At this point, it has to be obvious that everything is connected. I'm young and dumb, but please read what I have to say regardless:

Who is Ryan Cohen?

Ryan Cohen is 35 years old. He is the co-founder of Chewy, which is a successful company today based out of Florida. In 2019, Ryan Cohen lost his father. In several interviews and statements, Ryan Cohen has repeatedly spoken highly of his dad. Here is an opinion article straight from Ryan Cohen himself on the subject:
"My father led by example, but not in a deliberate way. It’s who he was. He never patronized anyone. He admired the blue-collar worker."
"My father taught me how to be independent and trust my own moral compass. He encouraged me to separate myself from the herd and think critically. When I told him I had no desire to go to college, he shrugged. Whether he agreed with my decisions or not, he supported me unconditionally. Letting me make my own decisions sowed the seeds for me to become an entrepreneur. The confidence to never compromise my vision of building Chewy into the largest pet retailer came from knowing if I failed, he would always love me."

Does this remind you of anyone?

So, I have a theory that may be a little far fetched, but here it is:
The current GameStop ($GME) saga is not just part of the Great Awakening, but it is the major catalyst. Reasoning:

  1. During the 2020 campaign, Trump has repeatedly emphasized the point that if Biden wins, the United States will see an economic crash that would make the Great Depression seem trivial.
  2. $GME seemingly has the potential to crash the entire stock market at once. (Look at the DD [due diligence] posts by members of /r/superstonk - maybe sort by top of all time on that subreddit - must reads are "Citadel Has No Clothes," "House of Cards I," "House of Cards II," and "House of Cards III," although there are many more.)
  3. Ryan Cohen has made few public statements and done few interviews during his career, except for the recent ones about his dad.
  4. At the GameStop Annual Stockholder Meeting last week, Ryan Cohen requested that no one take photos or videos of the meeting. According to /r/superstonk members at the meeting, he said "buckle up," which was reiterated on the GameStop twitter account.
  5. Other twitter posts by GameStop and Keith Gill (/u/DeepFuckingValue on reddit, TheRoaringKitty on twitter, the major catalyst behind /r/wallstreetbets getting behind $GME before it was shilled and modded to oblivion and the migration to /r/superstonk) have been dropping cryptic hints about the squeeze a la Q.
  6. Early this year, after making his positions known and building hype on reddit about $GME, Keith Gill went dark on social media and in the media; after months, he returned a week or two ago with nothing but cryptic .gif files on twitter.

I want to take a break here by discussing what the Great Awakening is all about. Last night on Real America's Voice, the anchors were talking about how we were in the midst of the "third great awakening." If you are trying to wake people up, you have to focus on the people that disagree the most. Strategically, there is little to be gained from prodding those already pre-disposed to accept the true corrupt nature of the world that we live in. Trump did that for Republicans/conservatives and that phase of the mission is complete. Before the final act (for lack of a better term), resources are best spent preparing those who are in the deepest sleeps. From a political perspective, that would obviously be the majority of the left. /r/superstonk (and obviously the rest of reddit) has a pretty strong lefty spin. If you read what people are discussing there, they are accepting the corrupt nature of our financial markets. And that brings me to my next point: if you are trying to wake people up, you have to diversify the areas in which you focus. The culture war is one arena. Politics is another arena. Public health is yet another. I think the final arena in which we are doing battle is the financial arena. To me, this makes strategic sense, which I will try to show, although I think it's pretty clear where I'm now going with this:

  1. Conservatives were awoken in the political arena. The entire Trump saga targetted the media, political corruption, human trafficking & pizzagate, and much more. Audits are happening.
  2. Many moderates, conservative democrats, and liberal Republicans were awoken in the culture war. Critical race theory, transgender/pride movements, Black Lives Matter riots, etc. demonstrated just how rotten our postmodern culture is getting.
  3. Coronavirus is a battle still being waged in the public health arena, but it seems pretty clear that this has been a major waking point for people of all types, all over the world. Even many of the mask nazis in my classes (I go to a prestigious liberal arts university, one on par with Yale for wokeness) have stopped wearing masks in public and have been going out normally despite the continued fearmongering from the media and public officials.
  4. The economy and financial markets have a larger impact on peoples' lives than almost anything else, so this is the most important arena.
  5. The strong lefty reddit would be the primary benefactor of exposed corruption in financial markets.
  6. At the same time this $GME saga is happening, we have forensic audits in the political arena.
  7. Ryan Cohen, like Trump, gave public statements about his father and the importance of his influence on him.
  8. Ryan Cohen based Chewy out of Florida, which seems to be both the last stand and the headquarters of the Great Awakening (Trump and DeSantis).
  9. Strategically, it seems like you would want the strongest part of the plan to occur last.

With all of that said, I want to move onto conjecture. Tell me if any of these scenarios seem realistic:

  1. The $GME holders, who are adamant about not selling until they're stupid rich, will have the rug pulled out from under them by corrupt actors in the financial sector and governmental regulatory agencies. Regulatory agencies (e.g. the SEC) report that no wrongdoing was found. The media reports that no wrongdoing was found, everything is totally normal. People around the world awaken (there are $GME holders everywhere - for example, the Netherlands has thousands of shareholders); maybe Ryan Cohen & friends file lawsuits exposing the corruption.
  2. The $GME holders will get stupid rich, vindicating their beliefs that the system is corrupt and entirely broken. The ramifications of this is a major-scale economic meltdown worse than the Great Depression. (Fun fact: Michael Burry, one of the protagonists in The Big Short, the man who predicted the 2008 meltdown, is short on long-term treasury bonds by $170 million.) People around the world awaken as their livelihoods disappear after just a few months of a Biden presidency.
  3. No matter which scenario above happens, forensic audits conclude at the same time. Decertification of states' electoral votes happens at the same time people are losing their livelihoods in a few short days. This would be a storm if we ever saw one. Who knows what other bombshells (IFKYK) drop around the same time? Durham report? Sealed indictments unsealed? Maxwell testimony? Declassification of any number of things? I don't know.

No tl;dr here, this isn't rocket science, it's just observation and opinion from a dumb 20-something college student. Let me know what you think.