

As someone who prays every day for Donald Trumps safety and protection, for me, hard pass.

And, as I noted, "I get the intent", but poorly chose and poorly executed, in my opinion.

It's just an opinion. You're free to disagree.

FractalizingIron 0 points ago +1 / -1

It projects and paints a picture of Trump being dead. The only people who want that are the Cabal and their minions (and tds).

The reality of that is all too clear and seriously don't need a meme to emphasize it.

You better entertain the harsh reality

You've got it back to front. The reality is all too real to some of us, and that's what removes it from being a meme or joking matter.

Indeed, the flippancy of the meme and how it presents an actual dead Donald Trump, suggests the that creator (and the poster) is actually removed from the reality, and is thinking about it only conceptually.

The reality and the possibility are zero joking matter.

The fact that someone could make this meme and even share it suggests to me that that the potential of the assassination of Donald Trump resides only in a conceptual space for them, such as it could be used as fodder for a 'comic' meme.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're the ONLY one that didn't comprehend ...

I'm not so sure about that, John.

'twasn't I that gave you the downvote.

In any case, did I miss the context? Or did I miss the meaning? The context is the current post. Or do you have some context that the rest of us are not privilege to? What context are you referring to?

I'm more than willing to entertain the notion that I didn't comprehend what you actually MEANT, but.... blaming the reader for not understanding what you meant or (intended) to mean, hmmmm.....

And, for the record, I try to go full retard at least 3 times in a given year. Hope that helps.

FractalizingIron 0 points ago +1 / -1

Except for fake news, clickbait and disinformation operations.

Well, they have meaning, but a negative meaning.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fish that has been caught, gutted, left on the jetty for about 9 days with flies swarming around it and even dogs not wanting to go near-type fishy.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, have a look at this story:


Zero source, zero references. It reads like a novel (narrative and drafted fiction) and is absent any indication of actual factual references.

So, who or what kind of entity posts such stories?

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look for contextual clues.

What other stories does the website run?

Who does their target audience appear to be?

Are there heavy biases embedded into the overall content? (helps to indicate target audience)

How long has the website been in existence?


Are there similar stories published elsewhere, either copy/paste or rewrite without credit, etc?

Are there any corroborating facts, sources?

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

"they" wanted to make it easier and easier for marriages to break down, for couples to separate and split, and families to be fractured, all under the name of 'individual rights'. But all this did was make it easier for people to not be responsible for their commitments (marriage) and to constantly reduce the accountability.

But all this does is destroy the rights of children, who have a right to two parents working together to make things work.

I'm not talking about seriously problematic marriages, where one or two of the adults involved are chronically failing in their responsibility. Separation is sometimes necessary. But the Marxists and their sympathizers constantly drove the machine of govt and law in a way that is destructive and hostile to people actually establishing long-lasting marriages and the family environment that healthy, normal human beings benefit most from.

Govt must serve the People, not abuse them. And laws that governments make MUST uphold the well-being of the People, and should therefore promote healthy and responsible families, not make it easier for them to collapse and one or two of the spouses involved to bail ship.

Too many laws of the past 100 years have been destructive to families, where they should be uplifting and reinforcing families.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the X thread:

People sometimes ask me how I have the confidence to do this and the answer is that I practiced.

Practice asserting your rights in minor situations and it will continue to get easier.

For example, do it at DUI checkpoints or at border control when re-entering the US.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +4 / -2

I get the intent, and its a great meme template, but I'm not willing to entertain the notion of President Trump being shot dead by the Cabal (Dems).

There are somethings its ok to joke about, and personal sensibility is the judge (it's subjective). And memes about a FAILED assassination attempt feel acceptable, because it FAILED.

BUT not Trump sitting in a chair shot dead.

Sorry. Hard pass. Hard, hard pass.

Find a better metaphor.

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